Chapter Twenty-Five: Funny You're The Broken One

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Andrea sat in Anthony's lap as he and Sam looked over the newest student's profile, wanting her to help figure out who needs help controlling their powers

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Andrea sat in Anthony's lap as he and Sam looked over the newest student's profile, wanting her to help figure out who needs help controlling their powers.

"Base on their mutant level is looks a very strong powers with a hit of insecurities. Whoever powers are is clearly scared about hurt others. They're a telepath, that's for sure. The leave there very new about their powers, you can almost see the abuse they went through." Andrea said as they showed her the kids images.

"They are also going to again humans and the supernatural. Something we picked up on their history with humans and the supernatural is that they were werewolves. They were untriggered." Sam spoke and watched as Andrea tensed slightly.

"Hey, they aren't going to go after triplets. They're safe with us, and the rest of the family." Anthony spoke as he figured out the cause of her nerves.

"I can't help but worry. They both have the werewolf gene." The auburn replied.

"No one will get near the triplets, love. You know Sammy and I would never allow it. Let alone your mother." Anthony spoke to his and Sam's mate and smiled slightly as she snorted.

"Very true." Andrea said and was still laughing slightly.

"Mommy?" A timid voice and the three turned to see Ella standing there with teary eyes.

"Oh what's the matter baby?" Andrea asked as she scooped up the three year old.

"Bad dream." She whispered.

"Oh I'm sorry baby. But it's okay you're here. You're safe." The auburn comfort her daughter.

Ella practically dumped out her mother's arms in order to reach her father.

Andrea watched as Sam comforted the little girl. She honestly never got sick of seeing them with the triplets.

She touched her hand to Ella's and searched her subconscious for the bad dream to see what had made her so upset.

As a tribrid she didn't have to physically make contact with Ella to search her subconscious as her childlike mind wouldn't even notice but Andrea did it more for comfort.

She saw quick flashes of the dream but one thing stood out.

The Mikaelson's.

She was afraid of them and that broke Andrea's heart. It wasn't the fact that they were supernatural creatures that scared Ella. It was the fact that they made Andrea upset that made Ella afraid.

"What did you see?" Sam asked lowly so Ella didn't hear.

"A lot of things but one thing that stood out was the Mikaelson's. She's afraid of them because they make me upset." The auburn answered.

Sam let out a low growl and his eye went dark for a slip moment.

Anthony also having head thanks to a spell that allows supernatural hearing held their daughter in his arms tighter but not enough to hurt her.

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