The Cat & The Snake, Part 2

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After escaping from the T.C.R.I. building, April was still looking upset that she was no longer a human, but a cat girl mutant. April: "Oh... what am I gonna do... I can't go home looking like this!, or school or anywhere for that matter..." Donatello: "It's alright April, I promise to help you get your human form back." said Donatello, before April felt a pain in her body, then started to changed back to her normal human form, much to the group's surprise. Michelangelo: "Whoa... that was fast." Donatello: "What in the world?" April: "Huh?... what happened?" Raphael: "One moment, you were a mutant, and in the next, you became human again..." Splinter: "Curious... very curious..." Michelangelo: "Uh... that's a good thing, right?" April: "No complaints from me, I'm human again!" Leonardo: "I don't know... this seems to good to be true if you ask me..." Splinter: "I must agree with Leonardo here, this seems too good to be true..." suddenly, the sound of someone crying for help was heard, and the group decided to check it out. Turns out that the cry for help came from a man that works in a noodle shop, named Murakami (voiced by Sab Shimono), who was being bullied by Bebop and Rocksteady, who were demanding food from him. Bebop: "Come on, we want something other than noodles, and we want them now." Rocksteady: "Yeah, otherwise someone is gonna get hurt... namely you." Murakami: "Please you two, I would make something other than noodles, but it wouldn't be easy..." Bebop: "We don't wanna hear excuses, we want food... or we break your bones!" April: "Hey!, leave him alone!" shouted April, who along with her friends were ready to fight back. Rocksteady: "Well look who it is..." Bebop: "Those chumps again." Raphael: "Get ready for a beat down!" said Raphael, before he and the others went to fight to bad mutant pair. When April felt mad, she began to change back into her mutant form and went to attack the two bad mutants, who were surprised by this. Bebop: "What the heck?!" Rocksteady: "Looks like little girl is mutant too now." said the two mutants, before getting their faces scratched by April's claws, which were quite painful for sure. It wasn't long before Splinter took down the two mutants with his high level of Ninjitzu, forcing the two bad mutants to retreat and left the scene. April looks at his now mutated hands and felt sad. April: "Oh man... I should have known it was too good to be true..." Murakami: "Excuse me, are you the ones who saved me?" April: "... Yeah?" Murakami: "Then I thank you, how about I cook up some noodles for you, as a way to show my gratitude?" Splinter: "Well... I don't know... we don't want to trouble you with..." Murakami: "It's no trouble at all, besides I can tell when someone is hungry, as I can hear the sound of your stomachs growling." said Murakami, before the sound of Michelangelo's stomach growling was heard. Michelangelo: "Wow... he's good hearing..." said Michelangelo, before he and the others went to take a seat at the noodle shop, watching Murakami making some noodles. April: "Um... I hope you mind asking... but why aren't you scared of us?" Murakami: "Why would I be scared of you?, especially since you saved me from those brutes." Casey: "He makes a good point." April: "Well it's just... most of us aren't human." Murakami: "How so?" Michelangelo: "Well some of us are turtles, one is a rat, and our friend April is a cat girl now." said Michelangelo, before Murakami touches their hands with his hand. Murakami: "Hmm... so it seems..." Raphael: "How could you not see that?" April: "Oh my... you're blind... aren't you...?" Murakami: "Yes... but I didn't let that stop me from doing what I do best, making noodles for those who are hungry and with good hearts, I can't just judge others by their appearance as most folks would, it's what is inside that counts." Splinter: "Yes... very wise words indeed." Murakami: "Yes, now if you want an order, please go to the token machine and give me the token with your corresponding order." April: "I see... you can determined on what we want by feeling the engraving of the token, correct?" Murakami: "Yes." Michelangelo: "Cool." soon, the group went to the token machine and gave Murakami their token. Murakami: "So tell me, what's your story?" Leonardo: "It's a long one I'm afraid..." Murakami: "Well it could help pass the time on cooking the noodles, so go ahead." Splinter: "Well... it all began 15 years ago..." said Splinter, as he and the turtles tell their story to the owner of the noodle shop. Some time later, the noodles were ready, and the turtles got something called Pizza gyōza, which were a type of Japanese style dumpling that is stuffed with pizza ingredients. Donatello: "Wow, these Pizza gyōza are amazing!" Murakami: "Thank you, I'm glad you like them." Splinter: "Hmm... a combination of pizza and dumplings... interesting..." April: "Yeah... who knew..." Murakami: "You know young lady, just because you're a mutant now does not mean your life is over, it's just beginning a new chapter of your life." Casey: "Yeah, I mean you could change back into your human form, that's something the others can't do... maybe your new form is like your super hero identity." Splinter: "You of course would need to learn on how to control it before going back to public." April: "Yeah... but how am I gonna explain my school and my dad about my uh... condition." Michelangelo: "Just tell them you're sick and need a few days off." April: "Well... I guess that could work... maybe..." Raphael: "Better than telling them that got turned into a mutant and need to learn how to control your transformations." April: "Gee... thanks Raphael..." said April as she rolled her eyes. Meanwhile, in the T.C.R.I. building, Karai was doing her best to learn on how to control her transformations. It wasn't long before Shredder came to the scene. Shredder: "Karai... how are you feeling?" asked Shredder, before Karai changed into her human form. Karai: "Well... I'm alive... and now a mutant in a way... I'll make Hamato Yoshi and those turtles pay for what they did." Shredder: "I can promise you dear... we will make them pay with their lives..." that was when Baxter Stockman came to the scene. Baxter: "Um... sir... I got some bad news... that battle earlier has drained the last of our mutagen... meaning we can't use it on the turtles." Shredder: "Then we should get some more." Baxter: "Easier said than done... that stuff isn't originally found in this dimension... it only exist where Kraang came from... which is Dimension X." Shredder: "Then we must go to this Dimension X and collect as much Mutagen we can carry." Baxter: "There's only one way to get there... and that the Trans-dimensional portal, which was located in the Technodrome, which was last seen falling into the sea..." Shredder: "Then we must go on a salvage hunt and use this Technodrome to get the Mutagen we need." said the Shredder, while Karai had an evil smile on her face, before sticking her snake like tongue out, hissing like a snake.

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