Abby Jackson

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Name-Abigail 'Abby' Diane Jackson (Nee Wright)

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Name-Abigail 'Abby' Diane Jackson (Nee Wright)

Date of Birth-December 13th, 1848

Age-24/184 then 187

Place of Birth-West Reading, Pennsylvania


Date of Turned-December 13th, 1860

Turned By-Lily Salvatore

Age When Turned-24

Cause of Death-Typhoid Fever


Harper Wright-Younger Sister

Cleopatra Wright (Nee Parker)-Mother (Deceased)

Montgomery Wright-Father (Deceased)

Malachi Parker-Maternal Descendant

John Jackson (Nee Petrova)-Husband

Vincent Jackson-Husband

Harmony Jackson-Daughter

Derek Jackson-Son

Hope Andrea Mikaelson-Adoptive Daughter

Grant Williams-Adoptive Son

Love Interest-John Jackson and Vincent Jackson

Portrayed By-Taylor Swift

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