Chapter Fourteen: Abigail

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Andrea looked around

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Andrea looked around. She was back in New Orleans, inside Abattoir.

Getting out of her old bed she looked around and saw her room was the same way it was before she left. Walking out of her room she felt her bare feet touch something.

She was standing in blood.

Beginning to panic slightly she moved as quickly as possible downstairs and screamed. Grant was grey and veiny with stakes in their hearts.

Backing was from his body she turns and finds Kol, Elijah and Finn's daggered bodies. Davina's decapitated body, Keelin's heartless body, and Marcel staked body.

"No." She whimpered, tears running down her face.

She had to get out of there, now running in the opposite direction a blood-curdling scream leaves her lips.

The Jackson's were dead. Whoever killed them wasn't gentle about it either.

"It's your fault, Hope. If you had just stayed, none of this would have happened. They would still be alive. Their blood is on your hands." Astrid taunted along with her other family members.

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. It's all my fault." The auburn cried.

Abigail was a light sleeper, but tonight she had a sense of needing to stay awake for some reason. She heard shifting in one of the bedrooms and began to check on everyone.

Derek was okay, Harmony was fine as well. Finn was alright and Harper was snoring.

Walking down towards Andrea's room she heard the shifting. She opened the door quietly and saw the girl tossing and turning in her sleep mumbling 'it's my fault. I'm sorry.'

No sooner did Abby get closer to the auburn's bed, did said auburn shoot up with a loud gasp and tears running down her face. Without a second, Abigail pulled Andrea into her arms.

"Shhh, it's okay. You were just dreaming." The woman whispered as she pets the girl's hair.

"It was so real. Don't let me go back there." Andrea cried as she held on Abigail with a death grip.

"You never have to go back there, my darling. You're stuck here, with us." Abby said as she squeezed the girl.

"Can you stay?" Andrea asked in a hesitant voice.

"Of course. Here, scooch over." Abby said and the girl moved over so the woman could get into the bed.

Almost immediately Andrea curled into her side. Abby began to hum a song she used to sing to Derek and Harmony when they had a bad dream.

As she continued to hum they both heard quiet footsteps heading towards the room.

Looking up they saw the younger members of the house and the two giggled.

"Come on." Andrea said and they all piled into the bed.

Abigail's heart had never been fuller, seeing all four of her kids together.

Abby noticed that they were all practically sleeping again so she quietly crawled out of bed and kissed their foreheads.

"Goodnight, my loves." Abby whispered.

"Goodnight mom." They said back before fully falling asleep.

The smile on Abigail's face could light up a Christmas tree.

Crawling back into bed with John and Vincent who had now woken up slightly they saw the giant smile on her face.

"Are you alright?" Vincent asked his wife who nodded.

"We have four kids, John, Vin. I feel like our family is complete." Abigail confessed and John and Vincent chuckled.

"We agree. Finding them was probably the best thing that ever happened." John and Vincent agreed.

Soon all of the Jackson's were asleep. Their bonds growing infinitely closer.

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