About last night

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I am awoken by the urge to vomit. I quickly get up and run to the bathroom. I feel a hand rubbing against my back and another holding my hair. I look up to see Leah looking back at me.
Isla: "Sorry, Leah, I didn't mean to wake you; go back to sleep."
Leah: "No, it's okay. I'm already up now."
Isla: " No, it's okay. I can take care of myself."
Leah: "Don't be silly, people need help sometimes."
I am leaning against the cabinet while Leah hands me a glass of water and flushes the toilet.
Isla: "Sorry, Leah, I didn't want you to see that; it's gross."
Leah: "It's fine. Are you okay?"
Isla: "I'm fine, thanks, Leah."
Leah: "How are you after last night? You scared me."

I think back to last night. I don't even remember last night. I was digging through my brain to piece together the end of the night, and it came back to me: Leah kissing me and me running to the bathroom. She must think I hate her; I need to tell her how I feel; I just don't want to be looked down upon for my sexuality or for being scared.
Leah: "Isla," she says softly
Isla: "Yeah, I'm sorry, I really don't know why I was that upset. Thanks for being there for me, Leah. I really appreciate it."
Leah: "Of course you can come to me anytime"" We are still friends, right? I don't want the kiss to change anything between us."
All I can think is I want things to change. I want to be more than friends, but maybe she doesn't feel the same way. After all, I was such a mess last night. I guess she didn't like me to start off with.
Isla: "Yeah, nothing has changed; we're still friends."
I get up and hug her.
Isla: "Thanks for last night, you can have a shower if you want." I grab her a towel, a t-shirt and joggers from my wardrobe and leave the bathroom.

I head out of my room and go to the living area to give Leah some space. When I see Millie in front of me, she pulls me into a hug.
Isla: "Please let go of me, I can't breathe."
Millie: "Are you feeling okay?" she says as she puts the back of her hand to my head."
Isla: "I'm fine, Millie; it was nothing."
Millie: "It wasn't nothing; you were basically unconscious and unresponsive, what happened Isla?"
Isla; "I don't know, Millie, okay."
She grabs my hand and drags me to sit on the couch. We were seated next to each other and turned towards each other.
Millie: "Do you think you were drugged."" Did Leah do something to you when I wasn't there?"
Isla: "No, Leah would never hurt me; how could you even think that."
Millie: "Sorry, I was just making sure."
Isla: "I don't know; I guess I was just stressed and embarrassed after Leah kissed me, and I just wanted to hide."
Millie: "But did you want her to kiss you."
Isla: "Of course I did; I just didn't think about how many people were watching until I looked around; I don't want to be hurt or judged because I might like girls."
Millie: "Isla, none of those girls would ever judge you for liking girls. Most of them are gay anyways; no one was judging you."
Isla: "I also kissed her again in the bathroom."
Millie: "WHAT"
Isla: Yeah, then I tried to run away because I was like, why did I do that? You are so stupid, so when I went to walk out, I felt like I needed to throw up, then I was lightheaded, then I woke up this morning."
Millie: "So you do like her; why are you scared? No one has ever judged you for who you liked."
Isla: "Yeah, because I have only ever had boyfriends; I have never admitted to liking a girl before."" I really want to tell her how I feel, but I feel like now is a bad time since she asked me if we were still friends after the whole night."
Millie: "I feel like she is just saying that to make you feel more comfortable; I can see she likes you, the way she looks at you and the way she always wants to be with you and takes care of you. I feel like you should talk to her about how you feel."
Isla: "I don't know, Millie, I will think about it."
Millie: "That's okay. Take your time. There isn't a rush, just as long as you are okay."
Isla: "I'm fine."

Leah comes out of my room and sits beside me on the couch.
Isla: "How are you feeling? Better."
Leah: "I am the one who should be asking you that, but yes, I am feeling better."
Isla: "Leah, about last night, can we have a chat."
I grab both her hands in mine and lead her to my room, and I bring her to the edge of my bed, where we sit next to each other.
Leah: "What's up?"
I stare deeply into her eyes. I don't know whether to tell her how I feel or, show her, or even both. I remove my hands from hers and cup the side of her face. I move my eyes down to her lips as she follows the trail of my eyes. I bring my eyes back up to hers, and I lean in. We are passionately kissing as I move my kisses down her neck. She lets out a moan as I continue to drive the kisses back to her lips. We kiss until we need air. We both look at each other breathlessly. I grab her hands in mine.

Isla: "Leah, I don't want to be friends. I like you more than a friend. I know last night was chaotic, and it might have seemed like I didn't like you in the same way, but I do. I love your eyes, how kind you are to me, and how you care for me. I was just stressed last night because I had never had these feelings towards a girl before, and suddenly, people were watching me make out with one. I really like you, Leah, and I think we should go on some more dates so we can..."
Before I can even finish my sentence, Leah's lips are back against mine to get me to shut up.
Leah: "I like you too, more than a friend. I was confused last night and thought maybe you didn't like me like that, but I like you too. You are so gorgeous, and I feel different when I am with you."

Isla: "Leah, will you go on a date with me tomorrow."
Leah: "I would love to, I do have a game tomorrow morning, so we can go after that."
Isla: "That sounds good."
We both stood up and hugged for a while. Leah grabs her stuff from last night, and I walk her to the front door.
Leah: "I'll get you tickets for tomorrow's game. Will you be there?"
Isla: "Don't worry, you don't need to get me tickets, I'll see you on the field." I say as I wink at her.
Leah: "What is that supposed to mean?"
Isla: "Oh, nothing, don't worry, I will see you there."
Leah: Okay. I will see you tomorrow," she says, giving me a quick peck on the cheek before heading out. I close the door and move to the window to ensure she gets to the car all right. I can't believe Leah Williamson likes me. I feel all my blood rushing to my head.
Millie: "What are you looking at?"
Isla; "Nothing I say as I turn around."
Millie: "Why do you look so red"
Isla: "No reason"

—————————————————————————Thanks for reading I hope this is okay and you are enjoying reading it. ☺️

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