Chapter Twenty-Four: I'm Not Your Little Girl

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Andrea was out to lunch with Harmony, Derek and the kids

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Andrea was out to lunch with Harmony, Derek and the kids. Grant and Kai were running late as was the new new norm since they had been in the X-men. They found them all to be extremely helpful especially Kai since he knows more than the average person about murder.

Zachary, Lolita and Trevor had decided that they would hang out with Anthony and Samuel giving the siblings to catch up.

A lot had happened since then Mikaelson had decided to show up; Andrea had given birth to another set of twins this time they were both little boys who made Grant and his fiancé Trevor melt on a daily basis. They had decided to name them Erik and Charles. They were the best dads to their next generation of hybrid-mutant twins and cherishing the time they had with them while they were still babies.

Harmony and Lolita had recently gotten engaged and were not making any hard set plans as they just wanted to continue to enjoy the euphoria to being engaged.

Kol, Elijah and Ella loved their Aunt and Uncle to pieces as they spoiled them rotten and show them lots of love and attention. (Not that their parents didn't do that either but you get my point.)

"Sorry we're late." Grant said as he, and Kai practically sprinted over to the table.

After hugs were shared and lunch was ordered they began to catch up.

Ella and Elijah sat perched in Kai's lap and giggled as he tickled them. While Kol sat contently in his mother's lap and happily colored the page the waitress had given him.

Soon they were all eating, Kol happily stealing some bites of his mother's pancakes, having grown an affinity for them just like her.

"Hope?" A voice asked and made said auburn tense. Kol looked up at his mother with worry shining child-like eyes.

"Mommy?" Kol asked his mother noticing how she relaxed as her attention shifted to him.

"Yes baby?" Andrea asked her son.

"Love you." Kol said hugging his mother.

"I love you too KoKo" Andrea said and once again turned her attention the where the voice came from, her biological father Klaus.

"Do I know you?" Andrea asked the man making Grant snort at her sass.

"Hope, can we talk?" Klaus asked his youngest ignoring her sass.

"I'm sorry but I'm not supposed to talk to strangers. Have a good day." The auburn dismissed.

"Hope Andrea Mikaelson you will show me respect." Klaus hissed quiets enough that the three-year olds wouldn't hear.

"Do you want me hex him Andi?" Kai asked his best friend.

"Not yet." Andrea whispered.

"KoKo why don't you finish these while mommy helps his confused man." Andrea said to her son as she got up and cut up the rest of the pancakes.

"Okay Mommy." Elijah said and happily began eating the rest of his mother's food.

Seeing the look on her siblings faces, Andrea gave them a small smile and a reassuring nod, although Harmony gave the brunette a look that rivaled Abby or Harper.

After making sure no one was looking, she grabbed Klaus by the neck and pulled outside.

"Did you really not take a hint. I don't want you here. And DON'T CALL ME HOPE!" The auburn growled and if her hair could've turned red it would have.

"You are coming back to New Orleans where you are with your family." Klaus spoke sternly making the auburn snot.

"You really don't get it do you? I am home. I'm with people who care about and love me. I don't need you." Andrea hissed making the hybrid flinch slightly.

"You are not safe with them. We can protect you. They cannot." Klaus replied stubbornly.

"Do NOT speak about my family that way. They have done more for me in these past four years than you have in sixteen years." The auburn retorted.

"But what happens when they get sick of you? What happens when they don't want you around anymore?" Klaus began and smirked slightly seeing how his words were affecting his daughter. At this point he wasn't thinking about her feelings. "You're acting like a stubborn, petulant, child who didn't get their way. Your whole life you were wondering why we didn't say things to you, like how proud we were of you. The reason is because we didn't want to stroke your ego since you had others to do it for us. One day these people will get sick of you and you'll come crawling back to us and because we're your parents and we love you will accept you back into our home." He finished ignoring the streams of tears pooling down her face.

She could feel her paranoia starting to tailspin out of control but she took a deep breath and tried to calm herself down. She knew what he was saying wasn't true.

Was it?

"I hate you." She whispered.

"What was that?" Klaus asked confused, having not heard what she said.

"I said, I hate you. Grandpa Mikael was right you are an abomination. You deserve no love. And you are not my father." The auburn scream at her biological father.

"My Little Girl would never say that..." Klaus began her was promptly cut off by Andrea. "I'm not your little girl!! I never was and I never will be. I stand by what I said. I. Hate. You." She enunciated the last bit of her sentence.

Andrea ignored the line tear running down his cheek and began to give him an aneurysm.

He grabbed his head and began screaming in pain

Andrea's siblings who had been standing there silently, letting her vent her frustration decided to step in.

Grant pulled a willing Andrea away from Klaus which made the aneurysm stop, and Kai began to Siphon from Klaus which hurt more than the aneurysm.

"You hurt Andi, consider yourself lucky that you can't die or I would make you so miserable that not even the crows would want to land their shirt on you." Kai hissed as Klaus dedicated from being Siphoned.

"You didn't have to do that Kai." Andrea said to the Heretic.

"But I wanted to. That's what he gets for messing with my favorite auburn. Now let's go get some cupcakes." Kai said and sauntered off making the auburn laugh.

"Are you sure you're alright H?" Grant asked his best friend.

"No. But I'll be fine. I have you guys." She replied and the two walked off to see Kai chasing around the triplets with Harmony and Derek holding the babies.

The triplets, now noticing there mother immediately went over and hugged her, not knowing that they just made her feel much better.

"I love you three so much." Andrea tells the three year olds.

"We love you too mama. To the moon and back." Ella spoke patting her mother's cheek and Kol and Elijah nodding their heads in agreement.

"To the moon and back. Now Uncle Kai said something about cupcakes." Andrea responded and the three gasped with excitement beginning to drag their mother along towards the cupcakes.

"Hurry up mama!" They yelled making the adults laugh, and the three babies even giggled.

None of them aware of the storm brewing around them.

A storm called the Mikaelson's

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