Raphael Meets His Match JDD Version

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This here is a single chapter story that is my own version of the episode of the classic 1987 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles TV series, which is about how Raphael first met Mona Lisa, also this chapter isn't canon to the story of TMNT JDD Version here, just a little extra story that's it's own, I hope you'll all like it.

It was a nice day in the city of New York in the late 1980's, when a group of four mutant turtles wearing trench coats, who are known as the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, or TMNT for short, came out a pizza place. The one with a blue mask and swords is Leonardo (voiced by Cam Clarke), the one with a red mask and sais is called Raphael (voiced by Rob Paulsen), the one with purple mask and bo staff is Donatello (voiced by Barry Gordon), and finally the one with the orange mask and nunchucks was Michelangelo (voiced by Townsend Coleman) and right now they weren't very happy. Raphael: "Some idea Donatello..." Michelangelo: "Yeah, next time you wanna go to McDonald Crump's mini pizza place, include us out." Leonardo: "Yeah, I never seen pizzas so small." Donatello: "I'll admit that the food here is bad, but I heard that you can win a prize with each pizza... and look my box said I won... another one of these tiny pizzas?!" Leonardo: "Me too..." Michelangelo: "That's no prize dude, that's a punishment." Raphael: "Wait... I won a real prize, I managed to win a ticket to McDonald Crump's birthday party on a private yacht." Leonardo: "Forget it Raphael, we all know that we can't mix in with a bunch of humans." Raphael: "But it also says that it's a costume party, and I have the perfect costume." sometime later, at the sewers, where the turtles' sensei, Master Splinter (voiced by Peter Renaday) a rat mutant and their human alley named April O'Neil (voiced by Renae Jacobs), were looking at Raphael's 'costume', which was really himself. April: "So you plan to go as yourself?" Raphael: "Of course, nobody would expect that a real teenage mutant ninja turtle in a costume party." Splinter: "Sometimes the simplest solution is the best, but be on your guard, for there might be a chance that my old enemy, Oroku Saki, AKA the Shredder could make a move." Raphael: "Don't worry, I'll use my Shell phone to call the others if I need help." April: "And I'll be there to make a report about the party, so I'll make sure you'll be okay there." Raphael: "Good to hear." Michelangelo: "Then I guess the three of us will remain here." Leonardo: "Don't worry, we can always watch some TV while Raphael is at the party." Donatello: "Yeah, and if he needs us, we'll be ready." sometime after that, Raphael and April went off to the docks, where the private yacht was located, and the pair went onboard to join the party. April: "Well... here we are, now try not to cause trouble." Raphael: "Oh don't worry, I'll be fine, and the best part is that being green, nobody can tell I'm sea sick or not." suddenly, a teenage girl around Raphael's age in a green salamander costume, named Mona Lisa (voiced by Pat Musick) came to the scene and hugged the turtle. Mona Lisa: "There you are, I looked everywhere for ya." Raphael: "Uh... have we met?" Mona Lisa: "Oh come on, can't you recognized your own girlfriend or something?" Raphael: "Uh... what now?" said Raphael, before Mona Lisa drags him away, leaving April puzzled. Raphael: "Uh... do you often pick up strange reptiles?, uh boys... uh men?" Mona Lisa: "Shh... look I need to get onboard and you're my ticket." Raphael: "So uh... I'm not your boyfriend?" Mona Lisa: "Well... that depends on if you can get my on the yacht." Raphael: "Um... okay..." said Raphael, before he and Mona Lisa got to the ticket man. Mona Lisa: "Here you go, thanks a bunch, you're a real doll." said Mona Lisa, before she blows a kiss at the ticket man and gets to the yacht with Raphael. Once the pair got on the yacht and were alone, Mona Lisa kissed Raphael on the cheek, and the turtle blushed. Raphael: "Uh..." Mona Lisa: "That's for helping me, you're kind of a doll too, and I love your costume." Raphael: "Huh?, oh yeah, yours is pretty good too miss uh..." Mona Lisa: "My name is Mona Lisa, you?" Raphael: "Um... it's Raphael." Mona Lisa: "Huh, just like one of the real Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles... and that one is my favorite too." Raphael: "Really?, how so?" Mona Lisa: "Well he's strong, cute and not to mention a really awesome fighter, I always loved to watch them on the news when they fight the Shredder and all that... well I better get going, see ya." said Mona Lisa, before she leaves the scene, while Raphael was puzzled on who she was and all that. Sometime later, April was having a report with McDonald Crump himself, and when she was done, April finds Raphael. April: "Hey Raphael, where's your date?, and for that matter, who was she?" Raphael: "No idea, she used me to con her way here, all I know is that her name is Mona Lisa." April: "Named after the painting?" Raphael: "Yeah, weird right, who name's someone after a painting or a painter?" April: "Um, Raphael, you're named after the famous painter Raphael, remember?" Raphael: "Okay, good point, but never mind that, I better go find her." said Raphael, before he continues his search for Mona Lisa, until he went to a door that leads to the control room, and sees Mona Lisa tying up the captain and the first mate. Raphael: "Hey!, what's the big idea?!" Mona Lisa: "Hold on!, I can explain!" Raphael: "What?, that you're trying to steal the ship?" Mona Lisa: "No, but I need to get to the wheel before... [suddenly the ship shook up.] too late!" Raphael: "What's happening?" Mona Lisa: "It's that rotten brain from Dimension X!" Raphael: "Kraang?!" said Raphael, before a large ship that looked like a giant golf ball with tank wheels and a giant eyeball on top appeared in front of the yacht, known as the Technodrome. Out of the Technodrome came what looked like giant mutant Anemones, followed by a mutant warthog named Bebop (voiced by Greg Berg) and a mutant rhino man named Rocksteady (voiced by Cam Clarke), who are the minions of the Shredder and Kraang. And speaking of which followed behind Bebop and Rocksteady were a man in armor, known Oroku Saki, AKA the Shredder (voiced by Kevin Michael Richardson), and a brain with a face in a robot suit named Kraang (voiced by Patrick Fraley) came to the scene. Shredder: "I don't understand why we need to be here in the first place, we weren't even in the cannon episode." Kraang: "Well don't forget that this is a fanfiction, so just roll with it, and besides, this ship has a certain mutant that has something of mine." said Kraang, as he and Shredder move out onto the yacht. Raphael: "Looks like your friends have joined the party." Mona Lisa: "They're not my friends!, they're the ones who ruined my life!... oh I wished the real Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles were here... they would know what to do..." Raphael: "Uh... funny when you mentioned that..." said Raphael, before the anemones came and tried to capture the pair, only for them to escape and jumped into the water. Raphael: "Wow, you swim like a fish." Mona Lisa: "You're not so bad yourself." Raphael: "Listen Mona Lisa, there's something I have to tell ya... I am one of the real Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles... the Raphael of the turtles." Mona Lisa: "Really?!, the real Raphael of the real Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles?!, I knew you would come to help!" said Mona Lisa in joy, before she gives the red masked turtle a big hug around the neck. Raphael: "You know... I think she's finally catching on." said Raphael to the readers. Back with April, she was trying to find a place to hide, when she sees Raphael and Mona Lisa coming to her, telling her to hide under a rowboat with a cover. April: "I see you found your date in the salamander costume." Mona Lisa: "Actually... I'm not wearing a costume... I'm a real mutant like Raphael here..." April: "Really?" Mona Lisa: "Yeah... though I wasn't always like this..." Raphael: "Oh boy... I feel a flashback coming on." said Raphael, as a flashback really did came on, which showed that Mona Lisa was once a normal teenage student who was skilled on biology, until she was kidnapped by Kraang and the Shredder in the Technodrome. They forced her to make mutagen that created the mutant Anemones, but then she tried to sabotage the mutagen, only to get herself mutated into the salamander girl she was today and took something that belonged to Kraang. April: "So that's how you became a mutant..." Mona Lisa: "Yeah... it's because of them I became this ugly salamander mutant... and I've been trying to stop them... but I have failed..." Raphael: "Hey, I don't think you're an ugly salamander mutant... I think you're kinda cute." Mona Lisa: "Really?" April: "I hate to break up this adorable moment but uh..." Raphael: "I know, yeah, we have to save the day..." said Raphael, before he takes out his Shells phone and begins calling his brothers, who were surprised to learn about the situation. Leonardo: "Well guys, it looks like we'll be going on a cruise after all." Michelangelo: "Yeah, one where we get to shred a Shredder and a Kraang." Donatello: "Let's go." Splinter: "Be careful my sons." Leonardo: "Don't worry Master, we'll be back soon." said Leonardo, before he and the other two turtles went off to help Raphael. Meanwhile, trouble brewed for Raphael's group, as the mutant Anemones have found them and captured them, and it wasn't long before they took them to Shredder and Kraang themselves. Shredder: "Ugh!, it's one of those blasted turtles again!" Kraang: "Yes... and looky here, it's the gal who had the nerve to double cross us." Mona Lisa: "I was never on your side!, you kidnapped me and turned me into this!" Shredder: "Whatever, Bebop, Rocksteady, find the other turtles, if this one is here, the others can't be far away." Bebop: "As you wish master Shredder." Rocksteady: "Yeah, what he said." said the two bad mutants, before they went off to begin their search for the other turtles. Kraang: "As for you young lady... where is it?, the device you took when you escaped from the Technodrome?" Mona Lisa: "I don't know what you're talking about, but even if I did, I'll never tell." Kraang: "We'll see about that... Anemones, bring me a really big pot and some of the Foot soldiers to fire their laser guns on it to cook it up." Raphael: "What's that for?" Shredder: "Simple, if the girl doesn't tell or show us where the device is... tonight Kraang and I will dine on turtle soup." this of course made Raphael gulped in fear as he realized what that meant. Meanwhile, back with the other turtles, they were on their blimp and were above the yacht. Leonardo: "There's the yacht." Michelangelo: "You're sure that's it?" Donatello: "Well it's the only one with the Technodrome and those mutant Anemones as well." Michelangelo: "Fair enough." Leonardo: "We better hurry, it looks like Kraang and Shredder are cooking something with that big pot, and I got a feeling it's not something good at all." said Leonardo, as he looks through a pair of binoculars, seeing the big pot being cooked by a group of robots firing lasers from their laser guns on it. Shredder: "Are you ready to be the main course?" Mona Lisa: "No stop please!, don't hurt him!" Shredder: "If you really care about this turtle's well being, tell us where the device is!" Mona Lisa: "Okay... it's under my scarf..." said Mona Lisa, before she takes some device out of her scarf and gave it to Shredder, who chuckled in an evil way. Shredder: "There's a good girl, just needed the proper motivation." Raphael: "What is that thing anyway?" Kraang: "It's a matter transporter, we can use it to transport anything or anyone to wherever we want." Shredder: "Yes... for example... I can beam my enemy... Hamato Yoshi to where I'm standing." said Shredder: "Before he pressed a button and a beam hits the ground and then Master Splinter appeared out of nowhere and was surprised to see that he was not in the sewers anymore. Splinter: "What?, how did I..." Raphael: "Master Splinter, look out!" called out Raphael, before one of the anemone captured the rat, while Shredder and Kraang laughed in an evil way. Kraang: "Yes, now all we need is the other turtles and we shall destroy them once and for all." that was when Bebop and Rocksteady came back to the scene, holding April. Bebop: "We couldn't find the turtles." Rocksteady: "But we did found their friend." April: "Unhand me you creeps!" Shredder: "Ah, Miss O'Neil, I had a feeling you would show up... but where are the other turtles?" Leonardo: "Up here Shred head!" shouted Leonardo, as he and his two other brothers jumped off from their blimp and landed on top of Shredder and Kraang. Raphael: "Nice entrance you guys." Michelangelo: "Yeah, sorry to drop in unannounced though." Bebop: "Hey!, it's those blasted turtles!" Rocksteady: "Hey boss!, we found them!" Shredder: "A bit late to tell me that, you idiots!" Donatello: "You better get ready Shredder, for now you have all four of us to deal with." Mona Lisa: "Hey, what am I?, fish food?" Michelangelo: "Who's the salamander lady?" Raphael: "It's a long story, we'll tell ya later, but first we have some bad guys to take down." Splinter: "Indeed, and it seems that I'll join the fight too." said Splinter, before he and the turtles and Mona Lisa went to fight Shredder's mutants. Mona Lisa managed to avoid the punches of the bad mutants by jumping high into the air and then tricking them to hit each other, which was a trick that the other turtles decided to try out as well and it worked. Splinter went to fight Shredder, and it was a tough battle, but Splinter managed to win and destroyed the Matter transporter device as well. Kraang: "No!, Shredder you fool!, you let that rat destroyed my matter transporter!" Shredder: "Oh shut up!, I don't see you doing anything!" Leonardo: "Oh he's doing something alright... and that's leaving." said Leonardo, before he kicked both Kraang and Shredder into the Technodrome, while the others did the same with the other bad mutants, and it wasn't long before the Technodrome began to sink into the sea. Raphael: "Well that takes care of those creeps." Splinter: "Yes, but I doubt that we seen the last of them." that was when Mr McDonald Crump came to the scene and thanked the turtles for saving him and the other guests and wanted to reward them by making them his business partners, but only if they get out of their 'silly costumes', which was something they couldn't do for obvious reasons. Once they got to the sewers, the turtles were enjoying a box of large pizzas, and not only was April there with Master Splinter, but even Mona Lisa was there too. Mona Lisa: "Thanks for giving me a place to live you guys, but you didn't really have to." Splinter: "Nonsense, you saved me and my sons from Shredder and Kraang, plus it would be wrong to not help a fellow mutant, and I can tell you're a kind soul." Raphael: "Yeah, not to mention cute too." Mona Lisa: "Thanks Raphael, you're kinda cute too." said Mona Lisa, before she kisses Raphael on the cheek, which caused him to blush again. Michelangelo: "Don't look now dudes, but I think Raphael just got himself a girlfriend." Leonardo: "Yup, she seems like the right match for him." Donatello: "Well of course, the title of this story is called 'Raphael meets his match' after all." Michelangelo: "And I just met mine too, a super big sized pizza!" said Michelangelo, before he digs in on the pizza, making everyone laugh, which is where this story comes to a close.


Well there you have it folks, the end of both the story of TMNT  JDD Version and Raphael Meets His Match JDD Version... I hope you liked them, and I hope you'll all enjoy my other stories too, BYE!

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