Chapter 7: Mechanical Mayhem

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Normal: Dialogue, Narrations

Italics: Thoughts

Bold: A/N, Quotes, Reality change

Bold + Italics: Songs lyrics, Voice on speaker

Bold + Underline: Dimension change information

[] + Bold: Recording, Chat logs, Small Timeskips and Flashbacks

(A/N: All the images or gifs or videos used do not belong to me, they belong to the respective owners)

Jaune was monitoring Atlas as his next base of operations, he knew that the system has not been upgraded for the past few years as he was next to Arthur, Bleiss and Cinder, as they all were the ones that he had called to assist Jaune in taking down Penny. Arthur then spoke with a smile, "I have the virus ready, we just need to connect it with the systems..."

"I see...well then, let begin..." Jaune spoke, he then explained the plan to his team, "Since Atlas is known to be arrogant and ignorant, we can easily enter into their base and do what we have to do. It would be a simple take down mission..we deal with the guards, heading to their Upper Levels, that is where Penny frequents, to check in on logs and recordings belonging to Atlas, as well as to interact with her father Pietro Polendina. That way we can take her down and install the Virus created by Arthur..." Arthur nodded in understanding as Jaune continued, 

"Initially our virus's goals were simple, they were meant to compromise her systems and make her loyal and subservient to us, while pretending to be on their side. But Issei suggested us something different, instead he told us to make it something else, she will still be in control of her body, but we will monitor what Atlas is doing while taking control of her body without her even knowing it. When the real allegiance is revealed during the Vytal Festival, then we will completely make her loyal and subservient to us...the can replicate itself similar to a Trojan Horse making it seem like it is a common program in her system.." Jaune explained everything to his team who all nodded in agreement, as Arthur spoke with a growl. 

"I am going to enjoy what we have planned for Atlas tonight, and I can finally get my revenge against Atlas and that Fat Imbecil for what he had done to me!" Arthur spoke angrily to which Jaune responded

"Patience Arthur, you will get your killing strike, but we must make haste, that way we can make sure that we gain the upper hand against them..and deal with Penny.." Arthur took a deep breath to calm  himself while the group nodded while Cinder had a snicker seeing Arthur's state as they all headed to the location where Penny was present. 

Today was the day she is dealt with. 

Opening Start

(A/N: Play from 0:00 to 1:05)

[Ideals full of traps, excuses for comfort, Gonna say I told you so, Hope taken away, Shortcut to be a star]
Jaune was standing in the abyss, looking at the being viewed flashes of his past.
His friends and family looking at him with disdain as he looks away

[Wasn't born to raise the bar, Deceptive justice is like an alarm that no one can trigger]
The scene changes to Issei watching his misery, while remembering silhouettes of his past.
Fists clenching as he is determined to help him. He makes his plan

[Failing feeling, Don't clean up the emotions of joy, anger, sorrow, and pleasure]
Issei makes a deal and Jaune accepts, knowing no one will care for the Arc

[Let your voice be free. Let's get 'em]
Jaune soon widens his eyes, as he looks at a white and black haired girl, clenching his fist seeing her helpless, he decides to clash.

[So givin' yourself, Ya givin' yourself]
Jaune fight against the Arc Family, as he clashes against several allies of the clan.
A masked man fights against the Chronos, and a Blue Skinned man watches the fights

[The best shot, Be givin' yourself, Ya givin' yourself]
Issei is seen looking at Jaune's progress with a smile, as several of Jaune's allies assist him in taking over Remnant.
The Arcs try to fight against the Troopers, as they wonder how many of them are there.

[The best shot, Don't you gotta get solo?]
Jaune looks at his former team-mates coldly, as he now turns his back on them.
They are shocked at this, as Jaune walks his own path, much to their anger.

[What you gonna get?, Swear it!]
Yang tries to fight against Jaune, along with her friends, only for Jaune to humiliate them.
A shadowy Dog is seen beside him, looking at them coldly, as they shudder with fear.

[Don't you dare forget Solo, Ya give it your best shot!]
Ozpin and the others looked at Jaune with sadness, as the professors wallow in pain and defeat.
The Professors and the Headmaster are defeated by Jaune's hands, as he gives a shadowy aura.

[Go reach out to get ya...Gotta]
Jaune soon enters into a chamber where his generals await his next orders, as he gives them a grin.
Esdeath is seen opposite to Jaune as they fight.

[Go reach out to get ya...Just]
Issei walks towards a compound, as he faces a Blonde haired man with a spear in his hand.
The scene changes to Issei looking at him in the hospital, as he could be seen crying with Issei smirking.

[Go reach out to get ya....Get up, reach out for it]
The scene changes to Jaune clashing with several people which have a particular brand on them, with a Pink Haired boy looking at Jaune in disbelief.
Jaune looks at the boy, and clashes against him.

[Go reach out to get ya...Gotta]
The scene changes to Jaune looking at Issei and Nyx, along with some figures present in the darkness.
Yuri is seen imprisoned in a jail, watching as two men in suits look at her mockingly.

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