Samuel Howlett

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Name-Samuel Aaron Summers

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Name-Samuel Aaron Summers

Date of Birth-November 22th, 1900

Age-17/136 then 140

Place of Birth-Westchester, New York


Powers-Superhuman Strength, Superhuman Durability, Superhuman Speed, Superhuman Agility, Superhuman Senses, Animal Empathy,
Regenerative Healing Factor, Longevity, Contaminant Immunity, Superhuman Stamina, Atmospheric Adaptation, Psychic Resistance, Retractable Claws, Feral Mind

Abilities-Master Martial Artist, Weapon Proficiency, Skilled Leader, Stealth Mastery, Multilingualism

Mutant Status-Activated


Unnamed Mother (Deceased)

Unnamed Maternal Grandmother (Deceased)

Unnamed Maternal Grandfather (Deceased)

Elizabeth Howlett- Paternal Grandmother (Deceased)

Thomas Logan-Grandfather (Deceased)



Laura-Half Little Sister

Love Interest-Hope Mikaelson and Anthony Summers

Portrayed By-Jamie Campbell Bower

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