Fly-Man Of The Stockman

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After what happened with the Technodrome, Shredder took the remaining robots of T.C.R.I. as his own, while Baxter Stockman was taken prisoner. Once Baxter Stockman was in front of the Shredder, the evil ninja showed the scientist a canister of mutagen. Shredder: "Baxter Stockman, since Kraang is no more... you work for me now, and I want you to make more of this Mutagen to create more mutants for my army." Baxter: "But Shredder, Kraang was the one who knows how to get more Mutagen, I'm more familiar with machines like the M.O.U.S.E.R.S., not genetic mutation." Shredder: "Then figure out how it works, this sample should be enough for you to study." Baxter: "Well... alright... I'll work on it right away..." Shredder: "You better, if you don't wanna end up like Kraang." said Shredder, which made Baxter Stockman gulp in fear. Sometime later, Baxter Stockman was doing some research on the mutagen, figuring out how to control it's mutating abilities, when a fly came and was buzzing around the man's face. Had enough of the bug's buzzing, especially when it was on his nose, Baxter tries to swat it but missed, and the tries swatting it on every spot it landed. Trouble brewed when Stockman accidentally slammed his hand on the opened canister of mutagen putting his hand in the ooze, much to his shock and horror. It wasn't long before the man begins to mutate and transforms into a mutant fly-man, and begins to fly around in dismay. Back in the sewers, Donatello was doing his own research on the mutagen canister he got when he was in the Technodrome, before Michelangelo came to the scene. Michelangelo: "Hey bro, what cha doing?" Donatello: "Just researching some mutagen." Michelangelo: "The same stuff that turned us into mutants?, cool!, let me touch to see how it feels." Donatello: "Don't touch it!, have you forgotten that any direct contact with it causes mutation?, if if does that to both normal humans or animals, there's no telling what it might do on those who are already mutants like us." Michelangelo: "It can't be worse than looking like that Kraang guy." Donatello: "Well I'm not planning or attempting to find out, so don't touch it... besides, I need it to see if I can make an antidote out of it." Michelangelo: "Antidote?, what for?" Donatello: "For those who want to have a normal life again, like those who were originally humans, like master Splinter." Michelangelo: "You mean you're making an antidote for Master Splinter?" Donatello: "Of course, he deserves a second chance to be human again, and if I can make the antidote, I could make that dream come true..." back with Baxter Stockman, he was upset that he was now a mutant, before getting an idea in his now insect head. Baxter: "Oh... I need to turn myself back... I need to make an antidote for the mutagen's effects... I would need a test subject for such experiments... and I think I know who..." said Baxter Stockman, before he flies off to who knows where, looking for certain people of mutants to experiment on. As night fell, April and Casey Jones were on their way to the sewer's entrance to meet up with the turtles, only for Baxter Stockman to show up. Casey: "Whoa!, what is that?!" Baxter: "You... you're that girl who hangs out with the turtles!" April: "Should I know you?" Baxter: "It's Baxter Stockman!, and you are my latest test subject!" said Baxter Stockman, before he flies down and captures April in an instant. April: "Let go of me, you bug eyes creep!" Casey: "Red!, put her down!" Baxter: "If you want her back, then call your turtle pals, let them know that if they don't want their friend be a disgusting mutant like I am, they should surrender themselves!" said Baxter Stockman, before he flies away with April, while Casey was forced to watch, and then ran to the entrance of the sewers. Once he got to the lair, Casey told the turtles and the other mutants about what happened. Michelangelo: "That Baxter Stockman is a mutant now?!, and he's got April?!" Casey: "Yeah... it's really bad... I couldn't stop him..." Splinter: "You did your best Casey Jones... we must get her back." Donatello: "No fooling, if what Casey said about what Baxter Stockman is planning with April... she could be in real trouble..." Raphael: "Then let's get going and get her back, quick!" Leonardo: "I couldn't agree more, let's go!" said the turtles, before they run off to find April, before it's too late. In a secret lab, Baxter Stockman had April tied up to a lab table, ready to be experimented on. Baxter: "Soon my dear, you'll be the key to lead me become the greatest scientist in history... the man who learns the secrets of the mutagen... how to do or undo the effects of the ooze..." April: "But you can't experiment on other people!, it's insane and inhuman!" Baxter: "Well I'm not a human... not anymore..." suddenly, the turtles came to the scene, ready to fight the insect mutant. Leonardo: "Hey!, bug face!, let our friend go!" Baxter: "Ah... turtles... I see you got my invitation here..." Raphael: "Well that was a mistake in your part, for now we're gonna take you down before you can buzz!" Baxter: "Oh yeah?, I like to see you try now!" said Baxter Stockman, as he flies around the turtles, who were trying to catch him, but because of how fast he was in the air, and because of his extra bug eyes, he can see them everywhere, making him harder to hit. Raphael: "Man, this is one fast bug." Donatello: "Yeah... flies might small, but there's a reason their kind lasted this long..." Michelangelo: "Because they looked so ugly that nobody wanted to eat them?" Baxter: "Don't call me ugly!" Michelangelo: "Okay... how about stupid?" this of course made Baxter very angry, before the bug man flies towards Michelangelo, before Casey Jones came to the scene and hits him on the head with his hockey stick. Casey: "That's for kidnapping Red, you overgrown pest!" Leonardo: "Great, now that's taken care of... let's go." said Leonardo, before he and the others were beginning to leave. April: "Um... guys... I'm still tied to this table." said April, with an annoyed tone in her voice, which made the others to chuckle nervously. Casey: "Oh, sorry Red, almost forgot..." Leonardo: "Come on guys, help her out." said Leonardo, as he and the others help April getting free again.

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