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Chapter 41 Born sinner

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Lan Dan’s complexion was very bad, and she was trembling non-stop.

Shentu Rui draped a thin cloak over her and supported her as they walked slowly towards Anli Gate. The night was dark, and the small lantern carried by the eunuch in front could only illuminate a small area. Although he could not see her expression, he could feel her trembling. He sighed and advised her, “Don’t be sad, and don’t be fooled by that wicked maid. It was not your reward that killed Jiang’er, it was her greed.”

Li Qin led a team of Imperial Guards quietly behind them. Due to Lan Dan’s slow pace, the whole group had to slow down. The sound of their armor became louder due to the slow movements, causing Lan Dan to become frightened. Shentu Rui patted her hand and reassured her in a serious tone, saying, “It’s alright, don’t be afraid, I’m here.”

Although the words were simple, they struck a chord in Lan Dan’s heart. Tears suddenly streamed down her face, but luckily it was dark and she had her back to everyone, so no one noticed.

Outside Anli Gate, Shentu Rui helped Lan Dan into the carriage and nodded at Li Qin, “General Li, you may leave us here. It’s late and the dew is heavy. Please don’t trouble yourself any further.”

Li Qin saluted and insisted, “Since the Emperor has ordered me to escort the Prince back to his residence, how can this subordinate not follow his command? Your Highness, please don’t be polite. Please get on the carriage.”

Shentu Rui chuckled lightly, said nothing more, and bowed his head to get on the carriage. After the curtain fell, the sound of Li Qin’s armor and footsteps seemed to be the only sound in the world.

The inside of the carriage was very dark. There were lamps, but neither was lit. The darkness was scary, but it also provided a sense of hidden security. Shentu Rui reached out and held onto her shoulder, letting her lean into his embrace. Lan Dan couldn’t refuse. She was too scared and too bitter inside. Regardless of how Shentu Rui had become so chilling to her, his embrace had a strange warmth that transcended all emotions. In this darkness, she especially craved this comfort. He held onto her with one hand, while the other searched for and held onto her hand. Her hand was so cold, but his was large and warm. She was almost like a drowning person who couldn’t help but grab onto his hand. He held onto her tightly and lightly brushed her head with his chin. Shentu Cheng’s ears and eyes were outside the carriage, and every word they said could be heard. But at this moment, what more words did they need when they were leaning on each other and holding hands? Lan Dan clung to him greedily. Tears kept streaming down her face. Their hearts were so close again. Perhaps because they had faced life and death together, they needed each other’s support even more.

Every opening and closing of the palace gate sounded like unlocking a shackle. When they finally arrived at the gate of the Prince’s mansion, Shentu Rui got off the carriage to bid farewell to Li Qin with some formalities, and Lan Dan’s heart finally calmed down a bit.

The carriage continued into the inner courtyard, and when Shentu Rui helped Lan Dan out of the carriage, his face was particularly solemn and worried.

Four maidservants came out to greet them, two stayed behind to make sure no one approached the small courtyard, and the other two followed them into the courtyard and guarded Lan Dan’s door, not following inside.

As soon as Lan Dan entered the room, she stiffened and fell down, not daring to move quickly, afraid of making any noise, or… hurting the baby bound on her lap.

Shentu Rui quickly lifted her skirt and untied the baby’s bindings. There was no light in the room, only the moonlight shining through the open door and windows.

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