The Return Of Kraang

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It's been a few days since the night that both April and Karai have been turned into convertible mutants, and now they're trying to learn on how to control their transformations. April had to make an excuse of not going to school cause she had a condition that needs to be taken care of for a while, which wasn't a total lie due to her mutation is a condition that needs to be taken care of. In the sewers, April was doing her best on training herself on how to convert from human to mutant and back again. It wasn't long before Master Splinter came to the scene. Splinter: "Looks like you're getting better." April: "Yeah... I just hope I can master it this quick, the sooner I get back to my life, the better." Splinter: "Don't try too quickly, remember, slow and steady wins the race." April: "Maybe for a normal race, but this is a race that involves my whole future, if I don't master my new form and people see my uh... mutant form... people will no doubt freak out." Splinter: "Fair enough... but you shouldn't rush this process either, or people will see what you are now too." April: "Yes master..." meanwhile, at the sea, there were some scuba divers, who were really Shredder's Foot ninjas, who was trying to break into the sunken Technodrome. However, what they found was the fact the inside of the Technodrome was still online, and even more shocking news was the fact that Kraang was still alive, and had an evil grin on his face. Kraang: "Well... it's about time you guys came to my rescue..." some time later, Kraang came back to T.C.R.I., and Baxter Stockman and Shredder were surprised to see the alien alive. Baxter: "Kraang!, you're still alive!" Kraang: "Yes... no thanks to you, who left me to be trapped in the Technodrome under the sea while you went to a new master." Baxter: "It wasn't my fault!, Shredder forced me, and I thought you were dead after that battle!" Kraang: "Don't give me excuses... but since I need you for my plans still... I'll spare your life." Shredder: "So Kraang... how did you survive?" Kraang: "My robotic body protected me from the water, it took some time, but I was able to drain the water from the Technodrome, and now I just need to make it functional again so my plans for dominating this planet becomes a reality." Shredder: "You would need Mutagen for that, which is what we need as well..." Kraang: "Are you suggesting we join forces again?" Shredder: "That depends... would you be willing to let me barrow some of the mutagen?" Kraang: "That's fine with me, as long as you help me keep those blasted turtles busy." Shredder: "That will be a pleasure on my part." Karai: "Same with me..." Kraang: "Good to hear, but in order to get the mutagen, we need the Technodrome to be fully operational, and there is a piece missing that is needed to make the portal to Dimension X..." Karai: "Where is it?" Kraang: "Not sure yet, but it has a tracking device, so I should pin point it's location..." said Kraang, before he pressed a button on a remote that shows the group an image on a big screen that showed the location of the piece they need. Shredder: "So that's where it is now?" Kraang: "Seems so..." Baxter: "There are people there..." Karai: "Leave it to me then..." said Karai, as she leaves the scene. Meanwhile, in April's School, the orange haired teenage girl was back, and she was not alone, for Casey Jones was with her, but then a group of four teenage boys, who were really the turtles in disguise, came to them. Raphael: "So... any trouble so far?" April: "Do I know you?" Michelangelo: "April, it's us, the turtles." April: "What?!" Donatello: "We're using my latest gadgets, these wrist watches make a hologram around us to make us look like humans like you, pretty cool huh?" April: "You mean I could have worn that this whole time?" Donatello: "Not really, for it just finished it this morning, we just want to keep you safe from harm." Michelangelo: "And we want to see what school is like, which should be pretty fun." April: "Does Master Splinter know about this?" Raphael: "We told him we have a way to watch over ya without getting caught and he went along with it." Leonardo: "Now then... keep your eyes peeled for anything out of the ordinary." Michelangelo: "Which would be?" Leonardo: "Uh... not sure... I never went to a school before..." April: "Lucky for you guys, me and Casey have, so watch and learn." said April, before she and Casey show them around, teaching them what to do in school. It wasn't long before the disguised turtles meet a girl around April's age named Irma Rockwell (voiced by Kate Micucci), who wanted to show the group something she found some time ago. Irma: "Check out this piece." said Irma, before showing the group a piece that looked like a spacey flashlight. Donatello: "Wow... it's amazing..." April: "Where did you get this?" Irma: "I found it by the docks, just floating on the surface of the water, not sure what it was doing there, but I thought I could bring it to do some research on it... but so far I found nothing." Casey: "Maybe it's a new model..." Michelangelo: "Hey there's some writing on it." Donatello: "Let me see... if found... please return it to... [gasped loudly]... uh oh..." April: "What's wrong?" Donatello: "Um... well..." suddenly, the sound of a large hissing snake was heard, and it wasn't long before Karai in her mutant snake form, came to the scene. Irma: "What the heck is that thing?!" Leonardo: "Big trouble..." Karai: "Hand over the piece... or else..." hissed Karai, ready to attack the turtles at any moment. April: "Irma... we gotta run..." Irma: "No need to tell me twice." said the girls, before they make a run for it, only for a group of Foot ninjas appearing from the ceiling, and then captured Irma, before running off with her and the piece. Casey: "They got Irma!" Raphael: "Not for long!" said Raphael, before he pressed a button on his wrist watch and he was in his true form again, before the other turtles did the same and went after the Foot. Once they got outside, they see that the Foot took Irma into a van and drove away. April: "Oh no... we're never catch them on foot..." Donatello: "No need, I got that covered." said Donatello, before he leads the group to a modified dump truck. Michelangelo: "Pretty cool huh?, Donatello found this thing in the dump abandoned before making it our own ride." April: "You never told me that you had a ride..." Raphael: "Well Donatello just got it ready this morning, now let's go kick some butt!" said Raphael, before a ring tone was heard, and Donatello pulls out what looked like a phone that looked like a turtle shell, called a Shell phone, and learns that it was Mona Lisa calling him. Donatello: Hey Mona Lisa, I see you're testing our my shell phone?" Mona Lisa: "Yes, and it sure is handy." Raphael: "Mona Lisa's calling?!, give me that! [grabbing the shell phone] hey Mona, how's it going?" Mona Lisa: "Well... it's bad news, the Technodrome is back in the T.C.R.I. building... and it seems that Kraang is back." Raphael: "What?!, that slimy brain in a robot's stomach is still alive?!" Michelangelo: "Uh oh..." Leonardo: "Wait... where are you?" Mona Lisa: "I'm in the T.C.R.I. building, along with Alopex, Leatherhead and Pigeon Pete, to figure out what Shredder's planning... and trust me... it ain't good..." Leatherhead: "As if anything involving Shredder or Kraang is good..." Pigeon Pete: "Yeah, it's never good when those two are around..." Alopex: "Uh... guys... I think we got a problem..." said Alopex, as she points at the robots that attacked the group. Raphael: "Mona Lisa!" cried out Raphael, hoping to hear more of Mona Lisa, but nothing but static was heard. Michelangelo: "Oh no... Alopex and the others are in trouble!" Raphael: "We need to help them!" April: "But what about Irma?" Donatello: "There's a good chance that wherever Irma was taken to is the same place where the others are... T.C.R.I. itself..." Leonardo: "Then let's go there..." said Leonardo, before he and the others drove off to the T.C.R.I. company building, in hopes to rescue their friends before it's too late.

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