The Gator-Man & The Pigeon-Man

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After the turtles escape from the Shredder, Baxter Stockman was trying to use the security cameras to figure out where they went, but no luck. However, he did see footage of some mutants escaping the T.C.R.I. building during the fight between the Shredder and the robots. Baxter: "Oh dear... Kraang is not gonna like this..." Kraang: "I'm not gonna like what?" asked Kraang, who came to the scene and he was not looking happy. Baxter: "Uh... nothing..." Kraang: "The truth!" Baxter: "Well... it seems that some mutants have escaped during the commotion with the robots and some ninja that took down the turtles..." Kraang: "How many?" Baxter: "Um... 4 by the looks of it..." Kraang: "Then send the robots and M.O.U.S.E.R.S. to find them and capture them." Baxter: "Yes sir, right away..." said Baxter Stockman, before he send robot soldiers and M.O.U.S.E.R.S. to find and recapture the escaped mutants. Meanwhile, in the sewers, after recovering from their battle against the Shredder, the turtles were training harder than ever, determined to never lose again. Splinter was watching them trained, worried that they might be working too hard on themselves. It wasn't long before April and Casey Jones came to the scene, watching the turtles training themselves. April: "Master Splinter?, have they ever trained this hard before?" Splinter: "No... though I can't blame them... after their defeat against the Shredder, I believe that they think training harder than ever before should help them to keep themselves from losing again..." Casey: "Is it working?" Splinter: "Well... yes and no... they're getting better with their skills... but they're wearing themselves out... meaning if they don't rest soon, they'll fall asleep during the fight..." April: "Yeah, they do look like they're about to fall to the ground from exhaustion..." said April, as the turtles did looked like they didn't get a lot of sleep lately, before she, Casey and Splinter came over to them. Casey: "Hey guys, I know you're just trying to get better, but if you don't get some sleep soon, you'll fall before the bad guys get ya." Leonardo: "I know... but if we don't train, we'll get our butts kicked like how Shredder kicked ours..." Splinter: "My sons, training is good for you... but sleeping is important too... even Oroku Saki can't stay up 24/7, he needs a rest too, so try get some rest." Michelangelo: "He's right... I can barely stand right now..." Donatello: "Me too..." Raphael: "I hate to admit it... but I could use some sleep too." Leonardo: "Oh... alright, but once we finish resting, we go back to training." Michelangelo: "Deal!" and so with that, the turtles went to bed, finally getting their well earned rest. A few hours later, the turtles' rest was disturbed when the sound of something roaring was heard, which made both Donatello and Michelangelo real scared, while Leonardo, Raphael and the others felt very uneasy. Casey: "What the heck was that?" April: "It sounded like... an alligator... but a very big one..." Michelangelo: "You mean... the Crocodile of America?!" Donatello: "Well actually crocodiles and alligators are not the same thing, they do look similar but they're not..." Raphael: "Not the time Donatello, not the time." Leonardo: "Well whatever it is... we better investigate..." said Leonardo, before he and the others went off to began searching for the source of the roar they heard. As they travel through the sewers, they saw a pair of shadows that looked like really big humanoid beasts that made the group very nervous. It wasn't long before the group see a large alligator man mutant walking up to them, followed by what looked like a pigeon man mutant, which surprised the Turtles and their allies. Michelangelo: "Whoa... are they... mutants like us?" Donatello: "They might be... but I don't know if they're friendly..." that was when the alligator (voiced by Peter Lurie), spoke up. Alligator man: "Are you with us... or with Kraang?" Raphael: "Who are you talking about?" asked Raphael, before the Pigeon man (voiced by AJ Buckley) spoke up. Pigeon man: "You mean you don't know who Kraang is?, didn't he created you with the mutagen?" Leonardo: "Mutagen?, you mean the ooze stuff that turned me, my brothers and Master Splinter into mutants long ago?" Alligator man: "Correct... I'm guessing that Kraang never captured you..." Donatello: "Who is Kraang?" Pigeon man: "He's an evil alien from a place called Dimension X... he came to this world in hopes to make it as his own world to rule after he was exiled here... he has some special ooze from his dimension known as Mutagen, which can mutate anyone into the last thing they touched... either be humans or animals... he captured us and turned us into what you see now..." April: "That must have been awful... getting turned into a pigeon..." Casey: "Yeah..." Pigeon man: "Well actually I started out as a normal pigeon, and the same goes for my friend being a normal alligator before his mutation..." Alligator man: "Yes... and once we got captured, we were experimented on, like getting zapped or being tortured to see how tough we have become through our mutation... it was like a nightmare we could never wake up from..." Splinter: "I am truly sorry for what you've been through... it's fortunate then that my sons and I didn't share this fate..." Pigeon man: "How were you able to avoid getting found this long?" Donatello: "Well it's just a guess, but I think the sewer walls here are blocking the robots' scanners, preventing them to find us." Alligator man: "I see... then coming down here was the right call..." Pigeon man: "Yeah... though it's smells a little bad down here..." Michelangelo: "Don't worry, you'll get used to it after a while." Pigeon man: "Um... you mind if we stay down here for a while?" Splinter: "Well... I don't know..." Alligator man: "Please Splinter... we promise to behave... and we'll help you out in return." Splinter: "Hmm... well... I suppose it would be cruel to do otherwise... very well." Pigeon man: "Thank you so much!, you won't regret this!" Michelangelo: "But first... you guys need names." Alligator man: "Names?" Michelangelo: "Yeah, let's see... I got it... Leatherhead and Pigeon Pete!" Alligator man: "Hmm... Leatherhead?" Pigeon man: "And Pigeon Pete?" Michelangelo: "Yeah, cause your head is like leather, and you look like a Pete of a Pigeon." Leatherhead: "Yes... it does rather have a nice ring to it." Pigeon Pete: "Yeah, mine has a good ring to it too." Michelangelo: "Alright, welcome to the club!" said Michelangelo, before the two new mutants followed the group to the turtles' home, where they try to find a place to relax. Raphael: "You know... you look pretty strong... I'll bet you can give me a good workout." Leatherhead: "Well I don't know about that... but I can certainly try." said Leatherhead, before he and Raphael duel with one another, and the alligator was the winner, much to Raphael's annoyance. Donatello: "Don't be surprised... he is a lot bigger and stronger than we are by the looks of him..." Raphael: "He just got lucky cause I was going easy on him, but now I'm ready." said Raphael, before he trains with Leatherhead again, who was ready to fight back too. As for Pigeon Pete, he and Michelangelo were playing chess, and the Pigeon mutant was proven to be a real winner in the game. Pigeon Pete: "Checkmate." Michelangelo: "Oh man... you beat me again..." Pigeon: "Well I used to watch the humans play this game at Central Park before my mutation, so I should know how it works." Michelangelo: "Lucky, can you teach me?" Pigeon Pete: "Sure, and maybe you can teach me how to ride a skateboard." Michelangelo: "Deal." said the orange turtle, while April, Casey and Splinter watched not too far way. April: "Looks like we got some new friends." Splinter: "Yes... it might be a good thing as we'll need all the help we can get against the current threats in New York... this Kraang... and the Shredder..." said Splinter, knowing that both Kraang and Shredder are a real threat to not only him and his family, but to whole city of New York... maybe even for the whole world.

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