Chapter 28: Ava

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I could feel the stiffness in my neck getting worse as the nurse in front of me took my blood pressure. She must have noticed when I used my free arm to rub it since she glanced up at me right afterwards.

"I thought you said no pain? You need to tell us if something is hurting."

She released the pressure from the device on my arm and unwrapped it.

"No I-" I started to say, but was interrupted when a doctor showed up with a neck brace.

"No I don't need that!" I yelled as he approached me. I felt myself tense up from anxiety and noticed other areas of me were sore as well.

"Relax." The doctor said calmly as he placed the neck brace on the table behind him. "This is just in case it's needed. It's likely you strained some muscles, but Nurse Caroline here says everything is all clear."

I sighed a breath of relief as he pulled out a flashlight and walked closer to me. My parents were probably on their way considering I had to leave in an ambulance from me being under aged. I bet they're going to be so pissed at me.

Suddenly, he flashed a light in front of my eyes and asked me to follow his finger. I really didn't think any of this was necessary, but I complied anyway.

"You're good to go Ava. Just make sure to put some ice on your neck and hips while taking some ibuprofen to help with the pain. You'll be sore for the next couple of days. Please let us know if you experience anything new."

He stepped away and layed out his hand, indicating to me to step out into the hallway.

"Your parents will be here soon. Please wait in this chair in the hall until they arrive to discharge you."

"Thanks." I said blandly as he followed me out the door. I spotted Angel immediately across the hall and could tell she was stressed the fuck out. I mean, we all were. But I'm sure seeing how horrible of condition Sapphire is in, it's eating her alive to not be there for her.

As the doctor walked the opposite way down the hall, I strained my voice to loudly whisper Angel's name; she looked up.

She was alone in her room with her parents, so I decided to walk in.

"Are you ok?" I asked. Without a second to spare, she responded quickly.

"Yes, I'm fine. But Sapphire, oh my God. I don't know what happened to her.

I raised my eyebrow and made a face. I knew Angel's parents didn't know about their relationship, but assumed they would go along with her being so concerned simply over a new friend in danger.

"I'm sure she's fine." Angel's mom responded, attempting to reassure her. I could tell this just stressed her out more. I had to step in before Angel responded in a way she might regret.

"Maybe we can walk around and see where everyone else is?" I suggested. "That is.. if you're cleared to be discharged yet like I am."

Her mother shot a look at me.

Before I had a chance to respond, I could hear my own mom yelling from down the hall.

"Oh shit." I said out loud, defeated.

"Ava! What on EARTH did you girls do this time?" She yelled out, angry.

"Mom! We uh .."

Angel's mom stepped in.

"You girls have been doing an awful lot of suspicious activities all year. Angel, I knew I shouldn't have trusted you after the last time you trashed Ava's house."

She turned to my mom.

"As for you two, I'm so sorry I didn't see something else was going to happen once again."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 10, 2024 ⏰

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