The Final Conflict For New York

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Last time on TMNT JDD Version, Splinter tells the turtles and their allies about the true identity of Karai, while Shredder talks to Kraang about the truth about Karai, who overheard him and was outraged by the fact she was deceived her entire life. After Karai left, Shredder uses Mutagen to save himself from the girl's venom, which mutants into a super version of himself. Now the Technodrome was on the move, and Shredder sent his ninjas to collect Bebop and Rocksteady to aid him. It wasn't long before Bebop and Rocksteady came to the scene in front of Shredder and Kraang. Bebop: "Dang... what happened to you Shredder?, you look like a monster." Rocksteady: "Yeah... what he said..." Shredder: "Never mind about that, the time has come to make our move." Kraang: "Yes, we managed to collect enough mutagen to create more mutants for the attack." Bebop: "You mean we get to take control of this city?, about time." Shredder: "Yes... and then the world itself..." Bebop: "Awesome!, let's do this!" Rocksteady: "Yeah!" Shredder: "And another thing, if you can, find Karai for me." Bebop: "Sure thing." Rocksteady: "You got it." said the two bad mutants, before they left the scene. Meanwhile, back in the sewers, the turtles were playing a game of ball with their human and mutant friends, when they heard crying not too far away. They went to investigate and were shocked to see that it was Karai herself. Raphael: "It's Karai!" Donatello: "What is she doing here?!" Michelangelo: "And why is she crying?" Leonardo: "Be on your guard... it could be a trick..." April: "I don't think so... her mind isn't lying about those tears... it seems she just learned about the truth about her family..." Casey: "How do you know that?" April: "Psychic powers... something I picked up when I was in Dimension X." Irma: "Lucky..." Pigeon Pete: "Okay... what number I'm thinking of?" April: "... Sourdough." Pigeon Pete: "Wow!" Mona Lisa: "You do know that's not a number, right?" Pigeon Pete: "Of course, I was testing her." Leatherhead: "Yeah right." Pigeon Pete: "What?, I was!" it wasn't long before Splinter came to the scene and sees Karai crying, and decided to walk over to her. Splinter: "Karai?, are you alright?" Karai: "... Am I okay?... I just learned that my whole life was a lie!, Shredder killed my mother and tricked me to believe he was my father!... everything in my life was a lie!" Splinter: "... Hmm... I'm truly sorry Karai... it was my fault that you went through something like that... if only I knew what happened to you... then maybe..." Karai: "Tell me... are you really my father?" Splinter: "Well... I am... but only if you want me to... and I promise you that I will love you like a true father would..." Karai: "You're really nothing like how Shredder described you..." Splinter: "I don't know about that... I made many mistakes in my day... but I managed to learn from them, like how we all have as we grow up... now then... I don't suppose you came here to find me, have ya?" Karai: "No... honestly I wasn't even trying... for I believe that you would never accepted me... even if you are my real father..." Splinter: "Daughter or not, I would have accepted you either way, helping you find the right path... just like how I did with the turtles and everyone else here." hearing this made Karai wipe her tears away and smile for the first time in a while. Suddenly, a portal opened, and out came Bishop and his Utrom troops. Bishop: "Mutants... we have a situation..." said Bishop, which made everyone nervous. Splinter: "Explain." Bishop: "Kraang and the one called Shredder has fixed the Technodrome, and it now using it to attack Dimension X, collecting more mutagen to create more mutants to invade it, and then earth." Michelangelo: "Oh no!" Donatello: "Then we need to stop them, and fast." Karai: "Hold on, Shredder is dead now, I mean I bit him a few times with my venom." Leonardo: "You what?" Karai: "Yeah... another reason why I can't go back to the Foot clan... I killed it's master..." Bishop: "He's alive... for he used some Mutagen on himself to not only heal, but transformed him into a super mutant warrior." Raphael: "You got to be kidding... you mean he's a lot more tougher now?!" Bishop: "Correct, and now he and Kraang and creating a mutant army to conquer both Dimension X and earth." Mona Lisa: "Oh dear..." Alopex: "So... does this means if we lose... it's game over for all of us?" Leatherhead: "So it would seem..." Pigeon Pete: "Oh sourdough..." Splinter: "That will not happen, for we shall stop it... as for Shredder... I will deal with him." Leonardo: "What?!, master wait, he's a mutant now!, you can't fight him!" Splinter: "Leonardo... I am also a mutant... and this is between me and him... I can't let him harm any more souls... it's time to end this..." Karai: "I'm going with you." Splinter: "No... he made you suffer enough, I can't let him hurt you anymore than he has already..." Leatherhead: "But what about us?, surely we can help too." Pigeon Pete: "Yeah, you're like a father to us too, we want to help you." Splinter: "If you want to help me, help my children stop Kraang and his troops, along with stopping the Technodrome." Mona Lisa: "As you wish master." Alopex: "Sure, we'll make that brain pay for the pain he put us through." suddenly, the whole place started to shake, as a result of the Technodrome coming out to the surface of New York, and both Kraang and Super Shredder were watching some military tanks and helicopters trying to attack the Technodrome through a large monitor. Kraang: "Fools, do they really think that their pathetic weapons can stop the Technodrome?" Super Shredder: "Unleash the mutants!" ordered Super Shredder, as the Technodrome opens up, releasing an army of mutants, lead by Bebop and Rocksteady, at the military, who were getting their butts kicked with ease. That was when the turtles, and their allies came to the scene and went to fight the bad mutants and the robots of Kraang. Michelangelo: "Cowabunga!" Alopex: "Hey Michelangelo, I'll bet I can take down more mutants than you can." Michelangelo: "Alright, the loser will have to pay for the winner's pizzas for a whole month!" Alopex: "You're on!" Raphael: "Ha!, if you think you can take down more freaks than me, then you got another thing coming!" said Raphael, before he goes on a rampage and taking down every bad mutant he sees, while Mona Lisa was doing the same. That was when Fugitoid came to the scene, using his psychic powers to send some robots away. Fugitoid: "That Raphael is a real hard case, and the same for Mona Lisa." Michelangelo: "Bro, I can tell you stories." Alopex: "Same here..." it wasn't long before Bebop and Rocksteady came back to the Technodrome, looking a little beaten up. Bebop: "Yo bosses, those turtles are kicking our army's butts." Shredder: "No need to worry, for Kraang will use the Technodrome to fire a bomb on them." Rocksteady: "Great, but how come we didn't do it in the first place?" asked Rocksteady, before Baxter Stockman flew in. Baxter: "Because this bomb will not only destroy those turtles, but the whole planet as well." said Baxter Stockman, which made both Bebop and Rocksteady gasped in shock, as they didn't think their bosses would go that far. Bebop: "Whoa!, destroy the whole planet?!" Shredder: "Yes, I would do whatever it takes to destroy Hamato Yoshi... no matter the cost..." Rocksteady: "But... blowing up the planet?" Shredder: "Enough talking, go stomp those turtles... now!" Bebop: "Y-y-yes sir." said Bebop, before he and Rocksteady ran off from the Technodrome and went back to battle. Soon, the turtles and their allies were captured, and both Kraang and Shredder were laughing in an evil way as they both were getting the Technodrome ready to fire the bomb at their enemies. Michelangelo: "Oh man... this is a real bogus moment for us..." Raphael: "For once, I agree with ya..." Donatello: "I guess this is it for us..." Leonardo: "Well... it was nice knowing you all..." meanwhile, back with Bebop and Rocksteady, they were feeling very unease due to knowing that the world is about to end. Bebop: "Oh man... I'm having second thoughts of this plan..." Rocksteady: "But comrade Bebop, we managed to become powerful warriors, and get to be top dogs... isn't that what we always wanted?" Bebop: "But destroying the world?!, we like this world!, it's our home!, all we wanted was some paper and some respect, is that too much to ask?!" Rocksteady: "But we can't turn against Shredder and Kraang now." Bebop: "But Rocksteady, think about all the things we'll miss, fireworks of July, Christmas, awesome movies, pizza, and what about... mama?" said Bebop, before Rocksteady had a flashback of himself when he was a little kid with his mother, making him realized that no more earth means no more of his mama. Rocksteady: "No... I love mama!" said Rocksteady, before he and Bebop went to charge towards the robots and bad mutants, freeing the turtles and their allies, much to their surprise. Kraang: "Have those two lost their minds?!" asked Kraang in surprise, before Bishop and his Utrom troops came and surrounded Kraang, while Splinter went to battle Super Shredder, who proved to be a tougher opponent than he was when he was still human. However, thanks to the help of the turtles, Shredder was finally defeated, and soon was wrapped up in chains along with Kraang and the other bad mutants. As for the bomb, it was deactivated thanks to the work of the human allies and Fugitoid guiding them. April: "We did it!" Casey: "Yeah... we actually did it." Irma: "Well we wouldn't have done it without the help of those two." said Irma, pointing at Bebop and Rocksteady. Fugitoid: "That reminds me, why did you help, aren't you with Shredder and Kraang?" Bebop: "Well we were... but those two crossed the line when they planned to blow up the planet, and we love this planet." Rocksteady: "Nobody hurts my mama!" All: "Mama?" Rocksteady: "What?, just because we're bad guys doesn't mean we can't care about our mamas, right?" Splinter: "Yes... that is very true..." said Splinter with a smile on his face.

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