Robots & A Mutated Weed

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In the sewers, in the afternoon, the turtles were looking forward for another visit with April, but were feeling worried as well. Donatello: "Hey guys, how's my shell, is it clean?" Raphael: "What do you mean?" Donatello: "Well I looked up on the Internet and learned that girls like guys who are clean." Raphael: "Internet?" Donatello: "Yeah, I managed to get my computer working and learned a lot of stuff from it, it's amazing." Michelangelo: "So do you think she's on her way here?" Donatello: "I don't know... according to my research, most humans around April's age go to a place called School at this time, where they learn and do activities." Leonardo: "We never went to a place like that." said Leonardo, before Splinter came to the scene. Splinter: "Of course not, as I doubt they would allow mutants like us to enter." Donatello: "Has it ever been done before?" Splinter: "No, but if they did, they might attract unwanted attention, and a ninja must remain in the shadows." Leonardo: "Of course master... though I can't help but feel a little worried about her..." Splinter: "Why is that?" Leonardo: "It's about those thugs that tried to attack her last night... what if they try to attack her again?" Splinter: "Ah I see... that is concerning... but we can't watch over all the time, one likes to have privacy... and we can't go out helping her all the time without exposing ourselves." Donatello: "He's right about that... but hey... at least the Purple Dragons are the only threat in this city." later of the day, as the sun began to set, April was on her way home when she saw some men carrying some canisters that had glowing ooze inside. When she tried to take a picture of them, one of the men saw her and alerted the others and began chasing her. April makes a run for it and tries avoid getting caught, only for the men to catch her and began taking her away. However, the turtles, who took a peak from the sewer hole, saw that April was in trouble again and went into action and took down the men. April: "Thanks you guys... I thought I was in real trouble for a moment there..." Donatello: "You're lucky that we came when we did." Raphael: "What's their deal anyway?, they don't look like those Purple Dragon guys." April: "They're not... though I'm not sure who they are, but they didn't wanted me to get away with a picture of what they were carrying to a truck." said April, before Leonardo and Michelangelo opened the back of the truck and see the canisters. Leonardo: "That's odd... somehow these things look familiar..." Michelangelo: "Yeah... I'm getting that feeling too..." said Michelangelo, before he picks up one of the canisters and it slipped out of his hands, before it breaks on the ground and the ooze covered a weed, which begins to grow bigger and became a large weed monster mutant, much to the turtles' shock and surprise. April: "What in the world?!" Donatello: "I think whatever that ooze stuff is... it can cause mutation!" Raphael: "Yeah, I can already tell by the fact it just turned a weed into that!" said Raphael, before the mutant weed went to attack the turtles. Leonardo cuts one of the monster's arms with his swords, but it managed to regrow a new one. Michelangelo: "It can regrow it's limbs?!, no fair!" Donatello: "Well we are dealing with a plant based mutant, and they can regrow leafs of branches..." Raphael: "Never mind about that, how do we stop it?!" Donatello: "Let me think..." April: "The best way to kill a weed is go to the root, try that!" Donatello: "She's right!, if we pull it out of ground and all the way to the roots, the weed will be finished!" Leonardo: "Then let's do it." Michelangelo: "Alright, it's time to do some gardening!" suddenly, the men from earlier got up and peeled their faces off, revealing themselves to be robots before taking out alien guns pointing at all the mutants. April: "What the heck?!" Raphael: "Didn't see that coming..." Donatello: "Why they're robots... highly advanced robots by the looks of it..." Leonardo: "Yeah... and something tells me that they want to capture us..." Raphael: "Let them try... cause I'm gonna trash them all!" said Raphael, before he and the other turtles went to battle the robots, who some were fighting the turtles while others went to capture the Weed mutant and stored it into the truck. Once the turtles took down the remaining robots, they see that the weed mutant and the truck was gone. April: "Where did they go?, the monster weed and truck I mean." Leonardo: "Not sure... they must have got taken by those robots while we were fighting." Raphael: "Wimps..." Donatello: "But at least April's safe for now..." Leonardo: "We better go see Master Splinter, he should know about this." said Leonardo, before he and the others went back to the sewers and tell master Splinter about what happened recently. Michelangelo: "It was crazy, they were like robots that had guns and they were carrying canisters full of glowing ooze, not to mention one of those canisters created some giant weed monster." Splinter: "Hmm... so... they're still out there..." Leonardo: "You know them?" Splinter: "Yes... for they're the same beings that had the ooze that transformed us into what we are today." Raphael: "Really?" Donatello: "So that's why it seemed so familiar..." April: "Who are they?" Splinter: "Not sure... but I think this might give us a clue." said master Splinter, before he shows the group a broken canister, the same one that caused their mutation and it was the same kind as the ones the robots had. April takes a look at it and sees big letters on it, which were T.C.R.I., which made April to gasp in shock. April: "It's from T.C.R.I.!, short for Techno Cosmic Research Institute." Leonardo: "Hmm... maybe we should check it out." Splinter: "Hold on, it's too risky." Raphael: "But how will we know how we came to be if we don't investigate?" Donatello: "You're only saying that as an excuse to fight the robots again, aren't ya?" Raphael: "Yeah maybe, but my point is we can't be cooped in here forever." April: "He's right about that, surely even you want to get out of here once in a while, right?" Splinter: "Hmm... yes... I do every now and then... but we can't draw attention to ourselves..." Raphael: "Oh please, we haven't drawn any attention so far, aside from April and those robots guys... but hey, the public doesn't know there are ninjas in New York." April: "Actually..." said April, before she turns on the TV, showing the News that was showing a news reporter telling the public about a Ninja throwing star that was found the streets where the incident of the weed and robots took place. Michelangelo: "Hey it's one of our ninja throwing stars." Splinter: "I told you to pick them up after using them, now they know about us..." Raphael: "Come on, who's gonna believe it's from real ninjas, and it's not like it would catch the attention of anyone dangerous." meanwhile, on the other side of the world in Japan, there was a man was the news of New York, and saw the image of the ninja throwing star and recognized the symbol on it. The man in question was Oroku Saki (voiced by Kevin Michael Richardson) or Shredder as he is now called, and he glared at the image. Shredder: "So... he still lives... and formed his own clan eh?, well then... time to finish what I started years ago... I better call Karai to let her know it's time to expend the branches of the Foot clan... starting in the city of New York..." said Shredder, as he puts a helmet on his head.

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