Grant Williams

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Name-Grant Dylan Williams

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Name-Grant Dylan Williams

Date of Birth-August 17th, 1901

Age-18/137 then 141

Place of Birth-Paris, France. His family moved to New Orleans in 1910


Date Turned-August 1st, 1918

Age When Turned-18

Cause of Death-Smallpox


Vivian Williams-Mother (Deceased)

Daniel Williams-Father (Deceased)

Davina Claire-Adopive Sister (Through Marcel Gerard)

Kol Mikaelson-Adoptive Brother-in-Law (Through Davina Claire)

Marcel Gerard-Adoptive Father

Hope Andrea Mikaelson- No-Blood-Related

Addy Jackson-Adoptive Mother

John Jackson-Adoptive Father

Vincent Jackson-Adoptive Father

Harper Wright-Adoptive Aunt

Harmony Jackson-Adoptive Little Sister

Derek Jackson-Adoptive Little Brother

Love Interest-Trevor Shaw

Portrayed By-Austin Butler

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