Chapter Twelve: Finn

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"Where am I?" The question was repeated after no one answered the oldest Original brother,

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"Where am I?" The question was repeated after no one answered the oldest Original brother,

"You're in New York City, New York. My name is Andrea. Well Hope Andrea but I don't go by my first name anymore. I'm your niece." The auburn girl stepped forward with her hands in a 'I surrender' gesture as to not scare her uncle.

"My niece? That's not possible. We are abominations. We cannot have children." Finn stayed confused. He was looking at the girl who was now in her cat form who had just spoken and he had to admit, she did look like a Mikaelson despite of her appearance.

"My biological father was the Original Hybrid. He was technically half living so he ended up getting my biological mother pregnant with my twin and I. I left them behind after they didn't care and me being a mutant. Uncle Elijah and Uncle Kol asked me to bring you back." Destiny explained.

"Elijah? Kol? Of all people they were the one who asked to bring me back?" Finn echoed as if not believing it.

Andrea nodded rapidly and handed Finn a note. She had found it taped inside the lid of the urn and it was written to Finn.

He looked at it confused for a moment before opening it up and reading it. She watched as his face portrayed a myriad of emotions before finally settling on what seemed to be understanding.

"Uncle Finn, this is my adoptive Aunt Harper and my adoptive brother Derek. Everyone else is out right now, but they'll be home soon." Andrea introduced.

Finn finally looked at someone other than Andrea and he almost froze when he looked at Harper. He never thought he would find someone after Sage but his goddess in front of him seemed to be his redemption.

Harper's cheeks turned a light crimson after seeing the Mikaelson man's eyes fall on her. She wasn't used to attraction. Addy was the one who usually received the attention from men.

Derek and Andrea shared almost identical smirk, if you don't know any better they meant for each other. They could see the two were smitten. Anyone could really.

"It is a pleasure to meet you milady." Finn said as he kissed Harper's hand.

Derek and Andrea snorted quietly but were still heard by the two vampire.

"And of course you as well young man." Finn greeted Derek, who gave him a smile in response.

"Hey D. Let's give them some space. Andrea really wants to spend some time with you to get to know you better so we're gonna go. Don't worry just stay our names if you need us." Harper said as she and Derek scampered from the room.

Andrea approached her uncle nervously while he just as nervous. "I don't bite. Especially not my niece." Finn said and Andrea snorted in response.

"Well that's nice to know. I'm sorry that this is being sprung on you." The auburn apologized as she sat next to next to him on the couch.

"You don't have to apologize. My youngest brother has explained everything for once. I'm impressed that you were able to complete a resurrection spell. Those are quite complex." Finn reasoned and then praised.

"Well Aunt Harper and Derek helped out. I don't think I would have been able to do it without them." The auburn admitted softly.

"From what Elijah and Kol had said in their letter you are quite intelligent so I don't doubt that you were majority of the reason that I'm back. Of course help is always good. It takes a big person to admit they need help." Finn told her.

"Is there anything you would like to do?" Andrea ask after a few moments of comfortable silence.

"I'd like to maybe shower and change out of these clothes. I fear that I smell." The man joked which made his niece start laughing.

"Yeah! Of course, I'll show you where the bathroom is." The tribrid said and showed her uncle where the shower was and brought him a spare change of clothes that she stole from Grant's closet knowing he wouldn't mind.

While Finn was in the shower the rest of the family arrived home.

They noticed how nervous Andrea was and tried their best to calm her down.

When Finn walked back downstairs after his shower he was introduced to the rest of the family.

It felt strange for him to be welcomed into a family when he felt he was barely welcome in his own family.

He observed his recently discovered niece and saw how she almost fit perfectly with the Jackson's. Reading the letter that Elijah and Kol had left him earlier had made him feel disgusted with his siblings. This was a child. She deserved to be loved by the rest of the family to be loved by the of the family but was instead brushed aside. In that moment he was never more grateful for Elijah and Kol.

He was shaken out of his thoughts when he heard the loud laugh of his niece, she was fell on the ground and being hit on the back by Grant who said it was a cure for the hiccups. Finn laughed with everyone else and realized, he was right where he should be, even if he is a vampire.

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