First Encounter Of The Shredder

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After the encounter with Baxter Stockman and the M.O.U.S.E.R.S., the turtles were getting ready to investigate the T.C.R.I. company, in hopes to learn more of their origins. April: "You sure it's a good time to go there?" Leonardo: "We waited long enough to learn the truth of our origins, and maybe with luck, we could help Splinter to become human again." Splinter: "Me... human again?" Donatello: "Yeah, you deserve a normal life again." Michelangelo: "I wonder what we look like as humans again?" Donatello: "Uh... Mikey... we were never human to begin with, we were normal turtles before our mutation... remember?" Michelangelo: "Oh..." Raphael: "Well if you ask me, this should be easy for us." Splinter: "Don't be so overconfident, son, for there are still many opponents that are much stronger than you." Raphael: "We're not being overconfident, we're just too good." said Raphael, as he and the other turtles went to investigate the T.C.R.I. company. Splinter: "They are so being overconfident..." April: "Well they have been facing ninjas, robots, thugs and a mutant, so it's only natural they believed that they can't be beaten..." Splinter: "Yes... but something is telling me that they're about to face their first defeat..." said Splinter, feeling concerned about his sons letting their pride get the better of them. Meanwhile, at T.C.R.I., Kraang was not happy for Baxter Stockman's recent failure on catching the turtles. Kraang: "How could you let those turtles get the better of you?!" Baxter: "It wasn't my fault!, those stupid Purple Dragon thugs took the remote and broke it!, what was I supposed to do?!" Kraang: "I don't want to hear excuses, I want results, and those turtles!" Baxter: "I know, I'll try again and get them for sure." Kraang: "You better... for your sake." meanwhile, outside of T.C.R.I., the turtles climbed up the building and went into the air vent system to travel inside without being spotted. When they got out of the vents, the turtles were now in a room full of canisters full of the ooze that turned them into mutants long ago. Donatello: "This must be the place where the ooze is stored... wonder what they use it for... other than making mutants I mean...?" Raphael: "Who cares?, let's trash the place." Leonardo: "Hold on, we need to know what we're dealing with first, then trash it." Michelangelo: "Uh... guys... we got company!" said Michelangelo, before the Foot Clan, and Karai came to the scene. Karai: "Turtles... you're not getting away from me this time." Raphael: "Oh great... it's that ninja girl again..." Leonardo: "Get ready guys, but be careful not to break the canisters, no telling what they'll do to us if we touch the ooze again." said Leonardo, before he and his brothers went to fight the Foot Clan, who were determined to capture the turtles for their master. Suddenly, a big group of robots came to the scene, ready to attack both the turtles and the Foot Clan. While the ninjas were fighting against the robots, the turtles were making a get away and then found a room that had a big scream that showed an image of looked like blueprints for a giant golf ball on tank tracks called the Technodrome. Michelangelo: "What is it?" Donatello: "Not sure... but I think it's some kinda blueprint for something called the Technodrome..." Raphael: "And what's that?" Donatello: "Not sure, but it looks like some sort of weapon... and according to this... it's almost completed... and whatever it's for... it can't be anything good..." Leonardo: "We better tell Master Splinter and the others fast." said Leonardo, before he and the other turtles left the room and were on their way to the exit, only to run into Karai again. Karai: "I will find Hamato Yoshi and make him suffer like how he made me suffer!" shouted Karai, as she goes to swing her blade at the turtles. One she hits Raphael with her blade however, it broke it half as it was no match for his hard turtle shell. While Karai was shocked by the sight of her trusty blade being broken, Raphael uses his leg to trip her and grabs her before dumping her into a trash can. Raphael: "Ha!, now that's what I call taking out the trash." Michelangelo: "Dude!, you were totally awesome when you broke that blade with your shall." Donatello: "Well we didn't get their shells for nothing." Leonardo: "What was Master Splinter worried about?, we're not overconfident... we're just that good." Shredder: "Your skills are impressive... but they will not save you." said the Shredder, who came to the scene and the sight of him made the turtles felt scared for some reason. Michelangelo: "Who is that?" Shredder: "I once went by the name of Oroku Saki... but you may call me... the Shredder..." Raphael: "So Oroku Saki... Master Splinter told us about you..." Shredder: "Who?" Leonardo: "Our master." Shredder: "Ah... you must mean Hamato Yoshi... so that's what he's called now?, well I'll be looking forward to see him again... when I show him your dead bodies." said Shredder, before he goes to fight the turtles, who tried their best to fight back, but the Shredder was proven to be too much for them as he was fast and strong, taking them down with ease. Raphael: "Oh man... that hurt..." Michelangelo: "This guy's on a whole other level..." Shredder: "Indeed, I am no weakling like the ones you fought before... you should have run away when you had the chance..." suddenly, a group of robots came to the scene and began firing their laser guns at Shredder, allowing the turtles to make their escape the T.C.R.I. company building. Back in the sewers, the turtles were resting on a couch, and Splinter made some tea for them. Splinter: "The herbs in this tea should help you feel better." Leonardo: "Thank you master... and we're very sorry..." Splinter: "For what?" Leonardo: "About earlier... you were right when you said we were being overconfident... turns out there are still those we're not match for..." Raphael: "No kidding... that Shredder guy was not only strong... but he was really fast as well... like he was lightning..." Splinter: "You did managed to escape though, very few were able to get away from Oroku Saki and even fewer lived long enough to live the tale..." that was when April and Casey Jones came to the scene. April: "Oh man... are you guys okay?" Michelangelo: "Not really... we got beaten badly by Shredder..." Donatello: "Who happens to be Oroku Saki." Casey: "You mean the guy that made Splinter leave Japan?" Leonardo: "The very same... and if he's here... we're in big trouble..." Donatello: "Not only that, we learned that the T.C.R.I. company is building something called the Technodrome... and whatever it's for... it's not good for us or New York..." April: "Then we gotta stop it." Michelangelo: "How?, we're in bad shape..." Donatello: "For now, but from what I learned from Master Splinter, we mutants can recover a lot faster than a human, so we should be back on our feet in a day or two... maybe..." Leonardo: "I don't know if we can beat Shredder if we run into him again..." Splinter: "You won't, for it will be I who will face him if he comes back..." Raphael: "Master, if we couldn't beat him... how can you?" Splinter: "Don't forget that he and I were trained together in the same Ninja clan, we're both on the same level... so I think it would be wise if you leave him to me." Leonardo: "Okay... but promise us something... don't die and kick his butt hard." Splinter: "Hmm... I'll do my best on both of those things." said Splinter with a smile.

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