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I was having my wounds dressed again whilst Ken waited outside. He wanted to follow me in, and I chased him out.

Once I was done, I came out to him being on the phone. Unfortunately, Vegas needed help, and he had to leave. I told him to head on and I waited for the receptionist to call me. I collected the medicines and was about to make payment when she said all had been settled. I frowned. Who could have done it? I asked if it was Ken, and my blood almost turned cold when she said it was a Mr Kinn who called the clinic and did it. I sighed. He must have gotten the information out of Ken and did this.

I just thanked her and left. I went out about to hail an Uber when I saw Kinn waiting outside.

"Shall we go?" He asked me. I was stunned. What the heck was he thinking, being here in the open so casually?!

I walked up to him as quickly as I could! I muttered lowly, "Sir, what are you doing here?! You do realize you really shouldn't be seen in public so casually."

Kinn just shrugged his shoulders and asked me to get in. This was the frustrating thing about him. He can be so stubborn sometimes, doing what he wanted without a care for his safety. I knew he was capable of looking after himself, but still?!

He always went off by himself, and I had to literally chase him to be around him. And now this! I sighed as I boarded the car, and he drove back, albeit in silence. We didn't say a single word, and one would think that was all there was to it.

But once we got to the Manor, he looked over at me and pushed an envelope towards me.

"Keep it for your medical expenses. Next time if you want more, come to me."

I looked at the envelope in low-key horror and also a slow anger building up. Kinn had left after he had said that. I didn't even open the envelope. I got out of the car and went over to his room. I knocked on the door once, then twice. He finally opened it, stunned to see me.

"What is it? Not enough? Hang on. Let me get..." Before he could complete his sentence, I shoved the envelope back into his hands.

"What do you think you are doing? Did I ask you for money? Why are you even giving me?"

"I heard you say you weren't able to afford the company doctor.. so.."

"Sir, he charges like 100 per hour. Of course, that's expensive to me. It doesn't mean I don't have money. Not everyone sees such an expensive doctor. I can see one well within my means, and they are all good. What, why, I mean what we're you even thinking?!" I sputtered angrily.

Before Kinn could answer, I turned and left, hopping mad. I knew if I stayed there; I would probably do something and end up losing my job!

All these rich idiots I have to work with! I rolled my eyes and went back to my room, also painfully aware that I may have just made a new enemy within my boss.

A Star Crossed Love [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now