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Chapter 60 Snow covers the city

Shentu Rui pulled a wooden stool from the nearby surroundings and settled himself before the imperial tent, lost in his own musings. The blood that had once stained his body was now washed away, leaving him somewhat refreshed, though his hair remained half-dried and unkempt, lazily gathered behind his back. Sipping on his tea, his mind raced with a mixture of excitement and exhaustion. Anyone who happened to glance his way couldn't help but chuckle to themselves, for the fervent and imposing presence that usually surrounded him was conspicuously absent, leaving behind an unexpectedly comical sight.

With Taixing now beautifully under his control, Shentu Rui couldn't help but hesitate at the city's entrance. A wave of complicated emotions crashed over him, catching him off guard. It had been over a decade since he had last stepped foot in this place, and now he was back- this time, as its master. Even he struggled to fully grasp the atmosphere that enveloped him, finding it both daunting and awe-inspiring. But the one person who could soothe his troubled heart was nowhere to be found.

Taixing, the once-glittering imperial capital of Beimo. For Shentu Rui, it held a world of significance and emotion, a place where he had been born, raised, and ultimately forced to leave. As he sat and reflected on the past, he longed to once again enter the palace gates- this time, hand in hand with the woman he loved.

The sun had begun its descent into the horizon, casting a warm golden glow over the entire encampment. In the aftermath of their victory, the soldiers laughed and joked boisterously, pairs of comrades diligently tending to their armor and weapons. The horses, unbridled, were left to graze lazily on the grass. The rising smoke from the campfires added an air of warmth and tranquility to the desolate surroundings.

Shentu Rui rose to his feet, his expression etched with concern. "Someone, bring me my horse! It's getting late now, and even if we walked back from Beiji Mountain, we should have arrived by now."

Sun Shi Xiang sprinted over from a nearby location, a silly grin plastered on his face. He asked knowingly, "Is Your Highness planning a trip to Beiji Mountain?"

Shentu Rui glared at him, well aware of Sun Shi Xiang's increasing propensity for idle talk. Having followed him for years, Sun Shi Xiang could easily discern the Emperor's mood with a single glance. Quickly shrinking his neck, Sun Shi Xiang scampered off to personally lead the Emperor's horse. Nonetheless, he wasn't overly concerned, believing that any residual frustration would fade after Shentu Rui met with Miss Fu Zhu later.

The stable master in charge of the horses was remarkably meticulous, taking care to personally release the horses into the grassy field behind the camp. With a brush in hand, he tended to a glossy chestnut colt. Seeing Sun Shi Xiang approach, he put down what he was doing and asked with a smile if he needed a horse.

Sun Shi Xiang looked at the horse he was brushing and his brow furrowed. "Isn't this the Eldest Princess's horse?"

The stable manager nodded. "It was just returned."

Sun Shi Xiang suspected something was wrong and ordered the horses to be prepared before quickly running back to inform Shentu Rui.

As Shentu Rui and his men charged into Lan Cheng's tent, they found her in front of the mirror, combing her hair as if just having woken up from a nap. Shentu Rui's voice was stern as he asked, "When did you return? And where is Danyang?"

Lan Cheng made a surprised yet disdainful expression. "As soon as I heard that you had attacked Taixing, I returned. But she wanted to stay a little longer, so I let her. You know her, she always avoids me, clearly doesn't want to travel with me. Why should I bother her?"

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