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Ψ 𝐎𝐮𝐫 𝐒𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞 𝐒𝐭𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐨𝐟𝐟 Ψ

I walked out seeing Luke standing there, he had his hands in his pockets as I walked to his side.

"So smirky, are you gonna show me around?" He looked at me as I smiled and giggled at the nickname I have given him.

"That's the dumbest nickname to be given to someone." I shrugged at his response

"You earned it. Now come on," I patted his back while he shook his head and we walked together.

I decided to make small talk, "how is it like being a son of Hermes?"

He chuckled at my words simply, "ehh my dad doesn't do much to impress me, cause he can't."

I was surprised with the response. I would think people would praise their godly parents but maybe I wasn't the only one.

"Let's not talk about me for right now. You're the new one. Your mom...you seem to care about her a lot, huh?" He asked me and I nodded

"She's amazing, she made sure since my dad wasn't in the picture she was going to take any opportunity to make sure I knew our culture, that's how I know somewhat fluent spanish." I had said.

He then pointed out "now you will learn greek. 3 languages down your back."

When he said that a laugh left me but it wasn't any normal laugh, it was my real one.

A snort came out of me as I covered my mouth with both hands and stopped as he looked at me raising his eyebrows "ahhh so now I get to claim a nickname for you."

My eyes began to glare at him "don't you even think it."

He kept his mouth shut and nodded "so, back to real answers."

He agreed and began to explain "all demi-gods are different but all share the same thing, their parents who has this name behind him. We process our reality differently than normal kids."

I crossed my arms looking his way as we walked "I was a normal kid."

He shook his head "no you weren't you had nightmares, struggle in school, saw things that were there just not for anyone else. It makes you different but in a good way."

My head began shaking as I told him "every therapist I ever went to told my mom, I was crazy...she was so heartbroken because she never wanted to call me that."

We both stopped and turned to each other as he smiled "you aren't crazy, believe me. I've met...crazy." He hesitated to speak but found his words again quickly.

"Don't worry, once you're claimed it's smooth sailing." He tried to say but I spoke back.

"If I'm ever claimed...what difference will it make? It's not like he's gonna care about me. He will just be liked, oh snap I have a daughter now let me entitle myself to her but I just dont care after. That's the harsh reality isn't it? Who will be at my home when I'm back? My mom, who will be there when I come home after a bad day? My mom. And so many other scenarios ahead, it will always be the parent who chose me. Not the one who forgets." I looked at him and he suddenly nodded.

"I get that, believe me...I do. And I don't." I looked at him to ask him about what the hell he was talking about till I got shoved. I looked up.

"What the hell?" I called out as a girl with curly hair tried to simply walk past me.

She stopped and turned around smiling "I've heard about you, the new kid. A 17 year old forgotten kid."

I rolled my eyes as Luke came into my defense "enough Clarisse, you really know when to pick and choose huh?"

She shrugged looking his way and back at me "since the other new kid left, you're here as his replacement. Watch your back."

She laughed and I just stayed there and said "you should watch yours."

She seemed surprised at someone talking back at her as she gave me a disgusted face and turned around with the rest of her friends and they walked off.

"See. One thing that will continue being the same is bullies. Like her." I pointed her way as Luke grabbed my hand and put it down as I looked at him and felt a weird underlying feeling in me when he did that.

"Well, you've met Clarisse. Trust me she does that to every new kid here. You're not the first and definitely won't be last." He declared and I looked at her.

"Who's her parent?" He simply replied "Ares kid. And the others are as well."

I asked him "why is she like that?"

He shrugged "you're vulnerable. Most of us have been here for either most or a good portion of our lives. We train everyday to become the warriors our parents expect us to be. Like Clarisse. She's been here for a good while. I've been here now for about...5-6 years?"

I scoffed and asked "how old are you?"

Luke clarified "19. Came here at 14. Since we train all the time, we have a lot of experience and we know how to use our weaknesses as advantages and vice-versa. Being an older kid who doesn't even realize their potential only lets monsters find them more often making them vulnerable."

I crossed my arms mentioning "untrue. Chiron told me being 17 I should've been here already and no monsters found me till now."

He huffed at my claim and nodded "you do make a good argument there."

We looked at each other back and forth as he said "still, you don't know how to fight."

"Well if you must know my mom makes sure I know how to throw a good punch." I pointed out as he laughed.

"Please you could barely hurt a fly." He joked out.

I tried to punch him but he grabbed my fist "nice try."

He suddenly spun my arm and my whole body around pinning me to his chest and not letting either of my hands go as he whispered in my ear "you've got a lot to learn."

I winced as I tried knocking my head back but he moved "ahhh, you're trying to take down the best fighter here at camp. It's not gonna be easy."

He finally set me free and I turned around and I felt his hands grab hold of my wrists and my hands tightened up into fists "always be aware" He stated.

Suddenly we heard "Luke?"

We turned our heads and saw a guy approaching us "what's going on?"

Luke had to explain "well the new girl tried to argue with me, but I showed her that not everything is so simple. Right?"

I rolled my eyes as he smirked and I pointed out "see you later Smirky."

I began walking away hearing his friend laughing as I laughed myself.


Well Smirky seems to be too interested into Hayley. Wonder why?

{1} 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐔𝐧𝐜𝐥𝐚𝐢𝐦𝐞𝐝 𝐃𝐚𝐮𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐞𝐫 | 𝙻𝚞𝚔𝚎 𝙲𝚊𝚜𝚝𝚎𝚕𝚕𝚊𝚗Where stories live. Discover now