coffee machines and empty kitchens

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The kitchen was empty now.

Carl remembered when they had replaced the ugly broken tables and chairs in the kitchen with the cute little bistro tables they had now. Everyone in the office had complained that there wouldn't be enough places for everyone to sit at lunch time, and people would have to eat at their desks.

But now the tables and chairs were always empty.

Carl refilled his coffee from the Nespresso machine that had replaced the automatic coffee machine they used to have. The email that had gone out explained that since the automatic coffee machine required a minimum coffee order, and since they could no longer meet the minimum coffee order, it had been replaced by the Nespresso machine. They encouraged everyone to bring in their own pods as the company would only be stocking two varieties of pods and a decaf option, and that they would only be refilling the pod stocks once every two weeks.

Carl took his coffee and stared out the window at the skeleton of a new building where his favourite restaurant had once been.

"Missing Panini Plus?" a voice behind him said.

Carl turned around. "Yeah," he said to Kevin. "Do you know what happened to that building?"

"From what I understand," Kevin said, "there was a fire in the building during the first lockdown and there was a lot of damage. According to Sam, they started renovating, but then just gave up and tore down the building. I think he said that was during second lockdown. It was an empty lot for a while."

Carl nodded. "I wonder if Panini Plus will open in the new building."

"I wouldn't hold my breath," Kevin said, sipping his coffee. "Almost all the restaurants around here closed."

"So where are we supposed to eat?"

"I don't know."

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