Chapter Twenty-One: Sorry Doesn't Cut It

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Third POV

Anthony and Samuel were out the door in less than five minutes after they found out where the Mikaelson's house was.

Needless to say they were pissed.

They had called Erik and explained the situation and they were also on their way to the Mikaelson's house.

No one messes with Firecracker.

He waited albeit impatiently until the rest of the X-men arrived.

Anthony and Samuel were relieved when they finally showed up. They were surprised though when the first person out of the car was Jean Grey.

"Whose brain am I frying?" Jean seethed as she walked over to Anthony and Samuel.

"No one's. Yet." Charles replied as everyone else exited the car.

In turn Summer's fashion the three summers used the powers to the door was promptly broke the door in.

The Mikaelson jumped in shock.

Suddenly the two Original Vampire and the three hybrids were on their knees as Jean gave them a mental blast.

Erik gave the telepath woman a disappointing look but made no move to stop her. Raven and Mariposa looked amused as they groaned in pain. Freya was trying to stop her but it was if there was a metal shield on their minds. (And there was courtesy of Charles Xavier)

Mariposa stepped over the telepath redhead and placed and comforting hand on her shoulder and Jean stopped. She had slightly sheepishly looked on her face as she saw their noses and eyes bleeding from the mental blast she gave them.

"Jean, don't hurt their kind." Erik said to Jean as she nodded.

"Who the bloody hell are you?" Rebekah asked as she slowly regained strength.

"Who we are none of your concern. Just know that your presence is not welcome here and we kindly ask that you leave." Erik said in a no emotional tone.

"Your Hope's mates." Hayley said as she recognized Anthony and Samuel.

"Yes. We are. You are the reason our mates is currently in the middle of an emotional breakdown. It's better for everyone if you leave." Samuel said in distaste as he looked at the Mikaelson's.

"You have no right to command us to do anything! She is our daughter." Klaus sneered.

"Really? You certainly didn't treat like you daughter. Do you even know anything about her?" They were met with silence. "Exactly! So don't claim that she is your daughter." Samuel growled.

"You've been warned." Raven said as she walked out the door, no longer wanting to look at the people who caused her best friend pain.

"It's in Andrea's best interest for you all to leave." Mariposa spoke with finality.

Once everyone had left the house Klaus and Hayley looked at each other, an unspoken conversation happening.

They were more determined than ever to get their daughter back and apologize.

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