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I laid back, choosing to rest instead. Big left, and I decided to watch some TV finally after years. I flipped through the channels but couldn't find something fun to watch.

What did people even watch these days? I realized I was so caught up in my life that I never knew how to take a break. I would call Sun over but with my arm like this, what the fuck. I couldn't fucking perform and he was a bottom in and out. He always refused to put in any hard work.

I sighed. I hadn't gotten some in ages, and this was annoying me. I climbed out of bed slowly; assuring my nurse that I will be careful. I decided to take a walk. I went out slowly and was just walking around in the gardens when I heard some sounds from the pavilion. I walked towards it and saw the most astonishing sight ever. I watched as Ken leaned in to kiss Big. But merely 2 seconds later, Big pushed him away, and he said something to Ken, who just looked chastised. Ken nodded and just turned and walked away in the opposite direction from me. I was about to go away when Big turned and saw me. His eyes opened big, and I was stunned myself. I didn't expect him to have turned in my direction. I felt like a deer caught in the headlights.

I quickly turned, not sure if I should stay. I took a step forward, then stopped, then did it again. Suddenly, I heard Big's voice behind me.


I stopped. "Yes?"

"Whatever you saw, please don't tell anyone else. I....I don't want anyone knowing, especially P Tankhun. He likes Ken.. but Ken.. I don't like Ken that way, and I made it clear. But.."

I just nodded. I heard Big sigh in relief, and then he came closer.

"Should I bring you back to the room?"

I nodded. Big came closer and held onto my right arm and walked with me to my room. I sighed softly, mulling over what I just saw. We were just about to reach the Manor when the alarm went off. Shit. There were intruders. Before we could react, gunshots came flying. Big just dove in front of me and whipped his gun out!

He pushed me into the house and shut the front door on me! I could hear gunshots going off, and before I knew it, I was surrounded by my security. 2 of them shielded me back to my room. I was fucking angry, and wanted to unleash hell but was stopped firmly by my dad.

"Fuck this! He's out alone. Go help him then!" I screamed at my dad.

I paced the room endlessly whilst waiting to hear news. About an hour later, my door was finally unlocked. I opened it only to come face to face with a bruised Big who was otherwise very much alive.

"Why did you do that?!" I slapped him in anger. Big just stood stoic, mumbling something.

"What?! Speak up!" I growled.

"I wasn't going to let you die. I'm your security. My job is to make sure you are alive. Not dead."

I glared silently at Big. "You could have died, idiot!"

"The pleasure is all mine, Sir. I'm here to serve you and your family."

I stared at Big. He, what did he think he was doing?! I turned to look at my nurse.

"Leave me alone. Leave this room now." She nodded fearfully and left. I pulled Big into the room and locked the door. He looked at me confused.

"Why are you even doing this much?! Doesn't your life matter to you?"

Big stared at me sullenly.

"When you hired me, you said death is definitely in the contract. You told me to be ready for it any time. And now you are asking me this?"

I punched the door in anger and frustration. Knowing he could have lost his life was getting to me. The way he dove in front of me to protect me from the bullets still ran through my head.


"Kinn. Call me Kinn."

Big looked at me silently for a bit before muttering, "Kinn.."

The minute the word escaped his lips, I grabbed Big instantly in a kiss. But this time, Big didn't push me away. In fact, a little while later, I felt him recipocrate.

He kissed me back.

A Star Crossed Love [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now