Casey Jones & The Purple Dragons

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It's been 3 days since the encounter of Karai and the Foot clan, and Master Splinter has managed to make a full recovery as it turns out that his mutation has given him and the turtles the ability to heal much faster than a human. Now, Splinter was teaching April how to be a Kunoichi, which is a female ninja, and her weapon of choice is a Japanese War Fan, and she was proven to be a fast learner. Splinter: "Well done April, you certainly learning faster than my son have." April: "Thanks, I just hope what I learned will be enough to handle those Foot guys in the future, for I'm guessing they'll be back." Splinter: "Yes... I believe so... but we can't worry about that now, we need to focus on sharping our skills." April: "Right." said April, as she continues to train with Splinter. When night fell, April was on her way home, but she was being followed by the turtles. Suddenly, the Purple Dragons, the same gangsters that attacked April before, came to the scene. The two leaders, named Anton Zeck (voiced by JB Smooth) and Ivan Steranko (voiced by Fred Tatasciore), came in front of the girl with an evil grin. Anton: "Well looky here Ivan, the girl who thinks she can get away from us is here." Ivan: "Yes comrade Anton, and she's about to learn the hard way not to mess with us." April: "Funny... I was gonna say the same thing to you... for I have been training on Ninjitzu." Ivan: "Gesundheit." April: "No I meant I'm learning the way of the ninja, or a Kunoichi in my case." Anton: "Oh a ninja eh?, well then show us what you got against all of us by yourself." April: "Who said I have to do by myself?" said April with a smirk, as the turtles came to the scene and went to fight the grunts, much to the Purple Dragon leaders' surprise. Leonardo: "You mess with one of us... you mess with all of us." Raphael: "Now leave before I crack your skulls." Donatello: "Yeah, he really means it." Michelangelo: "Cowabunga!" called out Michelangelo, before Anton and Ivan went to fight the turtles, and it turns out that the pair have proven to be much tougher than the rest of the Purple Dragons put together. Suddenly, a human teenager with a mask and hockey stick came to the scene, ready to fight the two Purple Dragon leaders. His name was Casey Jones (voiced by Josh Peck), and his sudden entrance surprised both April and the turtles. Donatello: "Who's that?" Raphael: "A friend of April's?" Leonardo: "Who are you?" Casey: "Me?, just a guy who loves to kick some Purple Dragons." Anton: "Oh not this guy again." Ivan: "He's a real pain in the butt." Casey: "Well this pain in the butt is gonna kick your butts too once I'm done with these guys!" said Casey, before he starts attacking the turtles, believing them to be bad guys like the Purple Dragons. Michelangelo: "Hey!, cool it!, we're the good guys!" Casey: "Yeah right, you're only saying that to make me drop my guard, well I'm not buying it." Leonardo: "Look out!" Casey: "Still not buying it." Ivan: "How about 'paying' for it?!" said Ivan, as he punches Casey on the side, knocking the teen out cold. Michelangelo: "Oh no!" Raphael: "That's gotta hurt..." Anton: "Nice hit, Ivan, now it's time to take care of these guys..." said Anton, before he and Ivan were getting ready to attack the turtles and April. But they didn't get the chance as they hear the sound of some police cars coming. Ivan: "Uh oh... it's the cops!" Anton: "Dang!, we better scram while we still can!" said Anton, before he and Ivan make a run for it, while the turtles and April make a retreat too, and they were carrying Casey with them. Once they got back to the sewers, they explained to master Splinter about what happened. Leonardo: "We couldn't just leave him there, not to mention he thought we were the enemy." Donatello: "We need to show him we're not the enemy, otherwise he'll expose us to the public." Splinter: "I see... April, do you know this boy?" April: "Yes, he's a class mate of mine, his name is Casey Jones, a teen who lost his dad to the Purple Dragons some time ago... since then, he sometimes goes out at night to be a vigilante to make the Purple Dragons pay..." said April, before Casey Jones finally woke up and sees that he was surrounded by the turtles. Casey: "Oh... what happened?" April: "You got hit by one of the Purple Dragons, my friends brought you here to help." Casey: "Oh hey Red, nice to see ya." Raphael: "Red?" April: "That's what he likes to call me cause I'm a redhead." Michelangelo: "Your hair looks more orange than red if you ask me, and I should know what orange looks like." Casey: "Wait... you again!" April: "Easy Casey, these are my friends, Leonardo, Raphael, Donatello and Michelangelo." Casey: "They're Italian?" Splinter: "Not really, I named them after my favorite painters." said Splinter, which made Casey looked at him and made him rub his eyes. Casey: "Okay... now I now I'm dreaming... cause I'm seeing a giant talking rat..." April: "That's master Splinter, he's real, but don't worry, he's a good rat, and his a ninja master." Casey: "Ninja master?" Splinter: "Yes, rest assured, I mean you no harm, and the same goes for my sons." Casey: "Sons?, but uh... they're turtles..." April: "It's a long story." said April, as Splinter begins his tale to Casey Jones, who has become the turtles new ally.

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