Chapter 25: Terror and Dread

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Normal: Dialogue, Narrations

Italics: Thoughts

Bold: A/N, Quotes, Reality change

Bold + Italics: Songs lyrics, Voice on speaker

Bold + Underline: Dimension change information

[] + Bold: Recording, Chat logs, Small Timeskips and Flashbacks

(A/N: All the images or gifs or videos used do not belong to me, they belong to the respective owners)

Vale Hospital, Vale, 9:30 PM

Ruby was seated in her hospital bed, it has been several months since she was here. Almost everyone has awakened from their induced comatose states, and they were not happy with their loss towards Jaune, they were extremely bitter with some demanding a rematch, thinking that they can win a second time. 

She sighed in sadness, her mother had informed her that she would visit her often, along with her father and uncle. 

Unaware that she has been doing this on Issei's command to make them think that she is on their side. 

"What is going to happen now..." Ruby trailed off, knowing that they lost. She remembered Jaune releasing Yuri from prison, and dared Mason to do something about it, something he despises to this very day. She hated that a criminal like her is moving scot free and there was nothing they could do about it. 

Her mindset of heroism made her truly näive as a result she only trusted those that either belonged to her family or were told by her family that they were the Good Guys. Since, this was the only source of information she could get. This included listening to her friends as well. 

Hence when Yang and Weiss drilled it into her head that Jaune is a villain and a criminal. She believed it to be the case, even believing it to be justified that he was getting arrested, despite feeling sad for it. 

When Jaune returned and he showed up with a powerful Semblance, she believed that it was his duty to help others, to defend the innocent and to protect the ones that can't be protected. She hated the fact that he ignored Blake's parents who were brutally killed by the Empire. 

But he refused which naturally angered her given the stories she had heard from her mother, however his challenge which resulted in Yuri's release really enraged her, since an inmate of the Gu Prison was the worst of the worst in existence. Humans and Faunus that are sent there are the worst people in existence. Criminals, terrorists, murderers, rapists, those are the people that are sent there and are meant to remain imprisoned for as long as their sentence is. 

In her eyes, she wasn't sure on whether Jaune really deserved this, but she knew justice has been served, completely oblivious to the hellish living conditions of that Prison. 

Not only was Jaune able to escape the punishment, but in her eyes, he was able to defy true justice and not even Huntsmen and Huntresses could stop him or the Armored Warrior. Something that would never sit right with her due to her mindset of heroes always winning over the villains. 

Worse, he was able to get whatever he wanted, and nobody could stop him in any way. He took down anyone that opposed him, drilled fear into the hearts of those that dared get in his way and eventually released Yuri while no one could oppose him in any manner. He even ripped off Mason's arms and dared anyone else to do something about it. 

Her thoughts were snapped by Ozpin speaking, "Miss Rose..may I enter?" 

Ruby looked to see Ozpin as she spoke, "Headmaster Ozpin?" 

"I was going to call you for Dinner since most of your friends are there in the Canteen but I still need to pay some of your hospital bills. The wounds and damages done to you all still need to be paid, some part is remaining since most of the medicine and material needed to recover from your injuries were missing. So the costs weren't properly calculated due to the monitoring and reviewing of the supplies. Also, the Healing Semblance users also needed to be paid since their job is done. You will be discharged from the Hospital tomorrow morning and you will begin classes in the next two days..." Ruby nodded solemnly looking down, realising what has happened and on how much Ozpin had to pay due to what Jaune had done. Ozpin noticed this and spoke

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