Chapter Twenty Seven: Oh It's Such A Shame For Us to Part

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Andrea arrived home and changed her wet clothes quickly and packed a small bag with a few essential items

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Andrea arrived home and changed her wet clothes quickly and packed a small bag with a few essential items.

"Mama? Where you goin'?" Ella asked her mother gently shook her, Elijah and Kol awake.

"Mommy has to go away for a little bit, but I'll be back. I promise. While I'm gone you listen to any of the adults you know you'll understand what I mean. Take care of daddy and papa okay?" Andrea said to her 3-year-olds.

"But why mama? Did...did we do somethin' wrong?" Elijah stuttered with tears in his and Kol's eyes.

"Oh Eli. No you did absolutely nothing wrong. Some bad people hurt mommy so she's got to go away so she feels better." The auburn said as she stroked her children's hair.

She pulled something out of her bag and put it in front of the twins.

"This is something really special so you have to be careful okay? Whenever you miss me just pick it you and call for me. I'll be able to astral project and see you three. But you can't tell anyone about this okay? It's a secret for us." Andrea told them as they looked at the mirror that she had placed out.

She also knew how they would fight over the mirror and the glass would break so she put a spell on it so if they dropped it the glass wouldn't break.

"Kol? Ella? Elijah." A voice called into the house. Andrea panicked slightly but didn't show it.

"Mommy has to go now. Remember I love you three to the..." Andrea started as she hugged her kids tightly.

"And back. We love you mama." The triplets chimed as they hugged their mother and Andrea quickly sped out of the room and the house.

Andrea looked back at the home she shared with her mates and children with a sad look in her eyes.

Quickly speeding towards the closest hotel she compelled her a room and began to pace.

Thousands of thoughts ran through her head all at once and it began to make her stressed.

When Grant burst through the door of her hotel room she finally shook out of her thoughts.

"What are you doing here?" Andrea asked him confused.

"Did you really think that my best friend I would let you do this alone?" Grant teased as he walked over to the auburn.

"I can't ask you guys to do that. What about Trevor? He needs you." Andrea protested immediately.

"Hey you're my best friend. I stick by your side always." Grant told her.

"Once you join me there's no going back. You're going to have to turn it off." The auburn warned.

"I know. I left a note to Trevor to tell him what we're going." Grant told her.

The Jackson girl nodded hesitantly nodded and watched as Grant closed his eyes and opened them a few minutes later.

He had turned it off.

Looking at her now emotionless friends a smirk that could rival Klaus' etched it's way to her face, her eyes for a moment flashed a brilliant blue color before her whole eyes turned into her black and finally went back to the natural green they were.

Grant smirked at her, a dangerous and sadistic glint in their eyes.

She knew what they had to do. She would get revenge on those who wronged her.

She would get revenge on the Mikaelson's.

And God help anyone who tried to protect them from her wrath.

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