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I watched as Tankhun walked away. My mind flitted back to the conversation I had with Kinn 3 nights ago when he found out I had shouted at Tankhun.

He then finally filled me in on Tankhun's history, his sexual assault previously, and how he had been scarred by that. And Kinn's parting words to me, "He may be loud and quirky, but you will never find him deliberately seeking the attention of another man. Look carefully, Ken. Then you will realize it."

So, at the bar, instead of jumping in, I decided to quietly observe Tankhun, and that's when I realized that Kinn was indeed telling the truth. Especially when I saw that guy try to hit on him, and I saw how uncomfortable he got. I would have pummelled that guy myself, but Big told me to get Tankhun, and he did the job for me.

But it looks like my words had taken a toll on Tankhun. He was completely shutting me out. I went back to the Manor, and I found Tankhun in the dining hall having some snacks and food. I watched as he bossed the help around and had his usual meal. Sometimes, I really wanted to laugh at his sassiness.

I held back my laughter and went towards the dining hall. Tankhun saw me and looked down. A little while later, he told the help to send the food to his room, and he stood up, heading towards his room. I told the help to let me do it instead, and she nodded.

She passed me the food and I took it to Tankhun's room. I knocked on the door twice before he opened it. He was stunned to see me but just took the food quietly, thanked me, and was about to close the door on me when I stopped it with my foot.

He looked at me, stunned.

"Can we speak for a bit?"

Tankhun sighed but finally nodded. He opened the door wider and beckoned me in.  I went in, and Tankhun switched on the room lights instead of his blinking retro ones so the room was bathed in a hue of warm golden rays. I looked at Tankhun, who was arranging his food on the table. He looked so soft and vulnerable.

I just sat near him on the couch, and he moved a step away slightly. I didn't say anything.

"I wanted... to say sorry for my choice of words the other night.. I shouldn't have been so rude. I am....sorry.. "

Tankhun just smiled at me softly but didn't say a word. He just waved away my apology. He then proceeded to eat his dinner but stopped midway looking at me.

"Oh, I don't want any. Don't worry. You go on ahead."

He just glared at me. "No, if you are done, you can leave. I don't enjoy having people around me as I eat in my room."

"Oh!!" I quickly scrambled up, hastening my departure. I watched as Tankhun laid back in his seat, eating as he watched his drama.

This man was surely a character!

A Star Crossed Love [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now