Harmony Jackson

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Name-Harmony June Jackson

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Name-Harmony June Jackson

Date of Birth-November 22nd, 1995

Age-22/38 and 42

Place of Birth-New York City, New York

Species-Tribrid (Vampire, Warlock, and Werewolf)

Date Turned-December 31st, 2012

Turned By-Klaus Mikaelson with Hope Mikaelson's Blood

Age When Turned-22

Causes of Death-Neck Snapped


Abby Jackson (Nee Wright)-Mother

John Jackson (Nee Petrova)-Father

Vincent Jackson-Father

Derek Jackson-Younger Brother

Harper Wight-Maternal Aunt

Katerina Petrova-Paternal Ancestor

Robert Petrova-Paternal Ancestor

Mr. Petrova-Paternal Ancestor

Mrs. Petrova-Paternal Ancestor

Nadia Petrova-Paternal Ancestor

Bill Forbes-Maternal Granduncle (Deceased)

Caroline Forbes-Maternal Cousin Once Removed

Elizabeth Forbes-Maternal Grandaunt (Deceased)

Josie Saltzman-Surrogate Cousin-in-Law

Lizzie Saltzman-Surrogate Cousin-in-Law

Hope Andrea Mikaelson-Adoptive Younger Sister

Grant Williams-Adoptive Older Brother

Love Interest-Zachary Stone

Portrayed By-Dacre Montgomery

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