bond between gill siblings

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This story is not bl story here I am goone write about subhman and his sister and the bond they share in this story subhman's sister is a business woman and model and this story is after the match between India and afganistan the t-20 match and sarfaraz khan already made his debut subhman get lots of hate for not playing well ..and also virat is present here.....


In match between India and afganistan because of some misunderstanding rohit got out and subhman got so much hate because of that ...

Virat was also so angry on subhman even Rohit because they that match and sarfaraz khan made his debut and he and Virat somehow managed the match and tried to win it but didn't..

Everyone praz sarfaraz for his half century and Virat for his excellent performance but no one notice subhman is sad everyone in team got angry on him and scold him so much he was so sad that he told the couch that he is going to hotel early..

He was so tired that he took shower and sleep next day when he woke up and checked his phone he got so many hate for Rohit's run out and people were calling his bad player and all he was so shocked then he received message from BCCI that if he didn't played well he will be removed from team ..

Their next match was tomorrow and today is practic so he got fresh up and went to practice..

And while practicing team members were mostly ignoring subhman no one talked to him much even Virat and Rohit just talked to him formally everyone's attention was in sarfaraz and they were giving him tips and helping subhman was not jealous but hurt ..

He didn't said anything but sadness can be seen on his face even virat and Rohit scold him for not batting good...

He was not feeling well and having bad headache after practice he take bath and fall asleep he woke up at 7:30 and he was feeling so sad and when he opend social media their was video of virat scolding subhman and Rohit also shouting at him team members not talking to him ...

He felt so broken all of sudden so he called his sister...

His sister was in meeting still she said,
That it's important call and she have to pick it up and went aside picked the call and said,

Subhman:- di

He said voice breaking and hus voice was so low that shahneel di got worried she also know that her brother is getting so much hate and he needs someone to talk so she said,

Shahneel:- what happened subhi baccha are you okey..

Subhman:- di ....... Please come here...I am scread ...... please di.....

He started to cry after hearing his sister's voice shahneel without wasting time consol her brother and said she will be their soon he stop crying and said that he is going to eat dinner shahneel hang up the call and said to her personal secretary ...

Shahneel:- radhika book tomorrow morning flight to Bangalore..

And went to meeting again as meeting ended her secretary informed her that they don't have flight available to banglore in morning but in afternoon so she agreed and told her to book that ....

Next day the match started at 11:30 and afganistan give target of 345 runs ...
Subhman hit his century in that match along with virat's 75 and Rohit's 40 subhman made 160 runs in 60 balls sarfaraz hit his half century in that match and jaiswal made 20 runs with that india won the match everyone was so happy and celebrate this everyone was happy and also team talked with subhman but a formal talk...

Subhman went to hotel along with his team eat dinner whet to his room and take shower and fall asleep he was so tired to even think about anything..

Shahneel land on Bangalore at 9 she took car to hotel of ict she have already booked her room whet their and got fresh up although she wants to go to Subhman's room as she reach hotel but as they win the match they will be celebrating she thought this after that she went to Subhman's room ...

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