Chapter Sixteen: Redeeming the Sociopath

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They did it

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They did it. They finally managed to track down. Abby and Harper were adamant about finding the ascendant that held one of their last descendants.

They knew that Kai Parker had done a lot of wrong things, they empathized with him because of how they were treated in the Gemini Coven centuries ago.

It took a lot of convincing to get Alaric and Vincent's cousin, Caroline, to give the sisters the ascendant, but they knew that Gemini matters should be handled with members or in this case former members of the coven. If anything they were grateful to Abby and Harper because now they didn't have to worry about Lizzie and Josie finding the ascendant and they could keep him away from the twins.

"Are you sure?" Andrea asked her mother for the millionth time.

"Yes. I'm 100 percent sure. Aunt Harper and I will be fine. We need you, Derek and Harmony to maintain the spell." Abby soothed her youngest.

"Please be careful mom. I can't loose you." Andrea pleaded eyes watering slightly.

Abby sighed and pulled the auburn into a hug.

"I promise we'll be fine. We'll be back soon with Kai." Abby reassured.

Andrea nodded and joined hands with Derek and Harmony.

Abby and Harper stood in front of the ascendant and dropped the Bennett blood onto the ascendant.

Harmony looked outside and saw the full moon shining brightly signifying it was time to begin the spell.

John and Vincent were standing back along with Grant and Finn. They didn't want to cause a disruption to the spell.

"Sangiema Meam Et Nos Mundo Carcerema. Sangiema Meam Et Nos Mundo Carcerema." The three chanted and in a blink of an eye, Abigail and Harper were gone.

In the 2018 Prison World

Addy and Harper immediately used a locator spell to find Kai. He was in a karaoke bar that Bonnie had left him in all those years ago.

Arriving at the bar they saw their desiccated fourth of fifth great-nephew. Immediately feeding him some blood they waited for him to regain consciousness.

"Who the hell are you?" Kai asked the moment he fully woke up.

"My name is Abigail, this is my sister Harper. We're here to bring you home." Abby introduced.

"I don't have a home. I'm an abomination if you haven't heard." Kai denied immediately.

"We're your, ancestors. We're Siphoners just like you Kai, and so are Abby's kids. We're giving you something that you should have been given. A chance." Harper explained.

Kai pounded her words, did they really care about him? I mean they obviously did since the entered the prison world with the intention of freeing him. He was being offered a chance. Something that no one had ever given him before.

Everyone assumed that Kai was an abomination because he was a Siphoner. It wasn't fair to him, it wasn't his fault that he couldn't produce his own magic.

"If you are my ancestors why have I never heard of you before?" Kai asked curiously as the two women began to release him from his chains.

"Because we were erased from the history books. They didn't want anyone to know we were Siphoners." Abby explained as they undid the last chain.

"And you have kids? How? Last I checked we were vamps." Kai wondered, extremely confused.

"We're hybrids, Kai. Technically as witches, we're still living and therefore able to reproduce. My two husbands and I adopted two kids. A vampire and a tribrid." Abigail patiently responded.

"A tribrid?" Kai echoed. When he was alive he had heard about two hybrid children.

"Yes. Andrea is a vampire, werewolf, witch. She's the daughter of Klaus Mikaelson." Harper revealed.

Kai paled slightly, he had known of the Originals when he briefly in Mystic Falls and the fact that his ancestors willingly took in his child automatically gave them bravely points in his book.

"When we leave, don't bring up her biological family, it's a soft spot for her." Abby pleaded.

Kai, seeing the look on his ancestor's faces made him decide to keep his mouth shut on this.

"Are you ready?" Harper asked after they sped to the spot where they would be removed from.

"I've been ready for this." Kai responded and then felt as if he was being sucked through a very small tube.

Back at the Jackson's

"They just got back to meeting spot with Kai." Harmony said.

"Ready?" Derek asked as he gripped his sister's hands tighter.

"Ready." The two confirmed.

"Sangiema Meam Et Nos Mundo Carcerema. Sangiema Meam Et Nos Mundo Carcerema. Sangiema Meam Et Nos Mundo Carcerema. Sangiema Meam Et Nos Mundo Carcerema." They chanted and Abby, Harper and Kai were in the living room.

Kai at the moment had never been more grateful for family. Even though he had a hard time processing emotions, he knew that he was lucky that they were giving him a chance.

He was soon introduced to the rest of the family and he had to admit that he found this group of people interesting.

He immediately knew who the tribrid was because he could feel the power radiating off of her. What his ancestors had told him about the girl, he could see that she really was quite shy and he could almost feel the pain that she had previously felt.

This was a child, she didn't deserve it, he didn't deserve it either. For the first time, the sociopath was able to properly feel. He felt protectiveness for this small auburn girl by the same or Andrea Jackson, formerly Hope Andrea Mikaelson.

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