Chapter Twenty-Eight: A Deal With the Two Devil

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It had been approximately three months since Andrea had last been seen

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It had been approximately three months since Andrea had last been seen. Everyone was constantly on the lookout for her and the Mikaelson were becoming more and more paranoid every day.

They knew Andrea would come after them eventually. They didn't know how or when but they knew she would exact her revenge.

Currently, the newly pink-haired woman paced the floor as she waited for someone to wake up.

'I will get them back for everything they did to me and to my real family. They will pay. Crimes do not go unpunished.' Andrea thought to herself as she continued to pace, almost anxiously.

An abrupt gasp was what shook Andrea out her thoughts, and made her immediately stop pacing. Smirking, she turned to face the owners of the gasp.

"Zdravei, Katerina." The Jackson's girl spoke to the girl.

"Hello, Stefan." The Jackson's girl spoke to the man.

Katherine Pierce and Stefan Salvatore had been dead for a long time. That much they knew but who was brave enough to revive her?

Turning slowly they saw a young woman standing there with a smirk that sent chills down her spine.

"Who are you?" Katherine asked the girl.

"My name is Andrea and I both need your help." Andrea replied easily as she walked closer to Katherine and Stefan.

"Why would I help you?" The doppelgänger and the Ripper wondered aloud.

The pink-haired girl chuckled. "Because it involves your favorite thing. Revenge. I want revenge on the Mikaelson's."

"You can't get revenge on the Mikaelson's they'll kill us both." The man pointed out.

"They won't." The girl shrugged nonchalantly.

"And how can you be so sure?" Katherine questioned.

"Because Klaus is my biological father, he wouldn't do a thing to hurt me." Andrea told the doppelgänger and the Ripper

Katherine and Stefan were impressed which was very rare.

"So his own offspring is going to try and kill him. I admit I didn't see that coming." Katherine and Stefan acknowledged.

"I brought you back because I know that you want revenge on them too. Kinda a kill bird with one stone sorta thing." The pink-haired girl spoke.

Katherine and Stefan noticed the woman's stance, and her emotional range, one would immediately assume that she no longer had any emotions, that she had switched her humanity off.

"You didn't turn it off...why?" Stefan asked the woman.

"Because in order to get my revenge properly I needed to have a full rage of emotions, and because I'd rather not turn into a ripper." Andrea replied evenly.

"You're pretty smart. You've thought the whole thing out. Just one small problem, why would I help you?" Katherine said/asked again as she looked at the pink-haired woman.

"Because I know the one thing that you hate most is when kids get treated horribly. I've done some digging around Katherine and Stefan and I know that the only thing that you two truly care about are kids and making sure that they're okay. I mean after what happened to you and your own daughter I don't blame you." Andrea explained.

Katherine and Stefan didn't say anything for a moment because they knew that the tribrid was right.

Andrea held her both hand out for Katherine and Stefan . The Pierce woman and the Salvatore man looked at it almost hesitantly but eventually took hold of it. What they saw shocked her.

Andrea was pushing some of her memories into Katherine and Stefan's head in order to get the woman and man to understand why she was doing what was doing.

For the doppelgänger and the Ripper, she felt every single devastating blow, as if it had happened to her and not Andrea.

When the Jackson woman pulled away Katherine and Stefan had gained a completely new respect for her. They would help her get revenge on the 'family' that had wronged her for most of her life.

"How are we going to do this?" Stefan finally asked after a moment of collecting his and Katherine thoughts.

"Well firstly, I've been making them paranoid. It's been three months since I made my promise to get revenge and I haven't been seen by them since. My friend have been making appearances around them but doing nothing. I have something big planned." Andrea explained and whispered in both of their ears.

The woman and man began to smirk, the plan truly was ingenious. The girl really was a genius.

"You're crazy." Katherine teased the girl who laughed loudly in response.

Grant who had been coming back from their latest 'Mikaelson Paranoid Stalk.' What they had decided to call it heard the back end of their conversation.

"Well, H here likes to use the line between genius and crazy as a jump rope." Grant spoke as they entered the room.

"Have fun?" Andrea ask them sarcastically, knowing they somewhat hated doing it.

Although their humanity was no longer on they still retained their sense of humor which albeit got a little bit darker with the lack of emotions.

"Surprisingly, yes. Klaus almost peed his pants seeing and it was hilarious to see the Great Troublemaker Kol practically panic." Grant spoke with a deviant smirk on his face.

Katherine and Stefan stared laughing at the image they got after hearing their story. The other three soon joining in.

"The Mikaelson's better watch out." The Jackson girl said.

"They don't know what's about to hit them." Stefan spoke malicious, an unknown emotion in her eyes.

The four people now trading smirks that promised nothing but chaos and destruction. Andrea's eyes quickly flipping bright yellow, electric blue, and then black to blue once again.

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