My mind was in shock after that interaction with Leah. I couldn't be in love with her; she is from Arsenal, and I could not date someone from Arsenal and betray my lifelong club. I was walking along the decadent paths throughout London towards my apartment when I suddenly remembered the piece of paper Leah handed to me at the stadium. I dug through my pockets to pull out the carefully folded piece of paper; it had a phone number written on it. Did Leah Williamson just give me her number? This can not be happening. All the emotions you were feeling when Leah's touch was lingering over you when she kissed you on the cheek, the pure lust and butterflies you felt consumed you, where you falling in love, no you couldn't be.
As soon as I reached my apartment, I looked at my phone. Should I call the number? I don't know. I have never dated a girl before, let alone do I even know if I like girls. These thoughts consumed me until I heard the door handle to the apartment start to move, and the door swung open. I jumped to my feet, awaiting who I would see walkthrough.
"Hey Isla, how was the game."
Isla:" God, you scared me."
Isla: "Yeah, it was good you played amazing, Millie; sorry for the loss."
Millie: "Thanks, sis, it's okay. We will just have to adjust and prepare better tactically for next time."
Millie: "Some of the girls and I are going out tonight. Do you want to come?"
Isla: "Yeah, I would love to."
Millie: "Okay, we are leaving at 7"
I turn around to walk towards my room before something stops me. Should I tell Millie about the interaction with Leah? No, I can't; London is blue.After two hours of getting ready, I decided to wear a short black skirt with a matching black tube top, while Millie wore black suit pants with a button-up white top.
Millie: "You look pretty, trying to impress someone tonight, are we."
Isla: "Shut up, Millie"
Millie: "Well, if you bring a boy home tonight, just make sure to keep it down."
Isla: "Seriously, Millie, I'm not looking to date anyone right now, let alone a one-night stand."
Millie: "Okay, whatever you say" "we have to go; the Uber is waiting outside."
The car drive was around half an hour to the bar the girls chose to go to. I didn't mind. I really just wanted to drink away the events of today. My thoughts were so conflicting. I have never had feelings like these towards a girl before; how do I even know if I like girls? How do I know if she likes me? Obviously, she plays for Arsenal, but I can't go against my club, let alone my sister's team.We finally arrive and walk through the front doors instantly. Millie is gone, and I am left to find everyone until I suddenly hear my name being yelled across the room.
"Isla, Isla"
Isla: "Sam, good game today; sorry for the loss"
Sam: it's okay, kiddo. Am I still your favourite player even though we lost."
Isla: "You will always be my favourite
Sam: "That's what I like to hear" "let's go get some drinks."
Sam and I head up to the bar, where we order 10 shots and take them at the bar, just five each, just to start the night. We both then ordered a couple of drinks to take back to the table. Sam told me to follow her, but I can already feel the effects of those shots, and it's hard for me to focus on getting back to the table. We eventually made it back, and I sat in an empty spot.
"Isla" is yelled into my ear as I am pulled into a headlock
Isla: "Niamh" i scream back
Niamh: "I was going to ruffle your hair, but you look too beautiful for me to mess it up."
I turn around and hug tightly as I haven't seen her in a while.
Isla: "I have missed you"
Niamh: "I can see that. Maybe you should let go before I break a rib."
Isla: "Sorry, I just love spending time with you."
Niamh: "I love spending time with you too."The night kept going. I felt free and light, like nothing could upset me at that moment. The events of today were washed away with the more I drank. Until I turned to see Millie hugging a bunch of the Arsenal girls. All I could think to myself was please tell me she isn't here. I saw some of the Arsenal girls come through and didn't see Leah. A wave of relief came over me as I continued to dance with Niamh on the dance floor.
Millie: "Isla, come over here."
Isla: "Seriously, Millie, could you not see how much fun I was having? This better be good; what could you possibly want."
Millie: "I wanted you to meet the English captain."
My eyes started to lift as I looked to the right of Millies; please, not Leah. Please
Millie: "Isla, this is Leah"
Isla: "Seriously, please tell me this is a dream."
Millie: "Isla, what is wrong with you? Why are you acting weird."
Isla: "Don't worry"
I stick my hand out to shake Leah's hand
Isla: "Nice to meet you, Leah."
Leah: "Likewise"
I quickly turn to walk towards the bathroom but am struggling as I have had way too much to drink tonight until I feel an arm pull me beside them.
Millie: "Need some help"
Isla: "I'm fine, Millie; leave me alone."
I push her arm away. I take a few steps forward and start to stumble, but luckily, Millie is there to grab my arm and pull me back up.
Isla: "Thanks"
I continued to walk away until I heard Millie behind me.
Millie: "Tell me what's wrong. Why are you so aggravated all of a sudden? Is it Leah?"
Isla: "No, it's nothing, don't worry."
Millie: "I am your sister; it is okay; I am here for you; you can talk to me."
Isla: "I am just confused"
Millie: "Confused about what."
Isla: "I have recently met someone that's a girl, and they make me feel giddy, and I feel like my world is surrounded by them, like my whole heart is occupied by them, but I have never felt this way about a girl before."
Millie: "That sounds like love to me, Isla. It's okay to be scared, but it's also okay to try something new and out of the ordinary for yourself; I will always love and support you no matter who you end up with, just as long as you are happy."
Tears start falling down my cheek as my emotions get the best of me, Millie is being so sweet, and I feel so loved and protected by her at this moment. Millie grabs her sleeve and wipes the tears from my face.
Millie: "You are so drunk right now."
Isla: "Shut up; why couldn't you enjoy the moment for one second."
Millie: "Let's go back to the others."
You hug before walking back to the table with Millie's arm around your shoulder.—————————————————————————To be honest no one is reading this but I am quiet enjoying writing this story so it'll probably keep going so if you are reading this I hope it's okay. 😊

London, once blue, now red
FanfictionThis is a book about Leah Williamson and someone who she thinks is a chelsea fan Isla she has always supported the blue team from a young age and now that her sister is apart of the Chelsea team she supports them even more. But can she be persuaded...