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I watched as Kinn walked off. I know he was pissed with me. Well, I am pissed with myself, too. For being so cowardly towards him.

I sighed as I turned to go back into the Manor. I bumped into him as he was going down the hallway to the drawing room. He looked agitated and a little worried.

" everything ok?"

"It's Sir for you, Big. Not quite. Tankhun got into a spot of trouble at the bar area. The boys are bringing him back, but I heard Ken got a little injured in the fray."

My eyes widened hearing that.

"Do you want me to go meet them midway and bring them back?"

Kinn shook his head, stating it wasn't necessary, but he wanted me to amp up patrol and security around the Manor. I nodded. I went off to get my remaining team, and we planned it out. As I was heading out to the perimeter of the Manor, I watched as Kinn went towards the meeting room. From my vantage point, I could see that room clearly, and for the next 30 minutes, he was on the phone whilst pacing up and down.

The boys came back with Tankhun, all bruised and hurt with Ken having taken the largest hit. The medical team was ready to receive them. Ken had suffered a deep laceration and needed blood. I offered to donate as we were of the same blood group, and we were in a tight crunch.

I laid down as the medical team set up the blood donation. Once it was completed, they told me to go rest a bit. I just nodded and went out, but I was about to head back to my vantage point when Kinn held onto my hand. I looked at him. He pulled me along the corridor and down the hallway into his room. He had set up a tray of some snacks and a hot drink.

"Stay here, rest for a bit. Do not go out unless I authorise it."

"K...sir.. It's not necessary. I'm fine. Absolutely."

"Rest Big. Don't fight me on this."

I was about to retort when Kinn pulled out the boss card. I fell silent, knowing I had brought this upon myself. I sighed. I just nodded and sat down on his bed. He left me alone in the room, only returning about 3 hours later.

"How do you feel?"

I replied that I felt better, and I even ended up napping a bit. I sat up straighter, about to get off his bed. He told me to stay put and rest for the night. I watched as he grabbed his pyjamas and headed towards the door. I quickly stood up, grabbing his wrist.

"Where are you going?"

"I'm going to the guest room to sleep."

"You can sleep here. You don't have to go to the guest room, do you?"

"I think it's best I sleep in a separate room. I don't think the boss and employee seen together in the same room would be ideal. You had made that very clear the other day."

I stared at Kinn soberly. I knew he was still pissed with me. I don't blame him at all. But it still stung to hear the words from him. I gripped his wrist even more tightly.

"Please. I know you are angry with me for the way I had behaved. But please don't leave. Just.just. stay here, please."

Kinn fell quiet. I really thought he was going to be stubborn and leave the room, but he finally nodded. I let go of his wrist slowly.

He showered, changed, and came out. He nursed a glass of whisky and finally laid down, turning to his left. He didn't say a single word to me at all. It was like as if I didn't exist at all.

And that was fucking hurting me. Majorly.

A Star Crossed Love [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now