Leah Pov
The nerves for today's game against Man City are starting to creep up on me; we need to win today's game. We haven't won in the past three games, and the fans aren't happy. I feel so much pressure to captain our team since Kim is out with an injury. I need to win today to prove Arsenal is a worthy team.
Isla messaged me when I was on the team bus, telling me she couldn't wait to see me at the game and for the date tonight; she must have bought tickets already. I can't help but smile at the fact she is being so supportive by coming to my game, and I can't wait for the date tonight. I just want to get to know every aspect of Isla's life. Whenever I am with her, my nerves instantly disappear.
Beth: "What are you smiling at?" she says from across the table.
Leah: "Nothing", I saw, turning back to my phone to reply to Isla.
I suddenly feel eyes glooming over my shoulder. I turn to see somone over my shoulder.
Leah: "KATIE," I say sternly.
Katie: "What? I just wanted to know what was making you look so happy. usually, you have your stern face on before a game."
Beth: "Who was it, Katie?"
Katie: "I don't know. I couldn't see. She turned the phone away before I could see."
Beth: "Come on, Katie, you had one job."
Katie: "Sorry, Beth, I'm sure we will find out sooner or later."
Viv: "You guys are so nosey; leave poor Leah alone."
Leah: "Thanks Viv"
I say as I grab my headphones from my bag and put them on to get away from Katie and Beth. I don't really want anyone to know that Isla and I are going out yet; we haven't even gone on our first day yet. Maybe I will tell them at least after the first date, which makes the most sense; nothing has really even happened yet.We finally arrived at Etihad Stadium; we all headed off the bus and into the changing room. We all get settled and head out to inspect the pitch. I was walking around with Beth and Katie when I saw Isla. She is wearing a jumper and tracksuit.
Leah: "Isla", I say as I run over to her and jump into her arms.
Leah: "Hey, what are you doing here so early?"" I can't wait for our date tonight. I am so excited; what are we even doing?"
Isla: "I can't wait for the date either. It's going to be a surprise, and they are supposed to be a secret."
Leah: "Please, can you tell me where we are going."
Isla: "Nope, sorry, hun, you'll have to wait and see."
Leah: "Wait, you didn't answer my first question."
Isla: "What was it."
Leah: "Why are you here so early."
Before Isla could answer Chloe, Kelly came over and hugged me.
Chloe K: "How have you been, Le."
Leah: "Good, how about you?"
Chloe K: "Yeah, good."
Suddenly, she moves her hand to Isla's shoulder.
Chloe K: "Sorry to break up your chat, but we have to go back to the changing room now. Come on, Isla, we'll see you out on the pitch, Leah", she says as she starts to walk away.
Leah: "What does she mean by we?"
Isla takes a step towards me and pecks me on the cheek
Isla: "We'll see you on the pitch," she says as she smirks and follows behind Chloe.
I stand there in shock and confusion. Millie never told me her sister played football, especially not for Man City. Why didn't she say something earlier? Surely she is just joking; yeah, this must be a joke.Beth and Katie walk towards me
Beth: "What was that all about."
Leah: "Nothing," I say with my head down, looking at the grass
Beth: "Isla Bright kissed you on the cheek, Leah; what was that about."
Leah: "Nothing. Did Millie ever mention anything about Isla being a footballer to you?"
Beth: "Yeah, remember the last camp she was telling us her sister got signed with Man City? Why?"
Leah: "Nothing, she just never told me."
Katie: "Why do you care" "You like her, don't you."
Leah: "shush, Katie."
Beth: "OMG, you like Isla Bright," she says as she nudges me in the shoulder.
Leah: "Well, after we kissed at the bar the other night, she kissed me again later that night, but she freaked out, and then I went home with her and stayed the night, but nothing happened. Then the next morning, she kissed me, and we confessed our feelings to each other and we are going on a date tonight."
Beth: "That's so cute; where is the date tonight."
Leah: "I'm not sure she said it was a surprise; I don't like that she didn't tell me about her playing for Man City, though."
Katie: "Maybe she assumed you knew."
Leah: "I don't know; anyways, I can't let this new relationship get to my head."
We all get called back to the changing room to change into our warm-up gear to prepare for the game.Isla Pov
The changing room is buzzing with excitement. There are so many things going on; some people are dancing, some are talking, and some are just doing their own thing. All I can think about is seeing Leah. I thought she knew I played for Man City, but after she said she would buy tickets to the game we were both playing in, I knew she must have forgotten. So I decided to tell her I would see her there out on the pitch just to mess with her a little, but now I'm regretting it. What if she gets mad because I never said anything. I know it's terrible to assume, but I thought Millie might have said something or at least my socials would indicate I play for Man City. I'll just have to hope she doesn't get mad. I don't want anything to go wrong between Leah and me, especially right before our first date, I hope.
Chloe K: "Isla, are you coming? They told us we can inspect the pitch now."
I looked around to see that it was only her and I left in the changing room. Surely, I wasn't that deep into my train of thought that I didn't hear everyone leave.
Isla: "Yeah, I'm coming, sorry."
Chloe k: "Are you okay? You seem off today."
Isla: "Just nervous for the game, I guess."
Chloe K: "Don't be, you are one of the best players on the team."
Isla: "Thanks Chloe"
We both walk out on the pitch, walk around a bit, and, of course, touch the grass just to make sure. I was caught up in a conversation with Chloe, Lauren Hemp and Alanna Kennedy when I heard someone calling my name. I turned around to see Leah. I couldn't help but smile as I began to walk towards her, as she jumped into my arms, embracing me in a hug.Leah asked me a couple of questions, like where we were going on our date tonight and why I was here so early, which I tried to avoid seeming mysterious until suddenly we were interrupted by Chloe. Sometimes, I wondered if she could ever read the room. She started talking to Chloe while I stared at her. I couldn't keep my eyes of her. She was gorgeous. I am brought out of my thoughts by Chloe placing her hand on my shoulder.
Chloe K: "Sorry to break up your chat, but we have to go back to the changing room now. Come on, Isla, we'll see you out on the pitch, Leah", she says as she starts to walk away.
Leah: "What does she mean by we?"
I decided to give Leah a peck on the cheek.
Isla: "We'll see you on the pitch." I said while running to catch up with Chloe.
I wish I could have just been straightforward. I don't know why I have to be so stupid. I turn around quickly to see Leah in shock. Surely, she knows I play football as well. Maybe she didn't; I guess we will find out after the game.Chloe K: "What was that about? She seemed happy to see you."
Isla: "We are just friends."
Chloe K: "The way you were looking at her, there is no way you are just friends." "You literally kissed her on the cheek."
Alanna K: "Who did you kiss on the cheek." I heard from behind me as I didn't realise Lauren and Alanna were walking behind us.
Chloe K: "Leah Williamson"
Isla: "Shut up, Chloe." I say, nudging her
Lauren H: "Is this the girl you were talking about from the club the other night."
Isla: "No", I say more high-pitched than I would have liked.
Lauren: "OMG, you kissed Leah Williamson at the club."
Isla: "Fine, I did maybe more than once, but that isn't the point; we are going on our first date tonight, so don't tell anyone because nothing is official yet.
"We won't." They all say in unison
Chloe K: "Not to assume anything, but I thought you only liked guys."
Isla: "Well, I don't know. This is the first time I have felt this way about a girl before, so I guess I'm just going to see how it goes, but I do really like her. She's the only thing I can think about.
Alanna: "Well, no matter who you are with, we are happy for you."
Isla: "Thanks, that means a lot." you say as you go into a group hug."Guys, start to get ready in your warm-up gear so we can get ready for the game", you hear a staff member telling the locker room. Suddenly, every thought of Leah is pushed to the back of your head. I need to focus on this game and push everything else aside. This game is all that matters now.
Lauren H: "You ready to warm up Isla."
Isla: "Yep, let's go."—————————————————————————
I hope this is alright, I know it's kinda slow but we will get there. 🩷

London, once blue, now red
FanfictionThis is a book about Leah Williamson and someone who she thinks is a chelsea fan Isla she has always supported the blue team from a young age and now that her sister is apart of the Chelsea team she supports them even more. But can she be persuaded...