Escape From Dimension X

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Last time on TMNT JDD Version, the turtles and April ended up in Dimension X, where they meet a robot named Fugitoid, who promises to help them in return for helping him earlier, and now he's teaching April how to use psychic powers through the crystal necklace she found. Fugitoid: "Remember April, as long as you keep a cool mind, you can do anything, now point your hand at the certain object and focus your mind on it." April: "So... it's like using the Force from Star Wars?" Fugitoid: "Uh... yeah... whatever that is..." said Fugitoid, before April closed her eyes and pointed her hand at a rock, like how a Jedi from Star Wars would use the Force, and then the crystal around her neck started to glow, and the rock April was focusing on started to float up into the air. It wasn't long before Michelangelo came to the scene, and he was amazed. Michelangelo: "Whoa!, April, how are you doing that?, that's awesome!" said Michelangelo, before April lost focus and the rock landed on top of the orange turtle. April: "Oh my gosh!, Michelangelo!" Fugitoid: "Hold on!" said Fugitoid, before he uses his own psychic power to lift the rock, and Michelangelo crawled away looking a little flat. Michelangelo: "Ow..." April: "Oh... sorry about that..." Fugitoid: "Don't worry, in Dimension X, any living being that comes here can survive anything." Michelangelo: "Like those lame cartoon super heroes that Leonardo likes to watch?" asked Michelangelo, before Leonardo himself came to the scene. Leonardo: "Hey!, they're not lame, they're really awesome, unlike those comics you read sometimes." Michelangelo: "Hey!, they're not lame!" April: "Guys!, don't fight each other, save your fighting energy for Shredder and Kraang." Leonardo: "Oh... you're right, sorry bro." Michelangelo: "That's okay... we all have our own interests... hey... where's Raphael and Donatello?" Leonardo: "Well Donatello is doing some research on the tech at Fugitoid's place... as for Raphael... he's looking for some monster to beat up to blow off some steam." Michelangelo: "Yup... that sounds like them." Fugitoid: "You sure act like teenagers." April: "That's because they are teenagers." Fugitoid: "Oh I see... that explains a lot... it kinda reminds me of the days when I was a teenager." said Fugitoid, which caught the attention of April and the two turtles, along with Raphael and Donatello, who came to the scene just in time to hear what the robot said. Raphael: "Wait... you were a teenager?, I didn't think robots can have teen years..." Fugitoid: "To tell you the truth... I wasn't always a robot... I was once a human being that came to Dimension X many years ago..." Donatello: "Really?" Fugitoid: "Yes... I spent my whole life here... and then one day I found a crystal necklace that was like the one April has now, and it gave me the psychic powers I have now... when I got old, I nearly died when Kraang attacked my lab... I managed to survive though, but my body was really banged up... so I transferred my brain into this robot's body and became what I am today..." Donatello: "So you're like... a cyborg?" Fugitoid: "In a way..." Michelangelo: "Whoa... a robot with a human brain..." April: "Is that how a machine like you can use psychic powers?" Fugitoid: "Yes... being in this body has allowed me to last much longer than a normal human would... but it tends to get a little lonely if you ask me..." April: "Well... if you want... you can come with us to Earth." Fugitoid: "You mean... leave Dimension X and return to earth?... I don't know... I'm not sure I could fit in..." Leonardo: "Look at us, we're not normal and yet we managed to live in New York." Michelangelo: "Yeah, you could hang out with us in the sewers." Fugitoid: "You live in a sewer?" Donatello: "Well it's the one place in New York where the robots of Kraang can't detect us." Fugitoid: "I see... interesting..." Raphael: "Uh... guys... don't look now... but it looks like we got company!" said Raphael, before a bunch of what looked like Kraang came to the scene, riding on robots in the stomachs, and the leader was in a robot that looked like a businessman/secret agent. The alien in question was Bishop (voiced by Nolan North), and he walks up to the group. Bishop: "Mutants, for the crime of working under Kraang, you're under arrest." Michelangelo: "Hey wait!, we're not working for Kraang!" Donatello: "Yeah, we're trying to stop that creep!" Bishop: "You can't fool me, Utrom, seize them!" called out Bishop, before the other brain like aliens, now known as Utrom, move forward to try capturing the turtles and their allies. Fugitoid: "Run for it!" said Fugitoid, before he and the others make a run for it, trying to get away from the Utrom, who were hot pursuit. April: "Who are those guys?!" Fugitoid: "Those are the Utrom, the same race as Kraang, but they banished him for his crimes of trying to take over Dimension X, and they believe that all mutants serve under Kraang!" Raphael: "That's stupid!, I would never work under that ugly brain no matter how much he would pay me!" Leonardo: "Try telling that to them!" said Leonardo, as the Utrom were gaining. April: "Hey look!" said April, looking at what looked like a portal up ahead. Fugitoid: "It's a portal!" Raphael: "That must be our way home!, come on!" said Raphael, before he jumps into it and the others followed. Back at T.C.R.I., the good mutants, who got freed by Casey, who also managed to free Irma, were now fighting for their lives against the robots and Foot ninjas, while Shredder and Kraang just stood and watch. Shredder: "Child's play..." Kraang: "Hmm... perhaps our luck has not yet run out." suddenly, the turtles, April and Fugitoid came out of the portal, much to everyone's surprise. Shredder: "The turtles!" Casey: "Red!" Irma: "It's April!... wait... is that a robot with her?" asked Irma as she noticed Fugitoid next to her. Suddenly, Bishop and his Utrom troops came out of the portal, ready to attack. Kraang: "Uh oh... it's Bishop!, and the Utrom patrol!" Shredder: "Enemies of yours?" Kraang: "Yeah, they're the ones who banished me here in the first place!" Bishop: "And we shall be the ones to execute you for your crimes against the Utrom, you and your mutants." Pigeon Pete: "His... mutants?" Leatherhead: "He means us." Alopex: "What?!, we don't work for Kraang!" Mona Lisa: "Maybe now... but we were created by Kraang..." Alopex: "But that's not fair!" said Alopex, as the Utrom were marching towards the mutants, before the turtles stood in between them. Raphael: "You're not laying a finger or tentacle or Mona Lisa..." Michelangelo: "Or Alopex!, or you're in for a world of pain!" Donatello: "You better listen, cause you really don't wanna get on my brothers' bad sides." Leonardo: "Yeah... nor mine for that matter." Bishop: "As if I would be scared of a bunch of mutant tortoises." Raphael: "Tortoises?!, we're turtles!, there's a difference!" Kraang: "Robots!" Shredder: "Ninjas!" Kraang and Shredder: "Attack!" ordered the two villains, before the ninjas and robots went to attack the Utrom, the mutants and the humans, who were forced to work together as it seems. When Pigeon Pete saves one of the Utrom from one of the ninjas, Bishop was surprised and confused. Bishop: "What's this?, one of the mutants is protecting us?" Pigeon Pete: "Well you're obviously not with Kraang, and nor are we, and I heard an old saying that the enemy of my enemy is my friend... at least that's what I heard..." Bishop: "Hmm..." soon, all of the robots and ninjas were defeated, and it wasn't long before Kraang and Shredder see that they were cornered by the Utrom, mutants and their human allies. Leonardo: "It's over Shredder, you and Kraang are finished!" Shredder: "Hardly..." said the Shredder, before he uses a smoke pellet to escape, and it seems that Kraang have followed him as well. The others looked around to see that Karai and Baxter Stockman were nowhere to be seen as well, along with the Technodrome. Irma went to take a closer look at Fugitoid, and she was amazed. Irma: "Wow... a real highly advanced robot... this is so cool..." Fugitoid: "Greetings, I am Fugitoid, are you the one April calls Irma Rockwell?" Irma: "Yes, that's me... um April... don't you owe me an explanation?" April: "Yeah... I guess I do... but you must not tell anyone about it, okay?" Irma: "Sure... not like anyone would believe it anyway." April: "Fair point." said April, as she begins to introduce Irma to the mutants, who were happy to meet April's friend. As for Bishop, he walks up to the group. Bishop: "I can see that you're not with Kraang, but I'll be keeping an eye on you all." said Bishop, before he pulls out a remote from his robot suit's pocket, pushing a button and a portal that leads to Dimension X was opened, allowing the Utrom to go back where they belong.

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