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Ψ 𝐓𝐨𝐧𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐢𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐍𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 Ψ

𝐈 𝐦𝐚𝐝𝐞 𝐢𝐭 𝐛𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐭𝐨 𝐜𝐚𝐦𝐩 𝐛𝐞𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐬𝐮𝐧 𝐬𝐞𝐭.

I walked back inside and saw a bunch of campers. Everyone stared at me. Perhaps it was because just before I left Poseidon didn't claim me and we all figured out I was his daughter.

I spotted Chris and Clarisse looking at me, I hoped nothing would change in the friendship I had with them? I really hoped it didn't.

I saw Damien as he ran over and hugged me. I smiled and sighed in relief as I wrapped my arms around him as he held my head.

"I'm happy you're okay, Percy Jackson got back not long ago...I got worried" he admitted, and I smiled pulling away.

"Well, I am your best friend. I'm gonna come back in one piece for you." He hugged me again and I laughed as I asked him quickly "what does everyone else think?"

He explained to me "well everyone is in shock about another child of the big 3. Chris isn't really trying to talk about it and Clarisse almost took down a tree."

I frowned and whined, "he's making me lose my friends Damien..."

Damien being the good friend pulled me away and back to my cabin. I sat there as he held my hand, and we heard the door move and I saw Clarisse and he stood up looking a bit panicked.

Even Satyrs are scared of her.

"Want me to stay for support?" He whispered but I shook my head, and he obliged walking out as I stood up and she approached me.

"So, you're...Poseidon's kid..." I frowned and told her "I'm sorry if you're upset with that..."

She stared at me and shrugged "I was at first...I mean I was hoping you were one of us. Ares kid, I felt that maybe there was a chance."

Clarisse stood there with her arms folded in front of her as she turned away for a second telling me "But...something about you, still doesn't make me believe you could be Poseidons child. You're different. It's a different feeling than with Percy."

I looked at her as she walked up to me "you, okay? After going to him?"

My shoulders shrugged and I just explained "he loves his son more and doesn't care about me."

At that moment, Clarisse LaRue did something I never thought could ever occur.

She hugged me.

I felt her arms slowly wrap around me in an awkward way as she held me and rubbed my back. I smiled and held her in my arms as I cried holding her.

"I thought you would hate me." I laughed out loud and she laughed with me.

"At the moment I did...but I also realized with the help of Chris that none of us asked for this." She mentioned and I smirked when she mentioned her and Chris.

But I would keep that to myself until I needed it to be brought up again.

I pulled away from her and told her "I need to find Luke..."

She groaned at my words and thought about it, telling me "Last I saw him, he was with the Jackson kid and Annabeth."

Thinking about her words, I nodded, and we both left the cabin and I went off to try and find Luke. I figured perhaps he was waiting for me in a spot we always are at. So, I first thought of the docks and made my way over.

I had made it to the dock and saw him sitting there. I walked along it and to the end and sat down beside him.

"Hey." I started.

"Met Poseidon, let's just say there isn't a father daughter relationship happening anytime soon." I laughed out and he sat there thinking.

"Tonight, I want you to meet me in the woods." He declared turning his head to look at me.

I stared into his eyes as he looked back into mine and he shifted his body, and I shifted my own to face his.

"If everything goes out tonight, I need you to be prepared." He spoke very intensely and structured.

Worry filled me as I reached and held his hand asking, "what's wrong?"

He stared at me and licked his bottom lip "I won't let them hurt you, I won't let your dad hurt you any longer."

I laughed out "agreed. I just..."

I shivered when trying to speak about it, I looked at Luke as he looked back at me, and I just hugged him. He held my back and I whispered.

"I struck him a few times..." his small chuckle echoed in my ear "learned from the best."

I smiled and hugged him tighter and felt his arms wrap around me tighter as well.


Meanwhile, Melina Reyes was closing the diner she worked at to get ready for her bartending job downtown. But as she was cleaning up and mopping the floors the door opened.

"I'm sorry, the sign says closed, but may I get you a coffee at least for the-"

The mop fell to the ground as she let go of it to hold her hand to her mouth. The man she hadn't seen in 18 years.

"You..." she started but couldn't finish as he spoke for her.

"Our daughter found me." He chuckled out and her expression went from shock to pure rage.

Like mother, like daughter.

"Our daughter!? My daughter! You don't get to waltz in here acting like a God to claim what is yours or what's not. Hayley is my daughter, that I raised and put my whole life behind to put her first. She is not your daughter." Melina sternly gritted out from her mouth as she clenched her teeth with fury.

"Who are you?" She had to know.

Who was the man that had done this to them?

The man cleared his throat and told her "Poseidon."

She wanted to grab the mop and swat him over the head but instead she backed away and was in denial.

"My daughter left because of you, you took her from me because you lied to me about who you were and even then, I took care of her and protected her like any mother would because she is my life. My soul, I worked hard to make her the person she is now. And you've come to ruin it all!" She screamed out at the man.

On the verge of tears Melina shook her head clutching her stomach "you left us." She quietly spoke.

"And I am here to make amends, as she told me to do so."

Melina shook her head and laughed at him, "my daughter had to see it all, see stuff that I regret ever showcasing. So, you go anywhere near my daughter again and I become your worst nightmare. You may be some God, but it doesn't matter. She isn't yours. Now get out of my store before I start acting crazy."

She turned around and waited to hear him leave, and just like that. She heard the doors to the diner open and close.

Poseidon left.


We got both Hayley & Luke reunited & Poseidon trying to act good.

Melina Reyes won't stand hearing him say 'Our Daughter'

As she should.

{1} 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐔𝐧𝐜𝐥𝐚𝐢𝐦𝐞𝐝 𝐃𝐚𝐮𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐞𝐫 | 𝙻𝚞𝚔𝚎 𝙲𝚊𝚜𝚝𝚎𝚕𝚕𝚊𝚗Where stories live. Discover now