Welcome To Dimension X

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Last time on TMNT JDD Version, the turtles were on their way to T.C.R.I. in hope to rescue both Irma and their mutant friends from the Foot clan. Now they were near the entrance, and sneaked their way into the air vents and begin their search for their friends. Once the group got out of the air vents, they found a large room where the Technodrome was, which was currently being repaired from the last battle it was involved in by the robots of Kraang. Speaking of Kraang, he and Shredder were looking at the piece that Irma had, before Kraang instals it into the Technodrome. Kraang: "I don't know how you got a hold of it, but I should thank you for keeping it safe, but now I can handle it." Irma: "Uh... am I in a sci-fi horror film?, cause you sure look like something from one..." Kraang: "I can assure you... I'm for real... and the same would go for the Shredder here." Shredder: "I don't see how this girl is any used to us now." that was when Karai came to the scene. Karai: "I do... for it turns out she's a friend of April O'Neil... the girl that hangs out with the turtles." Shredder: "Really?, hmm... then perhaps should could be a use to us..." Karai: "Yes, and the same could go for those other mutants that we just captured not too long ago." said Karai, before looking at the captured mutants, locked up in a cage together. Kraang: "Soon, I shall open up the portal to Dimension X and collect as much mutagen we need, and then we'll have an army of mutants big enough to take control of the planet." Shredder: "While I finally get my revenge on Hamato Yoshi at last..." Alopex: "You won't get away with this!" Mona Lisa: "Mark my words Krang, you and Shredder are gonna pay for this!" Leatherhead: "If I can break free from this cage, I'll tear you apart with my own hands!" Pigeon Pete: "Yeah!, what they said." Kraang: "Fools, there's nobody around to stop us or help you now." Unaware to the bad guys, the turtles, April and Casey were nearby and heard everything. It wasn't long before the heroes came to the scene, ready to fight. Leonardo: "Wanna bet on that brain face?!" Kraang: "The turtles?!, here already?!" Shredder: "Good, it saves some time... Foot... attack!" ordered the Shredder, as the Foot Ninjas came to the scene and were ready to attack the turtles and their allies. While the turtles were busy fighting the ninjas, April and Casey were busy helping Irma getting freed. April: "Irma, are you okay?" Irma: "Am I okay?, I got kidnapped by some crazy ninjas and a brain in a robot's stomach!" Casey: "So is that a no?" asked Casey, before Kraang turns on the Technodrome, which fire a beam that opens a portal that leads to Dimension X. Suddenly, a pair of large rock soldiers came to the scene, and the took a hold of the turtles and April. Kraang: "Get rid of those pests." ordered Kraang, before the rock giants threw the turtles and April into the portal, sending them to Dimension X itself. Casey: "Red!" Irma: "April!" Kraang: "You idiots!, I didn't mean send them to Dimension X!" Karai: "What's there in Dimension X anyway?" Kraang: "Well... all sorts of things that would bring chaos to this world... of course there's also the Utrom... which is my species... but there's no telling where in Dimension X those blasted turtles and girl went..." said Kraang, which made Casey, Irma, and the good mutants look at the portal with concerned looks on their faces, worried about their friends. In Dimension X, the turtles and April were lost and stranded on a floating astroid, and they were shocked to see they were in space, but were still breathing. April: "Guys... where are we?" Donatello: "I'm not 100% sure... but I think we're in Dimension X... the realm where Kraang came from..." Raphael: "Oh that's just great..." Michelangelo: "Whoa... this place looks so cool... it's like we're in a whole new reality." Leonardo: "Um... that's what Dimension X is." Michelangelo: "Yeah, so?" April: "Any clue on how to get back?" Donatello: "I'm working on it" that was when April saw something glowing under a rock, and went to move the rock to see what looked like a crystal that's tied to a necklace. Liking how it looked, April puts it around her neck. Leonardo: "Um... you sure it's a good idea to wear that?" April: "What?, it's just a necklace." Donatello: "Don't forget April, we're in a whole different reality, there's no telling how the logic here works..." that was when they heard the sound of someone calling for help, and went off to check it out. Turns out that it came from what looked like a robot that was under some large rocks. The robot's name was Fugitoid (voiced by David Tennant), and he was stuck. Fugitoid: "Hello?!, anyone?!, please help!" Leonardo: "Hold on, we're coming!" said Leonardo, before he and the others went to use all of their might to move the rocks, allowing the robot to free himself. Fugitoid: "Oh thank you... but who are you?" Leonardo: "I'm Leonardo, and these are my brothers, Raphael, Donatello and Michelangelo, and the girl is our friend, April O'Neil." said Leonardo, introducing the robot to his brothers and friend. When Fugitoid saw the necklace around April's neck, he gasped. Fugitoid: "My goodness!, where did you find that?!" April: "This necklace?, I found it under a rock, I managed to see it cause the crystal was glowing." Fugitoid: "Then that means... it has chosen you as it's user..." April: "What do you mean?" Fugitoid: "Those crystals have the power to give the user the ability of psychic powers... but only those with strong minds and kind hearts... Kraang has been looking for one of those things for a long time, but always failed." Raphael: "You know Kraang?" Fugitoid: "Everyone in Dimension X knows who he is... the dimension's most dangerous criminal that was banished long ago..." Michelangelo: "Well he's trying to use a portal to come back her and take over earth!" Fugitoid: "What?!, he's still alive?!" Donatello: "I'm afraid so... and unless we stop him, it's gonna be the end for New York and the planet earth." Fugitoid: "Oh dear... not to mention that Dimension X will be in danger too... tell you what, you stop Kraang and I'll help you in return." Raphael: "How can you help us?" Fugitoid: "So glad you asked, let me show you." said Fugitoid, before he focuses on the rocks around him and a faint glow appeared around them, and then started floating in the air. Michelangelo: "Whoa..." Fugitoid: "My psychic powers can be a big help." Donatello: "Wait... if you had psychic powers... why didn't you used them to free yourself?" Fugitoid: "Well for starters, I was in a panic, and the psychic abilities work better with a calm mind, and I sensed your presence and thought you could help me... turns out I was right... and once again, I thank you, I am Fugitoid by the way, a pleasure to meet you, especially seeing another human after so long." April: "You mean I'm not the first human to be here?" Fugitoid: "Nope, first female human to come though, now... as for the necklace, it has chosen you to be it's user... if you like, I can show ya how to master those powers." April: "Really?, thanks." Fugitoid: "It's the least I can do to thank you for helping me... now... we have a lot of work to do." said Fugitoid, before he, the turtles and April went off to who knows where in Dimension X.

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