Mariposa McCoy

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Name-Mariposa Rose McCoy

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Name-Mariposa Rose McCoy

Date of Birth-May 4th, 1940


Place of Birth-Dundee, Illinois


Powers-Claw Retraction, Enhance Agility, Enhance Balance, Enhance Bite,
Enhance, Enhance Leap, Enhance Sense, Enhance Hearing, Enhance Smell, Enhance Taste, Enhance Touch, Enhance Vision, Enhance Speed, Enhance Stealth, Enhance Stealth, Enhanced Strength, Night Vision, Animal Scrying, Long Range Animal Summoning, Regenerative Healing Factors, Foreign Body Immunity, Slowed Aging, Avatar Projection

Abilities- Genius-Level Intellect and Master Engineer

Mutant Status-Activated


Edna McCoy-Mother (Deceased)

Norton McCoy-Father (Deceased)

Henry 'Hank' McCoy-Twin Brother

Erik Lehnsherr-Husband

Charles Xavier-Husband

Raven Darkholme- Sister-in-law

Edie Lehnsherr- Mother-in-Law (Deceased)

Jakob Lehnsherr- Father-in-Law (Deceased)

Peter Maximoff- Stepson

Unnamed Stepfather-in-Law (Deceased)

Sharon Xavier- Mother-in-Law (Deceased)

Juggernaut-Step Brother-in-Law

Love Interest-Erik Lehnsherr and Charles Xavier

Portrayed By-Ella Purnell

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