Chapter Twenty: Stay the Hell Away From Me

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(Just pretend it's Hope

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(Just pretend it's Hope. This is when she uses her powers against her 'family'.)

"Hope!" Astrid yelled again.

Andrea waw struggling to keep her temper in check. She wouldn't lash out in front of her children. It's bad enough that her hormones were still out of balance from giving birth to Grant and Trevor's babies but this was pushing her limits.

"Drea?" Anthony asked as he walked over with Sam.

He noticed his mates tense body language and saw she was looking at a group of people. More specifically the Mikaelson's.

He saw the Jackson's looking on in concern and moving closer to Andrea.

"Kol, Elijah and Ella, can you go over to Auntie Lolita." Anthony sighed as asked his children.

"Okay papi." Ella said to her father and they ran over to Lolita who took them away.

The Mikaelson's, feeling safe began to walk towards Andrea but she immediately started to back up.

"No, you stay the hell away from me." Andrea snarled as she continued to back up.

"Hope please." Astrid begged by that seemed to only make the auburn angrier.

"Don't speak to me as if we're familiar. You don't get that right." Andrea sneered.

"We're sorry Hope. Come home." Hayley pleaded.

"DON'T call me Hope. I am home so you can kiss my ass." The auburn spat.

The others moved quickly so as to try and defuse the situation.

"Is there a problem here?" Addy asked glaring at the Mikaelson's.

"No love. Why don't you leave us to talk to our daughter." Klaus said rudely.

Abby actually started laughing. "I'm sorry there must be some sort of mistake here. This is our daughter, and you're upsetting her." Abby told them.

Hayley growled, and Addy hissed both of their supernatural faces on display.

"Please. Don't do this now." Andrea pleaded to her mother.

Addy saw the look on her daughter's face and put her vampire face away, albeit reluctantly.

Andrea quickly put a barrier spell that only people Andrea's loved could get through.

"Leave. You're not welcome here." The auburn said to her biological family.

"Love." Klaus began before he was abruptly cut off by the second born. "No! Don't think that after 20 years you could suddenly waltz into my life and play perfect family! I have a family and it most certainly doesn't involve any of you."

Andrea could see the effect of her words on her biological family but she could honestly care less how they felt.

She watched as Astrid tried to walk closer but bounced off the barrier.

"Please." Astrid whispered but it was too late.

"You need to leave. Now. Next time I won't be nice." Andrea told them and backed into Samuel's arms.

Klaus growled at that. No man would ever be good enough for this girl.

"Get your hands off of my daughter." Klaus snarled, and Cal didn't back down, he growled as well and pulled her closer.

"You have no right to speak to her. Hell to even look at her. So why don't you go back where you came from, and leave my mate and her family alone." Samuel snarled as uses superhuman strength to throw a rock and then Klaus to the nearest wall.

Without another word Andrea grabbed Anthony and Samuel and before speeding off.

They of course went to the agreed upon spot where Lolita was with the children before speeding once again.

When they arrived back to the school, it was pain to see that Andrea wasn't alright.

Samuel and Anthony knew the best thing was to give her a bit of space to process everything. Davina, Kole and Elijah of course had sensed that there was something wrong with their mother but like their dad they gave her bit of space.

Andrea was sitting in the shower with the water running. She didn't even take her clothes off, she just sat down in the shower and let the water rain down.

"Firecracker?" She recognized that voice anywhere.

As soon as Kol, Elijah and Davina had heard from John, Vincent and Abby about the Mikaelson's trying to talk to Andrea they knew they were the only ones who could get through to the auburn.

They along with Keelin and Marcel had a quite literally sneak out of the school.

She heard the door open and the curtains were pulled back by her Aunt Davina.

"Auntie V?" Andrea usually strong voice, coming out as nothing more than a whimper, showing that in a sense she was still a child.

"Oh Firecracker." Davina sighed and sat down next to the tub after shutting off the water.

The auburn watched her aunt mouth something to someone outside the door and soon, Kol, Elijah, Keelin, and Marcel sat down next to the tub as well.

"Why were you sitting there Andi?" Keelin asked the girl who was still somewhat staring off into space.

It worried them a lot. She was acting the way she used to when she was a child. She was closing in on herself again, and it terrified them.

"I thought by sitting there for a little bit, I could drown in something other than my own thoughts." Andrea whispered, feeling helpless.

The five of them felt helpless as well watching their Firecracker break all over again.

Samuel could hear the conversation that his and Anthony's mate was having some of her family members and he and Anthony were pissed. Their mate was hurting because of the Mikaelson's. Kol, Elijah and Davina went to where the party seemed to be and began trying to cheer their mother up.

There will be hell to pay for hurting her.

The only question is: Are the Mikaelson's ready for the storm that is approaching them?

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