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Saturday came by. It was a day off for me. I was contemplating between just chilling at home or going out for a drink. However, I thought of asking Tankhun out. I hardly see him go out, so I thought it would be nice to have him out.

I got dressed and went over to his room. I knocked on his door, but there was no response. I knocked again, but there was no response. I went away and queried with Big on where he was. Big told me that he was out running an assignment for his father.

Just then, Kinn sounded the emergency alarm, rallying all security. We found out that Tankhun had been captured by the opposing team and was being held against his will. Kinn drew up a rescue plan and broke us up into teams.

He looked at me and told me to follow him. I nodded. We went to the enemy's place and scattered out into teams. I followed closely behind Kinn, and we launched into our rescue plan. We found out that Tankhun was being held captive in a warehouse about 4 doors down. Kinn asked me to go whilst he kept the rest at bay. I nodded grimly and ran out to the warehouse. The door was locked, and I tried so hard to break open but failed.

I got so angry, and I shot at it multiple times until the lock came apart! I burst open the door, running in and saw Tankhun, unconscious and tied to the pillar!

"Tankhun!" I yelled! He stirred a bit and opened his eyes slowly to look at me. I almost cried in relief as I ran towards him. I untied his hands, and he fell into my arms. He was bleeding from the mouth and sporting bruises at his forehead and arms. I heard noises and turned around, but it was the rest of the guys! They told me to take Tankhun and leave. I nodded grimly as I carried him out.

I brought him back to the Manor, and the family doctor was called. I hovered around anxiously as the doctor treated him. The doctor gave me some instructions, and I nodded. I bent down to sit on his bed and watched Tankhun, who was asleep. I reached out to touch his face, and he stirred a bit, but luckily, he didn't wake up. The bruises looked so bad. I lightly touched his lips, which was sore and slightly swollen because of the beating he had gotten.

Tankhun stirred again, but he woke up this time. Shit! "I'm sorry for waking you up. Are you ok?"

Tankhun nodded and tried to sit up. I helped him up and he sat up as straight as he could.

"How did you guys...?"

"One of Kinn's informers in that gang called us. Why didn't you tell us where you were going?"

"I always told my dad that I would only do his jobs for him only if I was alone. I usually handled it ok but this time I think the drug lord had an idea so I was caught."

"But that was so dangerous! Imagine if anything had happened to you!"

"It's ok Ken. My brothers and I knew what we were signing up for when we chose to help our dad in his business. If I do die, it's fine. Everyone has to, at one point. It's just a matter of when. And for me, sometimes, death is best."

"Tankhun! Stop being so selfish! Have you ever thought of how everyone will be so sad if you are not around?!"

Tankhun just looked at me. "But why? Its normal. Us dying. In this industry. In this life we have chosen. And plus its not like I have someone to live for."

"Then me?! What about me? Don't you care about how I would feel if you aren't around anymore? Do you know how I nearly died when I found out you were caught and injured? My heart lurched out to you when I saw you all injured and hurt. I know how dangerous this life is. I am in it too. But, why can't you live for me and vice versa?!"

There was this gaping silence after my shouting match. I stood up, telling him to take care before I left the room. I opened the door only to find Kinn standing there. I was pretty sure he must have heard us. Or maybe not. But either way, I just left without a 2nd look at any of the Theerapanyakun brothers.

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