Camaraderie and Confessions

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Isla's Pov

Later that evening, the team gathered for a celebratory dinner at Alessia's place. The atmosphere was filled with laughter, stories, and a deep sense of camaraderie. Leah and Isla felt grateful for the support and love from their teammates. It was a perfect ending to a perfect day.

As everyone crowded into the kitchen, the conversation quickly turned to what they should cook for dinner.

Leah: "I think we should make pasta!"

Beth "No way, tacos are the best!" Beth said, waving a packet of tortillas.

Viv: "I was thinking we could do a big salad with all the fixings," Viv chimed in.

The friendly debate continued, with each team member throwing out their favourite dish. Finally, Katie raised her voice above the chatter. "Why don't we just order pizza and save ourselves the trouble?"

There was a moment of silence as everyone considered the idea. Then, nods of agreement and relieved smiles spread around the room.

Katie grinned: "And while we wait for the pizza, we can have a few drinks!"

The team collectively groaned and laughed.

Kim: "Remember what happened last time?" she said, pointing a finger at Isla. "You got so drunk you were sick for two days!"

I blushed, laughing along with the rest.

Isla: "Yeah, sorry no drinking for me, i'm still recovering" I say feeling ill thinking back to that night.

As the evening progressed, Katie and the girls got very drunk, playing multiple drinking games while they waited for the pizza. The room was filled with cheers and playful banter. When the pizza finally arrived, everyone eagerly dug in, chatting and laughing as they ate.

Leah and I sat together close on the couch, enjoying each other's company as we both weren't drinkin nor was Viv.

Beth: "Aww, look at you two lovebirds," she teased, earning playful shoves and laughter from both Leah and I.

As the night wore on, it became clear that Katie had had a bit too much to drink. Her eyes were glassy, and she swayed slightly as she tried to focus on the conversation. She kept repeating the same stories and giggling at nothing in particular. Leah and Isla exchanged worried glances.

Isla: "Do you think we should take Katie home?" I whispered to Leah.

Leah nodded, our eyes following Katie as she staggered across the room to grab another drink sitting on a couch across the room from us.

Leah: "Yeah, I think it's time. She's not going to be able to make it on her own."

Leah stood up and walked over to Katie, gently taking the drink from her hand.

Leah: "Alright, Katie, let's get you home," she said softly, trying to get her attention.

Katie frowned, her brows knitting together in a drunken attempt to look stern.

Katie: "Hey, that's mine!" she protested, reaching for the drink Leah had taken away.

Leah: "You've had enough, Katie," Leah said firmly but kindly, holding the drink out of her reach.

Katie pouted, her expression a mix of indignation and confusion.

Katie: "But... but I was having fun," she mumbled, swaying slightly.

Isla: "You'll thank us in the morning," I said with a smile

Katie giggled and tried to stand, but her legs wobbled, and she nearly fell back onto the couch. Leah caught her just in time, and I hurried over to support her other side. Together, we managed to guide her towards the door.

Katie's steps were unsteady, and she leaned heavily on Leah and I, mumbling incoherent phrases.

Katie: "You guys... are the best... did I ever tell you that?" she slurred, her head lolling from side to side.

Isla: "Yes, Katie, you tell us all the time," I said with a laugh, trying to keep my grip on Katie steady.

Getting Katie into the car was a challenge. She stumbled on the doorstep, and it took both Leah and I to keep her upright. "Come on, Katie, lift your feet," Leah instructed patiently.

Katie nodded as if she understood, but her coordination was severely lacking. After a few more attempts and a lot of laughter, we finally managed to get her seated in the back of the car. I climbed in next to her to make sure she didn't topple over during the ride. I grabbed her seat belt buckling it in as I placed mine on as well.

As Leah drove, Katie's drunken ramblings continued.

Katie: "Where's Caitlin?" she asked suddenly, looking around as if expecting her to appear from the shadows.

Leah and I exchanged curious glances through the rearview mirror.

Leah: "Why do you want Caitlin?" Leah asked gently.

Katie giggled, her hesitation apparent. She looked at us with a mixture of drunken mischief and genuine concern.

Katie: "I... I shouldn't say," she mumbled, then, after a moment, she blurted out

Katie: "We're dating. We like each other."

Leah and I were surprised but couldn't help but smile at the unexpected revelation.

Isla: "I told you I would find out eventually," Isla teased, nudging Katie lightly.

When they arrived at their apartment, another round of challenges awaited. Katie refused to leave the car at first, insisting she could sleep there.

Katie: "It's so comfy," she mumbled, closing her eyes and leaning back.

Isla: "No, Katie, you need to get to your bed," I said, gently shaking her shoulder.

After a bit of tugging and a lot of encouragement, we managed to get Katie out of the car. She leaned heavily on Leah and I as we walked up to their apartment. Her legs seemed to have a mind of their own, and she tripped over the smallest cracks in the sidewalk.

Inside, Leah held Katie steady while I helped her brush her teeth. It was a comedic struggle, with Katie making faces at herself in the mirror and accidentally dropping the toothbrush.

Isla: "Katie, open your mouth," I instructed, my patience wearing thin but still laced with amusement.

Katie opened her mouth wide but then started humming a song, causing the toothpaste to foam and dribble down her chin. Leah quickly grabbed a towel to wipe her face, shaking her head with a smile.

Next came the makeup removal. Katie pouted as Isla gently wiped her face with a makeup remover wipe.

Katie: "But I look pretty," Katie whined, her words barely coherent.

Isla: "You'll still look pretty without it," I assured her, finishing up and tossing the wipe into the trash.

Getting Katie into her pyjamas was another ordeal. She tried to wriggle out of her clothes but ended up getting tangled in her shirt. Leah and I exchanged a look of exasperated amusement before helping her out of the tangle and into her pyjamas.

Finally, we got her tucked into bed. Katie mumbled a sleepy "Thank you" before drifting off, her breathing evening out as she fell into a deep sleep.

Leah and Isla quietly left the room, closing the door behind them. Back in the living room, they sat down, processing the night's events.

Leah: "Well, that was unexpected," Leah said, chuckling softly.

Isla nodded, a smile playing on her lips.

Isla: "Yeah, but it's nice to see everyone so happy and close. It's been a good day."


Sorry i haven't been very active i have just finished all my uni work so hopefully i can get fully back into this. Sorry for the lack of chapters. 😊 

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