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I heard a scream down the hallway. It sounded a lot like Tankhun! What the fuck?! I glared angrily at the guys in front of me as I fought them.

I heard a sound and turned only to get whacked in the head by a metal bat by someone. I groaned as I went flying down. I looked up hapzardly and realized it was Ping. Fuck my life.

He was left alive from our last encounter but bloody mother fucker clearly had our blood out for revenge. I groaned as Ping kept kicking at me endlessly. The metal bat hit had rendered me cold.

I tried to stand up, and Ping took his gun out, about to shoot at me when I saw a shot being taken right at his head. I watched as he went down, out cold for good. I turned around only to see Tankhun standing there, bleeding out, holding his gun.

Fuck! "Tankhun!" I groaned as I then passed out, feeling a pool of blood starting to pool around me.

I woke up hours later to a very, very unfamiliar environment. That's when I realized that I was actually in a hospital. I woke up to seeing Vegas looking at me slightly alarmed, Macau and Chay clearly in distress.

I even saw my dad and Kim. Kim was fucking overseas, so for him to fly back; just how bad was it?

"Super. You almost died. You idiot. Not only you. Tankhun and Big almost bled out to death too. You fuckers."

I heard Kim growl lowly. Shit. BIG! I tried to sit up and groaned even more badly in pain. Kim helped me up, but the minute I was comfortable, he smacked me on my head.

"You, of all people, should have been more careful! Why didn't you just kill the damn man?!"

I stared flabbergasted at Kim. I expected my father or Vegas to shout at me, but Kim?

"Are Big and Tankhun ok?"

There was this deafening silence for a while. I looked at everyone, but no one was answering me.

"Answer me now! Are they ok?!?" I yelled!

Finally, Kim muttered, "Those nutheads probably eat the same crap as you. They both survived but have to be under intensive care for a while. You can see them later. But definitely definitely alive."

I nearly burst out crying but held myself back. I just nodded. I was desperate to see Big, but I couldn't make it so obvious. But then, I heard my father mutter, "But just bring Kinn to go see Big first."

I looked at my dad. He didn't say a word but just patted my shoulders and went out to settle the paperwork. I looked at Kim and Vegas, who just smirked at me. Despite my initial bravado, I just blushed lowly now.

Chay and Macau wheeled me out to go see Big, who was still sedated. I just reached out to hold onto his hand and just stayed close. I wasn't going to go till he woke up. If I could, I really didn't want to let him out of my sight anymore.

I was so over my head for this guy, wasn't I?

So so fucked. Not just physically but emotionally, too.

A Star Crossed Love [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now