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I watched as Kinn shook his head to my question. But that man hardly poked his nose into our guard room, so what was going on?

Unless he was looking for Porsche? I realized that ever since Porsche had joined us, Kinn has been trying to involve the guards more. However, Porsche had been assigned to Vegas on his request. I knew Porsche had a soft spot for Vegas, but it looked like Kinn was brewing one for him, too?

I watched as Kinn went off towards the dining hall. I went into the guards room and joined the guys where they were all playing poker. I sat on one of the armchairs and rested my hand casually on Ken's shoulders as they played. The rest of the boys heckled me that Tankhun would get jealous if he saw this. I just grinned, knowing that Ken would get annoyed at the teasing. We all chortled even louder as Ken continued glaring at us.

About 10 minutes later, though, the alarm rang. We were needed. So we just left our things as it was and grabbed our armoury and left. I found out Kinn was going to ambush and confront the drug lord, so we were separating into teams to take him down.

I was put in the secondary team, which was in charge of cleaning up any fallout. Ken and Tong were assigned to Kinn, and they went off. I hung back with my team, and we waited for further instructions.

A few minutes later, we could hear shots ringing out. As long as nobody was calling for us, all was good. Just as that thought ran through my head, I saw the drug lord running out. I started running towards him, and Kinn was chasing out after him, too!

I watched as the drug lord suddenly turned and fired a shot! I remembered screaming, "Kinnnnnn!"

But it was too late. I flinched slightly as I saw Kinn fall down from the shot. I turned my direction towards him, but I saw the drug lord right in my way. I looked briefly at Kinn who nodded shakily and I took the fucking shot. I shot him right at his temple. As the asshole went down, I went scrambling towards Kinn. I grabbed him in my arms.

The shot had pierced Kinn at his left shoulder. He was bleeding, but I would say he had a good chance of survival. The boys called the ambulance, and Kinn was rushed to the hospital. I still had to do my part, so I stayed on to make sure everything was cleaned off, essentially meaning there were no enemies left behind.

By the time my team was done, we got home close to 6 pm. I heard that Kinn had come home already and was recuperating in his own room with round the clock care. I went towards his room. I really wanted to check on him, but I was hesitant. Just then, his dad came out of his room. He saw me hovering outside.

He cocked his head curiously at me, but I kept glancing towards the door. Kinn's dad just asked me to go in. I waited till his dad left, and then I slipped into the room to check.

To my horror and yet very little shock, I found Kinn sitting up right, using his right hand to work on the laptop whilst his left hand remained in a sling. He was stunned to see me!

"What are you doing here?"

"I wanted to check in on you."

"I'm good. Recovering. Good shot earlier, by the way."

"Thank you, Sir. Why aren't you resting, by the way?"

"I am. What do you mean?"

I looked, slightly exasperated at this man. I just looked at the laptop on his lap and then his left arm. He just watched me quietly and then just assured me he had it.

I didn't want to say anything further. I just nodded and turned to leave. But as I left, I heard him ask the nurse to take the laptop away and to bring him another pillow.

I be honest, a little smile did creep up on my face, listening to him take some advice.

Especially when it was mine.

A Star Crossed Love [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now