The Cat & The Snake, Part 1

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A week has passed since Baxter Stockman's mutation, and he was working on a special batch of mutagen. It wasn't long before the Shredder showed up, checking on what the mutant fly-man was doing. Shredder: "Baxter Stockman... what is the process of the mutagen?" Baxter: "Well... I'm working on making a special bath of Mutagen that can give the mutant the ability to convert forms... meaning they would have the ability to convert to mutant form or back to their original form, so they could go places without being noticed too much." Shredder: "Hmm... you wouldn't be making it just so you can be human again, would you?" Baxter: "Why wouldn't I?, I didn't chose to be a mutant!, you would want to find a way to become human again if you or someone you cared about get turned into a mutant!, wouldn't ya?!" Shredder: "Watch you tone Baxter Stockman... I am your master now... as for your question, I would gladly become a mutant myself if it would give me the power to slay Hamato Yoshi and those turtles of his..." said Shredder, before he leaves the scene. Baxter: "Sheesh... that guy has a serious grudge issue..." said Baxter Stockman, as he buzzes around and continues his work on the mutagen. As soon as school was over, April and Casey were on their way home, before hearing the sound of a trash can rattling. When they got closer, April and Casey see that it was a cat. April: "Oh... hi there little kitty." said April, before she begins to pet the cat, who was enjoying the affection as it begins purring. Casey: "Um Red, are you sure you should be petting that cat?, you don't know where it's been." April: "Don't worry, I'll wash my hands when I get home." Karai: "Too bad you won't get the chance." said Karai, who came to the scene with some Foot ninjas, ready to attack the human pair. Casey and April tried their best to fight back, but then Karai threw a pallet that let out sleeping gas that knocked out the pair, allowing the ninjas to capture April while Casey was left behind. A few hours later, the turtles came to the scene where Casey was laying on the ground, and they were concern about him. Raphael: "Hey Casey, what's the big idea sleeping here?" Casey: "Oh... my head... Red!, they took Red!" Leonardo: "Hold on, what happened?" Casey: "The Foot have taken April!" Donatello: "What?!" Michelangelo: "Oh no!" Raphael: "And you let them get away?" Casey: "They knocked us out with sleeping gas... those cheaters..." Leonardo: "Look... there's a not on your back." Casey: "There is?" asked Casey, before Leonardo takes the note off of his back and reads it. Leonardo: "It says that we must go to T.C.R.I. to get her back, and battle both Karai and... the Shredder..." Donatello: "The Shredder?!, we can't do that!, we barely survived the last time we fought him!" Leonardo: "I know... that's why we'll need help..." Michelangelo: "You mean... bringing master Splinter?" Leonardo: "He's the only one who can fight Shredder... we don't have a choice..." said Leonardo, before he and the others followed him to the sewers. Meanwhile, back with April, she was in a cage, hanging on a chain above a tank of mutagen. It wasn't long before she woke up, and sees Baxter Stockman, Karai, and the Shredder himself. Baxter: "Hello child... we meet again..." Shredder: "So this is the test subject?" Baxter: "And the bait to lure the turtles here." April: "Test subject for what?" Baxter: "For this new batch of Mutagen of course... bombs away!" said Baxter Stockman, before he presses a button on a remote, which made the crane that was holding the cage's chain to let go, dropping April into the mutagen. It wasn't long before April came out, but she was now an orange cat girl mutant, much to her shock and dismay. April: "No!... this can't be!" shouted April in dismay, before Foot ninjas came and took her back to another cage. Back with Baxter Stockman, following Shredder's orders, he puts the DNA of a snake into the Mutagen. Baxter: "So you want to turn the turtles into snakes once they fall into the mutagen?" Shredder: "That's right, for snakes are the naturally predators of rats... and Hamato Yoshi won't fight back against them without harming them in the process." Karai: "That seems a little harsh, ain't it?" Shredder: "Nowhere as cruel as what Hamato Yoshi did to your mother... now... prepare for the turtles' arrival... they should be here soon." said Shredder, before the turtles themselves came to the scene. Leonardo: "Correction Shredder... we are here!" called out Leonardo, as he and his brothers took out their weapons. Shredder: "Ah... turtles... we meet again..." Splinter: "Not just them, Oroku Saki!" said Splinter, as he came to the scene and kicks Shredder on the stomach. Karai: "Father!" Baxter: "Whoa... didn't see that coming..." said Baxter Stockman, before Casey Jones came to the scene. Casey: "Where is Red?!" Baxter: "If you're talking about the girl... she's over there." said Baxter Stockman, pointing at the cage that held the now mutated April, which made the group to gasp in shock. Donatello: "April?!" Splinter: "What have you done to her?!" Baxter: "Just made her a mutant like you, to see if I can undo the effects of the mutagen." Donatello: "Funny... I've been working on how to undo the ooze's mutation too." Baxter: "Really?, have you succeeded?" Donatello: "Well it's still in a working process, but I'm sure that I can do it before you can." Baxter: "Don't make me laugh!, I've been studying the ooze before you were even born!" Donatello: "Oh yeah, then have you figured out how to undo it's effects?" Baxter: "Well... not yet... but I'm getting close!" Raphael: "Hey!, less talking, more fighting!" Shredder: "For once... I agree..." said Shredder, before he and the mutants went to battle, while Casey went over to April. Casey: "Hey Red... you okay?" April: "Do I look okay?... I'm a cat monster!" Donatello: "Cat mutant actually, cause your transformation was by mutation and..." All: "Not now Donatello!" shouted everyone, forcing Donatello to be quiet and getting back to the battle. Splinter and Shredder's battle was intense, before the Shredder's blades hits the tank of mutagen, releasing the mutagen, which of course hits Karai, much to the masters' shock and horror. Splinter: "Oh no!" Shredder: "Karai!, no!" shouted both Splinter and the Shredder, before Karai emerged from the ooze, as a snake mutant girl with snakes for arms, hissing at Splinter, ready to attack the rat. However, at that moment, Casey managed to free April, who then jumps up and uses her claws to scratch the snake girl. April: "Run for it!" called out April, before she, Casey and the good mutants made a run for it, leaving the Angry Shredder behind. Shredder: "Hamato Yoshi!, I will get you for this if it's the last thing I do!" shouted the Shredder, while Karai felt some pain in her body before changing back to her human form. Baxter: "What do you know... it worked... the mutagen has given her the ability to convert forms... then perhaps the same could go for the other girl..." Shredder: "Baxter Stockman... tell me that Karai will be fine..." Baxter: "Yes, I believe she'll be alright, she just needs to get used to her new condition..." said Baxter Stockman, while Karai started to hiss like the snake she is now.

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