CHAPTER TEN ~ Melancholic

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"There's no hole."

I twist my head around to where a group of scouts stand, that include Hange, Eren, Mikasa, Armin, Zariya, Gen, Jean, Sasha, and more. Mr Hannes clings onto the edge of the wall in front of them, talking to them; I assume he's the one that said that there's no hole.

He must be talking about the wall, since it was originally thought that the titans broke through the wall and started running free. But if there's no hole in the wall, then how on earth did they get here?

Historia lifts her head from my shoulder to look over as well, and I slowly get up from my kneeling position, holding out my hands to help Historia up after me. She gratefully takes my assistance, and I pull her up onto her feet. Only when I'm sure she's stably up, I let go of her hands; she dusts off the back of her skirt before Monique steps forward next to us, and we walk over to the rest of the group.

"What's going on?" I ask Jean, who stands at the back of the group. I gently tug on his jacket to get his attention, to which he slowly turns his head to look at me. The muttering from Mr Hannes, Eren and Armin are too indistinct to make sense of and listen into to get information from, so Jean was my next best shot at finding out what's happening; until I spot Zariya, who stands just in front of him and beside him, looking at me and then Jean. Honestly, Zariya may have been the better person to ask. Who knows what Jean will say.

"Mr Hannes and his troop said that they were searching all night for the breach in the wall but never found one," he responds quietly, bending down closer to my ear, his words making my heart beat against my chest.

"Well, that's impossible! Right? They had to come from somewhere, surely they couldn't have just appeared inside the wall?" I shout back in a whisper, snapping my head up to him. Jean just shrugs back at me and stands up straight again.

"Hmm..." Hange thinks to herself, "If there's no hole in the wall, we don't have a choice. Let's go to Trost District and wait on standby."

Other scouts begin filing away, and I stand watching them walk after Hange as I remain beside Jean, Monique and Historia.

"This is all so confusing," Monique groans, putting her forehead in her hand.

"Mhm," I hum in agreement.

My feet feel stuck to the floor, as if my whole body needs a moment to stop and process everything, to have a small break even just for a few seconds.

Mr Hannes goes back down to the ground after discussing with Eren, Mikasa, and Armin for a little while longer. Zariya, Gen, and Jacob stand together just behind them, talking amongst themselves too, while the rest of us just stand around, absorbing the information that we've just been given.

"Eren," Reiner suddenly appears beside Eren. I turn my head in their direction, watching them from a distance.

"What is it?" Eren responds.

"We need to talk to you about something."

I realise that Bertholdt is standing just behind him, waiting patiently for him. As I watch him closer, I notice he has sort of a nervous look on his face, as if something is going on that only he knows about. I brush it off; Bertholdt was too nice, too loyal, to be involved in anything or know of anything dangerous that he would keep a secret.

"So," Jean randomly starts, trying to break the silence that obviously only he thought was awkward, "how's the two-days-without-sleep going for you?"

It takes me a second to realise he's talking to me, "oh, uh, fine. Well, you know, I'm very tired; but oh well."

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