The Quaking Truth Revealed

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After their recent battle, the turtles went back to their lair, along with their mutant friends. As for Irma, she was being introduced to Splinter, and she got scared at first, but begins to warm up to him. Fugitoid was trying to find a place to stay in the lair, though the place wasn't built for beings like him, but Donatello believes he'll find a place for him in his lab. Fugitoid: "You know... it's a good thing I don't have smell sensors... otherwise the smell here would have killed me." Donatello: "Don't worry, the smell down here isn't all bad once you get used to it." Fugitoid: "I guess..." said Fugitoid, before he noticed that Splinter was looking at what looked like an old photo of a man and his wife and baby. It wasn't long before Fugitoid, the mutants, and their human allies went to see Splinter, to see if he was okay. Leonardo: "Master Splinter?, are you okay?" Donatello: "Yeah, you've been looking at that photo for a long time." Raphael: "Is that you and our mom?" Splinter: "Yes... this was taken on the day before... I lost everything..." Irma: "What happened?" April: "Maybe you shouldn't ask..." Casey: "Yeah... it's really painful for him." Splinter: "No... it's alright, they all deserve to know the truth..." said Splinter, before he tells everyone the story about how Oroku Saki took everything from him and how he lost his wife and all that, before going to New York and the mutation occurred. Michelangelo: "And to think we had a sister too... and she barely begun to live..." Splinter: "Actually... you already met her... for it turns out... my daughter... is Karai." said Splinter, which made everyone gasped in shock. Alopex: "The snake girl?!" Mona Lisa: "Shredder's daughter..." Pigeon Pete: "She's actually your daughter?!" Leatherhead: "Hmm... I was wondering how Shredder had her... if he never got married..." Raphael: "No way..." Leonardo: "Are you sure?" Splinter: "Yes... it turns out Shredder took her away on the day the house burnt down... and he raised her as his own... making her believe I was responsible for killing her mother..." Raphael: "That sick twisted sicko!" Casey: "No kidding... as if killing the woman he loved wasn't cruel enough..." Leonardo: "You got to tell Karai the truth." Splinter: "Even if I could tell her, I highly doubt she would believe me." Raphael: "He's got a point there, I mean Shredder raised her... the chances of her believing that she was deceived is not high..." Splinter: "Yes... but if there's a chance she learns the truth... it will shake her world like a mighty earthquake." meanwhile, deep underground, where the Technodrome was hidden, Shredder was talking to Kraang. Shredder: "I'm telling you Kraang, I will not rest until I kill Hamato Yoshi with my bare hands!" Kraang: "I know Shredder, you told me that many times already." Shredder: "I suppose... but have I told you how I made his own family hate him?" Kraang: "No... I don't believe so... how did you do it?" Shredder: "Well... after I killed Tang Shen... I took Yoshi's own daughter, and raised her as my own." Kraang: "You mean... Karai isn't really your daughter?, but Hamato Yoshi's?" Shredder: "Yes, I raised her as my own, train her to hate her own father, and become the next master of the Foot Clan." Kraang: "You really are an evil man... I like that." said Kraang with an evil chuckle. Unaware to the pair, Karai, who was close to the door to the room, heard everything, and she was really shocked and angry that her whole life turned out to be a lie as she tightens her fist. Outraged, Karai went to her snake form and went to attack Shredder, much to his surprise along with Kraang. Shredder: "Karai!, what is the meaning of this?!" Karai: "Don't play dumb with me!, I heard everything!, all this time... you lied to me!" Kraang: "Uh oh... busted..." Shredder: "Shut up!, alright, it's true that it was me who killed your mother... but it was an accident!, I meant to attack Hamato Yoshi but she got in the way!" Karai: "Why should I believe you now after learning that you've been lying to me in my entire life?!" Kraang: "She makes a good point." Shredder: "Kraang!, stop being useless and help me!" Kraang: "Like what?, I know better than to get involve in family issues." said Kraang, before Karai uses her snake arms to bite Shredder a few times that were not only painful but poisonous as well. It wasn't long before a lot of robots came and attack Karai, who was forced to retreat and left the scene. As for the Shredder, he was sick due to the venom in his system, and Kraang looked down on him. Shredder: "Kraang... get me... Baxter Stockman... and... some mutagen..." Kraang: "Are you sure?, the Mutagen can heal, but have you forgotten what else it'll do?" Shredder: "I don't care... besides... I was planning to use it on myself anyway... it's like the old saying... fight fire with fire... or in this case... fight mutant... with mutant..." said Shredder, as he was looking more sick by the minute. At the surface, Karai was slivering down in an alley, crying a little as she not only knew the truth, but was all alone now... had no friends or family to go or return to. Back in the Technodrome, Baxter Stockman was injecting the mutagen into Shredder's arm, which was showing that he was beginning to mutant into a larger and scarier version of himself. Baxter: "Oh my... sir... how are you feeling?" Shredder: "... Hungry..." Kraang: "What do you have in mind?" Shredder: "I don't know about you... but for me... tonight I dine on turtle soup." said Shredder with an evil smile on his now super mutated face. It wasn't long before the Technodrome fired a laser that was making a tunnel so it can travel, which was making what seemed to be an earth quake in New York city.

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