Chapter Seventeen: Fully Activated

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Andrea Jackson moved quickly as possible towards the stairs

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Andrea Jackson moved quickly as possible towards the stairs. She quickly pushed past some kids saying sorry to them, the stairs that would take her to the headmaster's office of Xavier's School of the Gifted Youngsters. She knew that there was a specific team that could help since they were aware of the things that go bump in the night.

The auburn immediately spotted Mariposa McCoy and tried to catch up to her.

"Mrs. McCoy!" She called and the woman turned around.

The brunette mutant looked in the direction of where she heard her voice called and saw a girl no older than sixteen trying to catch up to her.

"Can I help you?" Mariposa asked politely but immediately looked concerned, seeing the look of fear on the girl's face.

"I need your help. There's someone killing supernaturals." The girl explained quietly but Mariposa's superhuman hearing picked it up.

Mariposa paled slightly, listening to her heartbeat and didn't notice a jump, she was telling the truth.

"Come with me, and tell me everything." Mariposa ushered the girl towards the meeting room where the rest of the X-Men was.

"Change of plans guys, we have an important mission." Mariposa said as she walked into the meeting room with Andrea trailing behind.

Raven noticed the girl first and squealed slightly and ran over her.

"Aren't you just the cutest thing?! I'm Raven, most people call me Mystique." The woman introduced herself and squeezed Andrea in a hug.

"I'm Andrea." The auburn replied.

Samuel Howlett and Anthony Summers both looked at the girl after hearing her voice and were immediately stunned. She was here. The piece that was missing was there, less than seven feet away.

"Well, what's going on that this request our help?" Erik asked, the second in command.

"There's someone killing supernaturals in New York City. Whoever it is, they're angry at supernaturals. My family and I have been finding bodies left and right, mainly vampires but also some wolves and a few witches. A lot of them are just kids. The police aren't helping, they believe it's animal attacks." Andrea explained and placed some photos on the table.

"Oh my god." Charles Xavier mumbled as they looked at the gruesome photos.

"How do you know about the supernatural." Anthony spoke up for the first time.

"I'm a hybrid of three different creatures, a tribrid. I think he might be after me." Andrea revealed.

"Why would anyone want to kill you?" Samuel asked concerned and slightly angry.

"To get revenge on my biological father. He's ruined so many." The auburn tribrid sighed.

"Who is your biological father?" Jean asked.

"Klaus Mikaelson." Was the whisper that left the youngest Jackson girl's mouth.

"I left because for my entire childhood I was shoved aside, I was treated terribly by my parents. I left with help of the few people who actually cared and found a new family." Andrea rushed out not wanting to talk about it anymore.

Samuel's eyes became darker for a brief moment, needless to say, he was pissed that his and his boyfriend soulmate was treated that way.

Andrea flew back with the team to New York City.

As soon as the plane landed they were off investigating.

The Jackson family showed the team where the bodies were found, Andrea was speaking rapidly about what she believed the killer was looking for and the team was impressed, especially her mates.

Samuel practically swooned when he found out she was a genius like Charles.

The Jackson were an immense help and so was Kai surprisingly. He had decided to explain the methodology of the killings since he was very familiar with that subject.

Finding their enemy took a few days and cornering him with easy, too easy.

What no one had expected was that there was a second enemy who managed to speak up on the auburn tribrid before prompt snap was heard.

Everyone quickly turned at the sound and saw Andrea on the ground with her neck at an unnatural angle.

She was dead.

Samuel and Anthony felt a gasping hole enter their chests and immediately killed the two enemy's.

No one knew what to say to them both.

Grant had to push Alex and Scott behind him, so as to try and protect them.

"She's going to come back. She has vampire blood running through her veins. We have to wait for her to wake up." Abby said as she looked at the body of her daughter with tears in her eyes.

Anthony picked her up with no hesitation and brought her back to the Jackson's home. After everyone who was invited inside Anthony placed Andrea on her bed.

Finn was pissed, he was supposed to protect his niece and he failed. He knew she would come back as a vampire but she was so young, she wouldn't be able to pass as anything older and that what she looked like.

She would forever be stuck looking like a sixteen-year-old girl.

After about an hour which seemed to pass eternally slow, Andrea shot up as a gasp left her throat.

She was now a full activated tribrid, whose life would be changed forever. By her family, and her mates.

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