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⤐ 𝐋𝐮𝐤𝐞 {𝟐} ⤐

𝐇𝐚𝐲𝐥𝐞𝐲 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐈 𝐟𝐞𝐥𝐭 𝐬𝐚𝐟𝐞, I felt better, happier.

I couldn't describe it to you in just a few words.

In the future I could describe it in hundreds.

But at this moment perhaps there was one way I could.

A dream.

"In our culture it's a stereotype but I knew a lot of other kids who had this. You get a bracelet with your name engraved in it. I had one when I was a baby and because I became a 'woman' in her eyes. She got me a new one because my other didn't fit anymore. I told her not to but...I'm her baby." She laughed out out and I nodded looking at the bracelet.

While looking at her bracelet I saw that there it was, her name Hayley engraved with a suspicious D.

I looked up at her and asked hoping she would respond "what is the D for?"

She smirked and explained "Hayley Dianna, my mom loved the Princess. She said by naming me after her, I would be strong and powerful, I could do anything even if the people around me tried to bring me down. Kinda sucks cause...she's dead."

I stared at the bracelet as I looked back up at her and told her "That's nice. I mean her wishes came true it seems. You are strong, kind, gifted, special in so many ways."

Our eyes met once again as we just looked at one another, I moved my hand from her wrist to hold hers as she looked back at my eyes, and I saw her face change even in such horrible lighting.

She was pink at her cheeks and stuttered out "w-well...my mom also told me I was her Miracle baby. Her gift. Since I was born four days before Christmas, she was able to spend my first Christmas together at home."

Looking at her smile as she spoke of her mom only brought me to care more.

Like her more.

"I once said to stop talking about me. What about you? Talk about your mom, you never do, I want to know all about her!" She laughed out and my smile went away, and I just took a moment to myself.

I swallowed harshly and turned back to the fire letting go of her hand and thought about my past for a second.

"Luke?" She called out for me, but I just ignored her, I didn't want to confront that.

My past, my mom.

I felt my hand being touched again, but not just that, instead it was my arm as well as I turned my head as she held my arm and hand in her own with a worried look on her face as she looked up into my eyes.

"You don't have to tell me anything. But just know that if you ever need someone, I'm right here. I will listen to you, I will, and not like all those stupid therapists have tried to tell me it will go away soon. Just think." She reassured me, gripping my hand tighter and I breathed in and out deeper and longer.

"You don't...understand." I mentioned as she shrugged.

"Yeah, I probably wont, but help me understand. I don't want to talk about my mom if I know something is wrong with you and your own."

I shut my eyes as I muttered quietly as the fire continued in front of us "I ran away from my home when I was 9."

She looked at me and I turned my head to her "I had never given you the full story because I didn't want to make you feel like I was trying to make my issues seem bigger."

Hayley scoffed at my words "just forget all about that right now. As long as you're okay. Tell me if you feel comfortable, okay?"

Her begging wasn't forceful, it felt easy, like a breath and so I just let it all out.

"It's not an easy story to tell but...my mom. Your mom is something I wish I could have; I sometimes wish I had that again, your mom, being...great. But my mom changed a long time ago and she's not the same person, she isn't my mom. And it's all because of my father, because of the gods. They ruin everything they touch." I told her while my voice began to crack.

She thought of what I said and asked, "what did they do to her?"

When I was about to say my throat closed as I played with her fingers staring at her and she smiled holding my hands tighter.

"I am the same exact way, control your breathing. Look at me and take it slow." I felt her lift her hands to her mouth and kissed mine hands as I realized how shaky I was, and she looked at me and sighed.

"She's just not my mom, my mom a long time ago. And they did this." In shaky breaths I could get out as she frowned and held my hands tighter holding them closer to her.

How was I able to be so vulnerable with her?

Why her?

Why is it her?

Why am I acting like this? I'm strong, not weak. And yet...with her it's as if I go from a stone wall to a tray of fresh...cookies.

"You know...when we can leave this place for a bit, you should come see my mom. I haven't told her about you yet, clearly Damien has said something but she would like you. I mean, you're the only other person who helps me when it comes to my meltdowns." I chuckled and she laughed as our hands were still intertwined together with one another.

"Your smile..." I started.

She looked up at me and I mentioned "whenever you talk about your mom you always smile, I like that. It tells me that she can do that to you. And I hope one day maybe when you hear my name. It will be the same."

Hayley once again smiled and looked at our hands as she asked, "was this a date? I'm so bad at reading signals and we have lived completely separate lives and I have never even talked to a boy I've liked cause I'm so shy and then I nervous talk like I am right now-"

I leaned closer to her as she stopped talking and stared at my eyes and I stared at her own.

She whispered, "is this the part where we...kiss? At least that's what every teen romance show and movie taught me."

We stared at one another, and I simply asked, "if that's what you want?"

She looked at me and shut her eyes and I smiled and leaned closer closing my eyes as I felt my lips press against hers, I let go of her hands and cupped her face carefully as I felt her own hands hold my wrists and I slowly pulled away with my eyes shut to then open looking at her.

Her face was red like a cherry and she smiled "my first kiss was like this...my mom's gonna flip in either good or bad ways."

I laughed at her as I told her "We should head to bed, if not Chiron will definitely catch the fire."

Hayley had agreed and we began taking down the fire together and packing up our things.

As we walked back to the cabin, and I held my bag I thought for a second and told her.

"You owe me a dance."

She stopped walking and I stopped beside her, and I mentioned "you told me once you did ballet, so I want that dance no matter what."

My hand found hers and wrapped my fingers around her own as I asked "do we have a deal?"

In her mind was something I couldn't figure out however all I did know was that she said "yes."

I smirked her way as she shook her head and we walked back to the cabin.

And even though we didn't get our dance anytime soon.

We at least had one dance.


I'm Speechless and have no words.



{1} 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐔𝐧𝐜𝐥𝐚𝐢𝐦𝐞𝐝 𝐃𝐚𝐮𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐞𝐫 | 𝙻𝚞𝚔𝚎 𝙲𝚊𝚜𝚝𝚎𝚕𝚕𝚊𝚗Where stories live. Discover now